Turn fatties to soap edition

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What can we use fat people for after the inevitable genocide when they come after our gains Veeky Forums?

>don't mind me just wheelin em to the lye tub



Lets go

These threads are so seriously boring


Nobody but The Rock could possibly eat that much in one sitting

>space-themed pants

Soap and fuel

>Turn fatties to soap
I'd feel dirtier if I had to clean myself with else's stupidity, lack of willpower and bad habits

Honestly if we just culled em and took their stem cells/fat we could make great improvements in all sorts of fields

>Fatty on my snapchat
>filter thinks her neck is a second face


sounds like pure leftism

>could just eat a salad
>or even just LESS pizza
>instead chooses orange fatty anal leakage

Fatties would rather shit themselves constantly than just not eat like a hippo every day.

ronnie fucking coleman

I should start bullshit supplement company and make bank off from people like this.

>eats fat fighter

Literal addiction

You wouldnt be the first.

Christmas tree looking whale

>make fuel
>create enormous barge/tanker using fat as floatation
>fuck off into the ocean and become ham-pirates
>"Riding thighs of thunder across the deep, we pillage and plunder as the fatties sleep. If you're much too large and you've let yourself slip, we'll strap you to the barge, another one for the Ship!"


I'm under 300lb for the first time since high school thanks to you hateful cunts.

Thanks I guess.

Don't stop fucko

>I guess

Never going to make it

how does one even...argue with that?

You're fucking welcome, you fat piece of shit.

Keep going. You're not done.

Who high test here?

Would you?

of course not, she's a nigger


how much you gonna pay me?

>this is the result of fat acceptance, capitalism and third-wave feminism


There's a joke here somewhere about a tear in the fabric of spacetime, but I can't quite get it myself.

lol wtf how do you fall asleep like that? Did he fall and get stuck, give up and fall asleep? That cant even be comfortable


What a cunt

The most annoying thing is how common overweight is. It has become normalized because everyone is overweight.

There is a girl in my class who is basically a sassy fucking bitch. She's basic as fuck and is extremely pretentious despite her only hobbies being "partyingg xDD".

Yesterday she was telling all her gal pals a story about going to the doctor, and the doctor said "your BMI shows that you are overweight." She looks exactly like pic related. She has a somewhat pretty face but she is poorly shaped and has a lot of fat accumulation around the neck and abdomen. When she looks down, you can see a double chin kind of starting to form.

She told the story about the doctor and said "ohhh my god, that is so bullshit. I am NOT overweight." All her gal pals agreed and nodded, adding their own stories. All of them left feeling superior to everyone else and convinced that the doctor doesn't know shit.

I really hate smarmy fucking cunts who assert that there is no problem with themselves and everyone else is to blame.

I like doing drugs recreationaly, but I can't do the ones that really fuck you up like PCP cuz I'm scared that I'll run off and harpoon fat people thinking I'm a whaler.

I remember seing, a long time ago and before all this FA and HAES mess, an commercial-ish kind of thing on TV. Basically it was a voice-over of a woman talking about how she dreams of a life of romance and adventure with fotage shown of a beautiful woman doing amazing/cool things, and then it cuts to the actual woman. She's really fat and looks sad and just says "but right now I just wish I could tie my own shoes" or something like that. It wasn't funny, just sad, and I think it was promoting health or something. Does any user know what I speak of?


How can you harm others by taking care of your body?
I'm not the one crushing their kneecaps with 3 tonnes of weight.


No thanks

>did he fall and get stuck, give up and fall asleep?

Wouldn't surprise me, fatties gonna fat

I don't even think he's asleep, probably just too fat to get up

tumblerites classify "making someone feel bad" as harm
so because they feel bad when they look at a thin person (because deep under those fat layers a normal human is crying in despair) they say that that person has hurt them

fucking crybabies, I'd like to give them something real to cry about

I'd be down for it by the time the ship is big enough for me to squat without worrying about some dickass wave tipping me over mid-rep.
I'll bring to the table some basic welding skills, good cooking skills, and with a look into my old textbooks and at the very least a compass, map and maybe a sextant I'm sure I could figure out the navigating, though I suppose it won't be too hard to find some sizeably fat people, or that somebody on board won't have a GPS already.

she reminds me of a more attractive version of an oreo I knew in high school.

