What are some things that you think every human should know about history?
Things everyone should know
Foundations of the person's native country
Basics about the human body
1 AD is the year Jesus was born, not the year he died. Also, there's no year 0.
AD does not mean after death instead anno domini
Revolutions didn't start with USA and France.
It was really complicated and there is absolutely no way you can know anything meaningful about it if you have not studied it academically.
For example, the American Civil War was not about whatever the fuck you think it was about. Communism is not whatever the fuck you think it is. British colonial rule of India was not whatever you'd describe it as.
Gavrillo Princip was Bosnian, not Serbian
Bosnian Serb.
From contemporary perspective, the social and environmental consequences of unrestricted capitalism in the 19th century.
Traps are gay, historically speaking of course
Blame the mongolians.
Henry Ford said, "History is more or less bunk. It's tradition. We don't want tradition. We want to live in the present, and the only history that is worth a tinker's damn is the history that we make today." (Chicago Tribune, 1916).
But it is also said that history repeats itself. So history is basically badonkadonk.
that their is a lot that remains to be discovered. and we need to unearth those secrets that remain unrevealed.
First thing's first, every human should know recent history. What happened in your parents' generation.
>tfw 20 year old british work mate doesn't know what the falklands war was
Karl Marx is the most superior being alive and we all must worship him
That we would have pregnant Anne Frank if the South had won the Civil War.
At minimum, a person should know something about the geopolitical and politico-ideological history of the last 200 years or so. It could be hard to make good political decisions otherwise. For example, you might be attracted to radical populism or revolutionary authoritarianism, not realizing that these have a terrible track record and such movements, when they topple the existing elite, usually just end up replacing it with a new, shittier elite. Not that such movements have never done anything good for people - after all, Soviet and Chinese communists probably did improve the quality of life for the people whom they didn't murder. But the bottom line is that when you destabilize the existing order, you create a political vacuum that has a good chance of being filled by the most brutal and unscrupulous, the ones who are willing to do anything to seize that opportunity.
History is written by the victors.
>But the bottom line is that when you destabilize the existing order
So, never rock the boat, never challenge the elites, always praise status quo that keeps the greedy, or murderous, or both in power?
No, not at all. There's a time and a place for violent revolution and all that. I'm just saying that people should be aware that when such social upheavals happen, it creates a power vacuum, and every single group that wants power rushes into that vacuum. The group that starts the upheaval is often not the one that wins this power struggle. And in this power struggle, the brutal and unscrupulous tend to have an advantage.
So - while there's a time and a place for destabilizing the existing order, but it's something that should be thought through extremely well first. And a study of history helps one to do this.
That has no impact on his life, he doesn't need to know it.
Hitler was the good guy
Its all faked.
History isn't real. It's a ayy's trick to make everyone a brainlet.
Yes gay
Sweden is the greatest country on earth
This is pretty important.
That women are more important than history makes them out to be.
Behind every great man is a great WOMAN amirite gals! right! right!
Founding history of the country, modern history and foreign policy.
Rest should focus on modern politics and economics. Keep curriculum utilitarian. Kids can learn more on their own.
Source analysis. Claim versus documentary arguments. Description versus theoretical category. Social forces versus determinate intent ("government" / "great man"). Structure function system relationships. Anti-event.
M—C…P…C'—M' … with reference to the sellers of labour power.
speaking of the history channel, what are they up to these days?
have they made anything good at all this decade?
Ice road truckers
not reality tv show trash
Society is catapulted forward by a tiny amount of exceptional people. It would be in all of our best interests to create an environment where the exceptional are allowed to be exceptional.
Tautological based on ideology. No real contribution, source analysis or argument. F 10/100