Im at the point where I hope they fucking die and my investment goes down 100% now. Might as well go all the way you pieces of shit. Fuck these cunts.
ur and idiot
t. 4100 BAT holder
Bit the bullet and sold all my stock yesterday at a pretty heavy loss, but 24 hours later I've made it all back. Feel like an idiot trying to shill this shitcoin all last week.
Fuck BAT. Hope they enjoy their place next to DGB.
It'll be alright, this crash is temporary. If you hold your coins long enough it'll be back up again.
Hold it it's a long term investment
Why the fuck would you hold when theres moon missions daily and you can just hop on BAT whenever this sack of shit decides to move again.
Sell to Moby Dick
Delusion. This shit coin is slowly going to zero
sell and invest in link
>slowly going to zero
>showing a graph of stable rise and dip
you can't even make this shit up
Pretty much. It's just a shit show I'm glad I went out off.
Buying bat and then giving it away to websites . Sound business plan to make money lol.
i'm so happy BAT died so all the BAT shills could go away
> m-muh murcuree update..... muh mcree update!
kek. They severely shit the bed this month. Recovery will take a while.
The actual economy doesn't even get started until the end of this year. Anybody who thought it would moon at mercury (which only builds the base infrastructure into the browser....and was released a week earlier as a test release) is an idiot and deserves to lose their coins to accumulators.
Your early af into a $100+ billion market, run by the a team that invented the modern internet, and who's entire resume involves disrupting industries. Literally no other alt-coin out there comes close to this. There are many people accumulating this gem, and doing their best to keep in from mooning pre-maturely, you should be thanking them.
If you don't see the long-term potential, then leaave. your not needed. The price right now doesn't matter one bit. When the advertisers get here, and coins get locked up faster than you can say "god dammit im a fucking idiot", these movements wont even be visible on a full-screen chart in 4k.
clearly, your an idiot. or your not ;)
You're saying there's zero value to BAT in the long-term
This is not true as BAT solves a very real problem with advertising and the internet.
Websites cost money to keep online. The way websites get their money is by using ads.
Problem is that there is no concrete system for internet ads and how they should work. Advertisements therefore got too intrusive causing people to start using ad blockers
These ad blockers might not seem that hurtful at first. But the increase in number of people who use adblockers are really starting to hurt website income.
BAT solves this problem by making a concrete system on how advertising should work, and actually sees if the user brings attention.
Even the user is rewarded for watching adds, therefore people won't be using adblockers.
This system profits all three parts: the user, the advertiser, and the website.
When enough media attention and the system is actually developed BAT will blow up.
Why the fuck would the media, or any of its listeners, give a shit about a cuntass update for a browser nobody uses?
t. deluded
you deserve to get JUST'd for putting btc into a shit-tier token, just look at the wimmmenz on their team, no wonder Mercury was delayed and is basically under-whelming. this is where my deep misogyny saved me from losses. same goes for GNT.
this is sound reasoning
will buy BAT next month
I gave BAT the benefit of the doubt for their womenz when I saw that Eich is a fag hater.
Mate, If you don't see the value here, you shouldn't be playing this game. I suspect you already do. But if not --- seriously, get of the exchange and have a closer look at some of the things you throw money at.
The user is not rewarded for watching ads. Stop pushing this meme
Hijacking website ads by injecting your own and paying the user to watch them is not novel you deluded battie. They are just trying to ride the crypto hype and it is not working.
Also brave team will be the middle man of this model and they will take a commission from every bat transaction... Pretty epic if you ask me
You don't like to gift content creators with easy ad money?
Well they do say so on the website and in their whitepaper
Listen, I once had 100% faith in this project. Despite what I said, I'm a Brave user, and recognized the benefits. But if you think 95% of internet users that use are more than happy with Chrome and Firefox will just suddenly swap camps just to resurrect your dead shit coin in less a year then well, what can I call you besides deluded?
Their dev. team fucking sucks and I'm not blindly shilling by calling them a group of stuttering potheads with a bullshit work ethic.
I'll keep an eye on them and may re-enter the market in a few months, but that won't be happening anytime soon.
but bro, he's based in SF and so is the brave team. he's not really a fag hater, there was just some old news about him being against gay marriage. there's no way he can continue operating *as a fag* hater and still operate in SF. just think about that.
if he was truly a fag hater, he would be operating out of Texas or something.
there's basically NO reason to run a tech business out of SF anymore because it's so expensive, and if you want top-tier "coder talent" that can be done entirely through telecommuting....look up Basecamp, they are a tech company with mostly a decentralized team even though they have an office in chicongo.
use some critical thinking next time to avoid getting btfo
its obviously a PR ploy to atone for his past. Eich would burn every fag in SF on a stake if he had the chance.
So, you obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
-They don't take any commission from BAT transaction....where the fuck did you hear that? (they do get 5% of the compensation, which goes towards paying transaction fees, maintaining infrastructure, and paying salaries.
Hijacking wesite ads??? If you use an ad-blocker you will kill publishers. Brave lets you opt in to safe ads that are targeted using anonymized LOCAL data, NOT stealing and selling your data all over the internet. You are compensated for enabling the ads (predicted to be ~$20 per month in BAT) , as well as the publishers of the sites you visit. This tech REQUIRES blockchain. They arn't riding hype, in fact they are actively avoiding hype. This is one of the only projects that needs blockchain to function, but the market exists entirely outside of the crypto space.
How about you do some research next time before wasting peoples time?
this you retarded BAT doubters, BAT is the future of the internet.
shhhh don't explain it to them let them miss out
ha ha ha
the dude's looks like fucking DORAEMON
Lol at the idiots buying the coin because of the hype.