>Originally harmless symbols that were co opted by the Nazis are permanently corrupted and can never be used for their original context again
Things brainlets say about Veeky Forums(and humanities)
>their original context
they were always used to show how evil and retarded their wearers were.
>I'm not in favour of the Nazis but...
Just like you OP
practically nobody in the west uses swastikas except as a symbol of nazism the only people who dont are like latvian traditional dressmakers and they probably dont give a shit what other people think since their catering to a very specific market that doesnt have those hang ups
Don't think the poo's were particularly upset enough with the Jews to dedicate a religious to said hate.
What are you even implying
damn, religous symbol*
Motherbitch cunt
>not bashing the nazis at every opportunity means you're one of them
>Byzantines were Roman
>communism has killed 100 million people
Huh? Is this just a general reply to the thread or did you think I was implying that?
More like Romans were Greeks.
>Gods are ripped off Greek gods
>alphabet is riped off Greek alphabet
>legendary progenitor is a character from a Greek epic
lets be honest most people who said that don't believe that Chineses are real people.
How it can be real communism if its not even made by real people.
>that delusion
Prove me wrong Arab
>bizons empi waz ruman. me crush. me smash
>might makes right
>real socialism has never been tried
>don't fight a war because people will die
Please ignore this troll. We turks are white and european
>Irish people weren't considered white
Turks are GREEKS. Romans were also GREEKS.
we are secular I drink alcohol tbqh
And what about various Germanic pagan runes? Or the valknot? Or Celtic symbols? That argument is often applied to many things that have nothing to do with swastikas- unfortunately various neo nazis and Aryan brotherhood gang members have used these symbols, but they don't represent everyone associated with those symbols. You may not like it, but there are pagans out there who aren't full blown fascists, and they don't like getting lumped in with tweakers LARPing as nazis.
>me liek bizons empire i thin it wz ruman
Hilarious you use LARP as an insult when touting the cause of pagans lmao
*tips Fedora*
I'm just saying maybe you shouldn't throw rocks in a glass house
>race is a subjective social construct
You've definitely got a point there
Looks like another YouTube skeptic(TM) has caught a case of euphoria. I'm agnostic, but unlike you I'm going to show at least some respect for the beliefs of others. Go back to /pol/
I'm a pagan. It's an ironic form of paganism. But I unironically worship the goddess Athena.
>religion is inherently bad
On behalf of us pagans for white knighting.
>worshipping a woman
Not a woman, mortal. A goddess.
>libtards think any sort of authoritarianism is fascism
>it's not just a cunt, it's a divine cunt
Still a cunt.
Libtards and commies think everything that isn't libtarded or commie is fascism.
Oh get off your high horse you twat. It's legitimately funny that you'd denigrate neo-nazis specifically for LARPing in the same breath as pleading the case of the unfairly stigmatized neo-pagans.
>men and women are the same on a psychological level and any statistic difference is caused by patriarchy
We don't want your cancer here
>my feelings are more important than science
Race doesn't exist, user.
I don't even browse /pol/ and I've been on Veeky Forums since the beginning. I'm not even defending neo nazis it's just funny you'd criticize one for something the other is often just as guilty of. Now stop trying to act like the grand arbiter of board etiquette you sperg
>iq is science
>race is scientific
Sure thing. Genetical differences are a huge scientific hoax.
Pathetic strawman.
Yet race doesn't exist. Try again, brainlet.
>and they don't like getting lumped in with tweakers LARPing as nazis
That's unfortunate, but the fact is that 20th century nationalist movements have ruined most pagan symbols for everyone else. The problem isn't the symbols themselves, it's the public perception of them. They need to be rehabilitated before the people that use them (neo-nazis aside) can be taken seriously.
Yeah, but she's my favorite divine cunt.
Okay, since we are all the same you can enjoy the one on the right.
Aaaand race still doesn't exist.
Try again, brainlet.
IQ is based in science though. It's not infallible, but it has a point. IQ is just a test based on pattern recognition, which is arguably that which separates us from animals.
I'm sure that's someone's ideal girl.
PS. Veeky Forums is an anime board, no 3DPD allowed.
>intelligence isn't defined
>intelligence hasn't been observed directly
>intelligence's influences haven't been specified with rigor
IQ is not science.
Keep ignoring the obvious if you want. Who cares what you think?
