Is advil pre-workout ok?
Is advil pre-workout ok?
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Why would you do that? You'd be better/healthier just smoking weed if you need pain relief. Taking pills Willy nilly like that will fuck you up internally with ulcers and liver problems among other things.
Because my joints are constantly sore
and even a moderate dose of advil significantly improves my workouts
You'll be fine. Just don't make a habit out of it. Pharmfag here
How about you just harden the fuck up you little pussy ass bitch.
Doggo thread pls
I didnt know advil makes preworkout so I wouldnt know
I can't post dogs fast enough
Dog bless you
Running out of doggos
never gonna make it senpai
Drugs such as ibuprofen are classified as COX inhibitors, and since COX (cyclooxygenase) activity is a critical component of muscular hypertrophy, there's a clear link: Ibuprofen can inhibit muscular hypertrophy.
ut that's not all: there are also performance side effects for the weightlifter to consider. Drugs such as ibuprofen are classified as COX inhibitors, and since COX (cyclooxygenase) activity is a critical component of muscular hypertrophy, there's a clear link: Ibuprofen can inhibit muscular hypertrophy.
My last doggo
Adorable. I want moar dogs.
Aren't we not allowed to respond to these?
Indeed, the responses are blocked as spam, on vee at least.
Tactical hound reporting in.
Sleep tight, pupper
Sleep. tight pupper. I need the gains.
Police dog standing by.
>Sleep tight, pupper
Is that a fucking doggy scaly cap!?
Sleep tight, pupper
This is heaven, it has to be.
sleep tight, pupper
sleep tight ,pupper.
Sleep tighty, pupper.
sleep tight, pupper
as you wish
Then what should i take
Sleep tight, pupper.