I wouldn't.


What the fuck is with those dog faces, i see them everywhere and it's fucking annoying


Probably drunk as fuck

This picture is dumb as shit. What's keeping the dragon from biting off his arm? Would it be so hard to draw him prying bottom jaw open with his foot?

Inb4 autism.
This thread is shit anyway

Duuuude, I went on her tumblr and she's even fatter now


maybe the sword through the dragons brain is limiting its cognitive thinking

tfw my doctor said i should weight between 220 and 240 pounds and i should be ok cause i have a high muscle amount.

BMI still classifies me as overweight at 220 tho (27.5)

Is BMI faulty?


fixd for Veeky Forums

i hate that they try to have their cake and eat it too (no pun intended)
>muh genetics
if its genetics then you clearly have inferior/troublesome/unappealing genes and therefore are avoided
>the ugly
>the manlets
>the flat assed
>the balding
>the bedridden
all have the same problem youre not a special case

if its just you then you are either sluggish, gluttonous or both and are therefore avoided
so which is it?

not for the majority of the population. That's literally what it's designed for.
People go "hurr durr rugby players would be classed as obese therefore the scale is wrong for everybody" as they stuff another doughnut in their disgusting mouths just to try and justify their shitty body to themselves.

the hilt of Gotgaroth is used to Yvain's advantage

I bet that was considered a very fat guy then, but these days it's an average man's body type

BMI works if you average it across populations: the elderly, most women and weak even out the young athletic people and/or those with large frames.

>BMI faulty?
Sure, they are just a proxy. Waist ratio measurements are better. You need none of this shit since everyone without severe dismorphia knows perfectly well if they are have "some fat" or if they are chubby or simply fucking gross.

I wonder who came up with that shitty idea

>tfw just hit overweight BMI after a lifetime of being classed as obese (40+)

T-t-thanks Veeky Forums, FPH has been one pf the best sources of motivation anyone could ask for. Sure, it can get very repetitive but you're doing God's work. Thank you.

It would still be considered overweight anywhere on the globe.


if she were any fatter she'd...

great lifting song, actually

Doctors are shit.
I went to one a couple years ago and I was like "Im getting back into fitness, plan on losing 20kg" and her response was "oh no not that much, BMi is bad durrr"
MFW I'm 5'10 and was 96kg (211lbs), now I'm 76kg (167lbs) and still trying to cut the last little bit.
She had a perfect opportunity to motivate me but she tried to enable my fatness, no suprise that she was chunky herself.

any dicksize increase?

> She
Well theres you problem right there. Any doctor ive seen that was worth a damn was a south african man.


How high do the classes go?

>Body Positive Plus-Size Model Owns Being ‘Fat’


Obligatory viewing.


Yeah sure, better trust some autist on Veeky Forums instead of a doctor who studied it for who knows how many years


>What do you want smoothskin?

No, I assure you that lots of leftists hate this shit more than you do.

t. leftist


Which autist are you referring to?
I lost the weight she told me not to loose and can still stand to loose another 10lbs, why would I listen to a fat doctor? A GP is not a sports scientist.


Not nearly enough, comrade.

True that. My poor grandpappy is probably rolling in his grave... how the fuck to we uncuck the Left??

so if a hambeast is charging and you feel as if it would threaten your life or injure you is it okay to kill them? would that be self defense? cause you'd be getting crush by lets say 300+ lbs, and if that shits on your head, or just in a bad spot well you're just fucked son.

so with that in mind, is it technically legal to kill a charging hambeast out of self defense?

Down to 200 for the first time in almost a decade.

Down from 300 something.

Fuckin' A, hate me more.

damn, stallman rly let himself go...

What's important is that you hate yourself. Keep at it, you fat fuck. You might just make it.

Don't let the fatties drag you back to hell.


Finally some motivation to lose weight
Thanks fit!

>9 years old
>186 pounds
I'm 24, weight between 170-180 pounds and feel like a fat fuck