>I'm sure that's someone's ideal girl.
Why do you think I saved the pic? I have a thing for tall women.
>race is obvious
Not science. The same as pseudoscience. Conclusion: Race doesn't exist. Try again, brainlet.
I'm curious. Why don't you think race exists? If it's a social construct, then so are the classifications of kingdom>phylum>class>order>family>genus and species. We as humans made those up. They're social constructs. They're social constructs based on scientifically measurable differences. But African Americans have scientifically measurable differences as compared to whites as well.
>refugee pic
Nothing wrong with it. They are europeans too.
Genetic studies are all based scientific evidence, how fucking retarded are you?
Fucking LARPers ruining a football game for the rest of the crowd. How the fuck are you supposed to see the game when you have a bunch of skin heads are running around showing their latest deviantart doodle?
Race judgements are influenced by appearance claims implying that phenotype determines genotype, which is false.
Race is pseudoscience.
Race doesn't exist.
My dude, intelligence has been defined for millennia. And I simply said IQ is based in science. Only idiots take an IQ test and spout their results as some kind of accomplishment. I don't agree with IQ at all, but the fact remains there is a correlation between a high IQ and success. Simply because those with a higher IQ pick up on patterns easier. And since this universe is bound by a set of rules, they can extrapolate those results quicker than others. It's a real thing, but I agree it is no where near as concrete as most people believe.
I'm not talking about "the obvious" hence why I mentioned scientifically measurable. It's not something we just look at, they are differences we can measure.
Whoops. Quoted my own post.
We are talking about genetics here, appearance is part of genetics but not what those studies are based on.
Appearance is genetic but it's not all there is to genetics. And similar appearance doesn't mean genetic similarity, for example blond hair in Solomon islands natives isn't caused by the same gene as blond hair in Europeans.
>intelligence is defined
>"The definition of intelligence is controversial.[6] Some groups of psychologists have suggested the following definitions:"
Ok. Let's assume intelligence is defined:
>intelligence hasn't been observed directly
>intelligence's influences haven't been specified with rigor
IQ lacks scientific rigor as the "intelligence" itself isn't even defined. IQ isn't science, it's pseudoscience.
>differences we can measure
>people who went to war, people who didn't go to war
Ambiguous claim. Try again, brainlet.
>similar appearance doesn't mean
Literally toddler-tier knowledge.
>we are talking about genetics
Race definition literally claims that appearance judgements affects the categorizations, implying that phenotype defines genotype. Which is false. That's why "race" has no scientific rigor. Pseudoscience.
>phenotype defines genotype
No, genotype defines phenotype.
>race definition literally claims
Maybe in 18th century, back then people had literally nothing but appearances to go by. Now we have DNA mapping and we can see racial clusters.
Claiming you can't cathegorize humans based on genetic studies is just plain retarded and full of anti-scientific religious tier belief bullshit. The other user already explained the rest.
Chances are you're some kind of brown moron who believe relativism is a good thing for politics.
He's the Incatard and it's pretty obvious. He's also the guy who claims IQ isn't real because his IQ is well below 90, he's literally so assravaged he's willing to deny physical reality.
Well, he got a point when it comes to intelligence. Intelligence is not well defined and certainly a social construct. Then, trying to measure such thing with other man-made questions and tasks is even more of a mess.
This isn't about war? What the fuck are you taking about. African Americans have different genotypes and phenotypes than Caucasians and Asiatic peoples. This is actual scientific facts. They are measurable genetic differences.
Most IQ tests are literally just pattern recognition in geometric shapes, not "questions".
I've not posted for a month.
>iq is bellow 90
My IQ is concordant to my superior blood which had a higher development rate compared to europeans
>he's willin
Time to take your pills, not everyone who post here isn't me, subhuman
Pathetic strawman. Race isn't science.
>the other user
Already refuted.
>maybe in the 18th century
Wrong. It literally inherits such clasifications for its appearance "uses", this would be enough to make it invalid as the derivations of such judgements are product of appearance influences that implies that phenotype determines genotype.
>this isn't about war
Be more specific, brainlet.
is me*
Good night monkeys.
>zoology isn't scientific because people categorized animals based on phenotypes
>now that we group them by phenotypes *AND* genotypes it means it's a pseudo science
>le holy roman empire wasnt an empire meme
>taxonomy doesn't have scientific rigor
Now you notice that? They have changed the categorization method, yet the inherited classifications are still prevalent.
