Has there ever been an ideology more deadly than neoliberalism?
Has there ever been an ideology more deadly than neoliberalism?
Liberalism in general, of which neoliberalism is a subset.
>deaths by ideology
>4-5 million
really nigga
non-europeans aren't people, obv.
Is that true though?
I don't consider neocons to be conservative, and is there any reason to think the obverse isn't also true?
>1 (allegedly)
What about liebknecht
>communism 4-5.3 million
fuck off.
Neocons and neoliberals are literally the same people.
Who was allegedly killed by social democracy?
components of an insectoid hivemind aren't people
It's why every communist that communism kills is a net gain for humanity
>socdem gang
it's a joke about Rosa Luxemburg
Apologies, I forgot. I was trying to prove this famine fanboy wrong.
I honestly can't tell whether that image is supposed to be bait or whether the "SocDem Gang" is just biased as all fuck, whoever they are. Doesn't really matter, I guess.
Obviously the numbers for communism are laughably low and the numbers for neoliberalism are meaningless and useless without them explaining how they counted them, which I'm quite sure they didn't do consistently with how they counted the deaths for the other ideologies.
Social democracy would be great if it included ethnic nationalism and wasn't a democracy.
>the "SocDem Gang" is just biased as all fuck
what's biased is considering 4-6% unemployment to be "full employment", lmao.
Look at the top right
pretty standard practice
look up the history of a British think tank and you will find a Tory.
Those weren't deaths from communism, they were casualties in the Chinese victory over the sparrow menace.
Except that neoliberalism is exactly the opposite of everything you guys accuse liberals of wanting.
>End to all labor power and reforms.
>End to all worker's rights.
>End to all welfare and public programs.
>End to all trade barriers.
>End to all barriers to corporate power.
>Lower taxes, especially corporate tax.
>Austerity to the max.
>Laissez-faire market capitalism at all costs.
Does this sound like the US definition of liberal to you?
Cuz it sure sounds like the US definition of conservative.
Ya fucks keep putting neoliberals into power simply because they don't have a D next to their name, and every political term in the US has come to mean exactly the opposite of what it is.
And you fall for it, every time.
neoliberalism is a primarily economic stance and neoconservativism is a foreign policy stance
this shows itself best in Britain's Blair government, since it's distanced a bit from American political projection. (it made huge efforts to befriend the Bush administration to show a ""centre left"" UK government could work with a ""centre right"" US government, because in the 1980s Reagan didn't like Labour's then-leader Neil Kinnock and Blair felt that hurt their electoral chances.)
so you have for example the privatisation of air traffic control, the failure to renationalise the railways as pledged in 1995, further pushing of "internal market" reforms in the NHS and elements of private provision of some services, but alongside this you have the whole humanitarian intervention spreading democracy thing.
Everything that isn't a traditional monarchist is liberalism.
>neoliberalism is bad
alt-righters/leftists BTFO
>china is neoliberal
meanwhile in the first world where neoliberals actually advise governments...
>the only options are fascism, communism, and neoliberalism
Laughs in Keynes
>fails after 40 years
wow it was nothing
the failure was down to incompetence and subversion instead of design.
"keynesianism doesn't have a response to stagflation!" is the dumbest of dumb politicians not understanding economics.
"crash the economy on purpose to control inflation (at the cost of increasing the long-run rate of unemployment)" is amongst the most vulgar and stupid responses possible.
>being this bad at economics
>never heard of frictional unemployment
Kil yourself nigga
Why do you hate the global poor?
now tell me why frictional unemployment is magically 4-6% now instead of 1-3%
You forgot to mention "supporting feminazism, lgbt degeneracy and 1776+ fluid genders; legalize dysgenic marriage and drug abuse".
Very much like the 1984 and Brave New Wolrd.
I didnt say it was ALL frictional
then you erred in assuming i didn't factor it in.
full employment is when the only employment is frictional, which as you note isn't necessarily the case. Yet you often find 4-6% used as an arbitrary figure for the NAIRU, plucked from thin air, and full employment often isn't even an explicit goal of monetary policy anymore.
Oy vey da 6 gorillionz!!!
You are the leader of the future utopia
>tfw your country fell for the ''neoliberal'' meme
>tfw your next presidential candidate might as well turn this place into another Venezuela
You know that song, Collective Consiousness, from Metal Gear Rising? It's the single best thing in the Jetstream Sam DLC, with the final boss as well
It also describes my country. Could someone nuke Mexico so this nonsense can be made an example of?