/powerclean/ edition.
70kg, 75kg, 80kg and a (cut off) 85kg attempt
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Dude you're a freak beast
owg pls dont die
At my first meet in April, I only got 132kg(opener) on cnj. Got 134 for a double today, jerks were fugly tho
Forgot link
man a family man like u posting that is funny
u should maybe do some plyometrics to get FAST
Is Mr K here?
What did you do for your squat man? Any certain type of routine or progression?
who?????????? ME???
who is mistern k
5'11 190lbs manlet here, did 185lbs for triples full clean and jerk today and I consider myself weak as fuck.
you ARE weak as fuck
uh yeah you are weak
Uhhh this guy is crazy???
you are getting stronger blue shoe
you realize here you should use superior kilos for weight measure?
actually doesn't look as bad as it used to Blue Shoes. Good job
Comp in 2 weeks. Currently 5 pounds over weight. What do
eat more. fucking retard
Trip to Thailand and get some cocaine, sauna it up brah lets do this umirin brah
Cut water weight
Sweat more
Today I taught two highschool kids how to power clean properly and pointed them to Torokhtiy's instructional videos. I feel like a dad.
About a year ok I 'learned' the lifts in a weekly class, did a comp and was clueless, and decided to do wl full time.
Been doing it 'seriously' for 9months now and after speaking with coaches we've decided to strip my snatch back to the beginning
I really fucking wish I'd done it properly from the start, not developed bad habits like only powering, and actually done mobility work
This feels like a step back but it'll worth it r-right? Gonna keep pulls and squats progressing to keep strength and pulling tekkers
tonight is the night /owg/
I will start stretching properly and doing mobility work daily
I will start watching what and how much I eat
I will start properly following a weightlifting program instead of doing stupid shit on my own
I will record myself doing my lifts for technique improvement
I will break my power clean plateau of 90kg and back squat plateau of 130kg
it's time, lads
how do i subscribe to your blog?
by posting in /owg/
the instagram #lifting videos are gonna come flying, don't worry senpai
let's see your tekkers now. i'll give you advice going forward
b-but I don't even have an instagram senpai
then why'd you say the ig videos are gonna come flying down
I've just signed up to a gym with brand new barbells, bumper plates, and a droppable weights area that effectively acts as one giant platform
I was approached by gym staff who said there were complaints and that I'm not allowed to drop weights anymore. Now I'm expecting a phone call from management where they'll 'discuss disciplinary action'
What in the actual fuck?
lmao. you seem to have the shittiest luck
the ironic thing about all this is that I signed up with them specifically because of all the brand new equipment, and even asked if I was allowed to snatch and clean and jerk, which the staff member said yes to
the woman working desk today said she didn't know what those were, but she expects me to put the weights down gently no matter what exercise I'm doing
the worst part is that I can't even use more than 50kg right now because my hip hurts :(
>are gonna
>future tense
>the woman working desk today said she didn't know what those were
lmao why do people like this even work at gyms?
Clear the issue up with management as soon as possible. Sounds like the desk jockey just doesn't have a clue what she's talking about.