Try again, brainlet.
You didn't refute anything, you stupid fuck. Refute how we can tell someone is African through a genetic test and some is Asian through a genetic test if their genes are the same? If they're not the same they're different. That's simple fucking logic. If they are different, the differences can be classified into groups, hence why we have the field of taxonomy. Genetically speaking African are different than Caucasians and we classify thay by Race. Race may have started as a simple observation of skin color, but it boils down further because scientifically those differences can be measured. You keep bitching about strawmans and then calling everyone brainlets without providing evidence for your claims. There are 3 different people in this thread telking you that these differences can be scientifically measured and you still don't get it.
>you didn't refute
Already explained how race isn't science here.>differences can be measured between individuals
So? Already told you this is an ambiguous claim.
Try again, brainlet.
Not true. I have academic studies on the topic, in fact, I've even earned money using those tests.
The most widely spread (at least in Europe) is WAIS and some parts require language use, IQ is not just arithmetic or logical thinking. And even then you should differentiate between IQ and intelligence, they are two different concepts.
>My IQ is concordant to my superior blood which had a higher development rate compared to europeans
I don't post a narco pic because this is a blue board.
>superior blood
>become Jabba the Hutt and get type 2 diabetes after eating a single Snickers bar
>become a Charles Bukowsky tier alcoholic after drinking one shot of vodka because your shit tier liver can't oxidize ethanol into acetaldehyde
>entire civilization wiped out if a conquistador sneezes at you
>higher cancer rates than people who work in uranium mines
>have infant mortality rates sky high everywhere from Alaska to Peru
>have lower IQ than mental retardation threshold for white people
>be manlets, chinlets and ugly as shit
Superior blood my ass.
All this evidence yet he thinks race is not a thing. Even then he feels proud of "his blood". Where do these geniouses come form? Oh, right, south america.
>i don't post a picture
>pinacle of eurangutan "superiority" are disease ridden pigs
>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to solutrean:10000 years (30000BC-20000BC)
>from aurignacian-antelian to neolithic: 15000 years(30000BC-15000BC)
>from neolithic proto-agriculture societies to neolithic revolution: 6000 years (15000BC-9000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to copper and arsenical bronze: 4000 years (9000BC-5000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to bronze age and tin bronze: 5200 years (9000BC-3800BC)
>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to clovis: 4000 years (15000BC-11000BC)
>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to the start of crop development: 7000 years (15000BC-8000BC)
>from neolithic proto-agriculture societies to neolithic revolution: 5000 years (8000BC-3000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to copper and arsenical bronze independently: 2000 years (3000BC-1000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to bronze age and tin bronze: 4000 years (3000BC-1000 AD)
Amerindians had a higher development rate compared to europeans. In other words, Amerindians have more civilization potential than europeans.
Amerindians are superior to europeans.
The unique thing we know about races is that Amerindians had a higher development rate compared to europeans. How is this hard to get?
It's like a guy with a 7 cm dick saying dick size doesn't matter. Seeing that he's native American he's probably one of those too.
>Amerindians are superior to europeans
>Proud of my blood
>but race is a nazi hoax
So you agree with Amerindian superiority?
Stop copying ME.
Nobody cares about "muh civilization", brainlet. The fact the average European man (and probably woman too) could break your manlet ass in half by as much as slapping you shows how much your genes are worth. You literally can't even survive being exposed to the elements if you don't mongrelize yourselves with white people, which is why most Latin American countries are full of mutts.
It's my first day posting on Veeky Forums and this looks like a /pol/ tier shitfest. Is it always like this?
>francoism and Nazism aren't fascism
It's the same people baiting with pseudoscience and you will see retards who brag about dumb comparisons Notice how I already refuted all their delusional "arguments", and now they are baiting each other.
I can buy nazis is fascism, even early falangism. But francoism was just another religous dictatorship, it had nothing to do with fascism.
Civilization potential is the main symbol of humanity. As Amerindians have demonstrated more civilization potential than europeans, Amerindians are superior to europeans. How is this even a question?
Civilization is for faggots.
Just reminder. This dude has spent the better part of an hour claiming race doesn't exist. Then turns around and claims racial differences. There are actually people out there, this stupid.