I've been here long enough to know this. The biz cycle is pretty predictable: coin gets shilled, partial adoption follows, coin goes up, mass shilling and mass adoption follow and then, coin goes up another 10% and boom, ready to collapse.
Digibyte was exactly like thar, ChainLink is DGB's baby.
Vitalik said it was overvaluated. The creator of ethereum put a sword on the coin's head and you think it can still go up? This guy is not some Jamie Dimon who knows fuck what about crypto, so perhaps you should listen to him.
This coin gets shilled 24/7 on this board, which is useless because people already know the existence of it. So why do people do that? Despair. People are desperate because Link clearly is out of fuel, so they shill it to collectively think "hey, look how many we are, we are obviously mooning", which is a major red flag for any investor.
Be smart, know when to get out and mainly know when not to get in. Don't waste your money on something that already went 3x ICO price and is forming the bearish heand and shoulders pattern.
Put your money on a strong altcoin that will survive the btc appocalypse, some coin that is on a low spot that can easily go up 80% the following months, like Ark, Decred, Litecoin.
Don't be a link marine, listen to Vitalik, me and reason.