Stay poor.

I've been here long enough to know this. The biz cycle is pretty predictable: coin gets shilled, partial adoption follows, coin goes up, mass shilling and mass adoption follow and then, coin goes up another 10% and boom, ready to collapse.
Digibyte was exactly like thar, Ethereum is DGB's baby.

Vitalik said it was overvaluated. The creator of ethereum put a sword on the coin's head and you think it can still go up? This guy is not some Jamie Dimon who knows fuck what about crypto, so perhaps you should listen to him.

This coin gets shilled 24/7 on this board, which is useless because people already know the existence of it. So why do people do that? Despair. People are desperate because ETH clearly is out of fuel, so they shill it to collectively think "hey, look how many we are, we are obviously mooning", which is a major red flag for any investor.
Be smart, know when to get out and mainly know when not to get in. Don't waste your money on something that already went 3x ICO price and is forming the bearish heand and shoulders pattern.

Put your money on a strong altcoin that will survive the btc appocalypse, some coin that is on a low spot that can easily go up 80% the following months, like SGT, Rise, Siacoin.

Don't be an Eth marine, listen to Vitalik, me and reason.


>I've been here long enough to know this. The biz cycle is pretty predictable: coin gets shilled, partial adoption follows, coin goes up, mass shilling and mass adoption follow and then, coin goes up another 10% and boom, ready to collapse.
>Digibyte was exactly like thar, ChainLink is DGB's baby.
>Vitalik said it was overvaluated. The creator of ethereum put a sword on the coin's head and you think it can still go up? This guy is not some Jamie Dimon who knows fuck what about crypto, so perhaps you should listen to him.
>This coin gets shilled 24/7 on this board, which is useless because people already know the existence of it. So why do people do that? Despair. People are desperate because Link clearly is out of fuel, so they shill it to collectively think "hey, look how many we are, we are obviously mooning", which is a major red flag for any investor.
>Be smart, know when to get out and mainly know when not to get in. Don't waste your money on something that already went 3x ICO price and is forming the bearish heand and shoulders pattern.
>Put your money on a strong altcoin that will survive the btc appocalypse, some coin that is on a low spot that can easily go up 80% the following months, like Ark, Decred, Litecoin.
>Don't be a link marine, listen to Vitalik, me and reason.

you shouldve sold last night at the peak and bought back more today during the dip. like me, a smart guy

Everything is green and this shit coin is struggling. And the conference is coming up? FCKING BAD!!!!!!


Sell your LINK, user.

Do you believe in the technology behind LINK? If so you should hold. If not then sell it. It's that simple.

I genuinely believe LINK is the next iteration of BTC/ETH simply due to providing something new that is a game changer just like with BTC and ETH.

You can't feel heavy bags when you KNOW you carry gold.

Grow some balls, dude.

why the hell would you sell before the conference?

is Veeky Forums actually this retarded or is this just all bad shilling

Same bought at 7500 sold at 7300 don't have time for bags in a bull market

Buy MetaVerse, Screw this shit erc20 token.

sell sell sell selllllllll
Btw Vitalik said also that ethereum is very overpriced :) So yeah nobody knows what the world will adopt and like. link has some real world potential, but you should sell anyways :)

>LINK is the next iteration of BTC/ETH

its a ToysRUs erc20 token, holy shit the delusion of you linkies


good move linkfag. you can now buy something that is already +1bil marketcap because it's safe. hint: ripple

Listen to the metaverse dude :) China will save your immortal soul :D China - a pretty much totalitarian society will come up with the next big thing in crypto :) A country where you are not allowed to use 256bit encyrpted vpn :)
Fuck /biz is getting stupider by the day -- what happened?!


I wonder who's behind this post?

This, desu desu.

I don't understand why there's this much FUD.

Is it paid coordinated massage to make LINK more affordable?

Literally what do these people have to gain from it. Why do they never attack the technology LINK is based on but instead only say "haha it's dropping in exchanges!!!"

This. Desu desu

It's a mixture of discord whales, small fish still accumuating, salty people who sold low, salty nolinkers, trolls, shitposters, pajeets, ripple shills, and general retards

Good goy, now get in ETP and LTC for the upcoming moon missions! QUICK

>Veeky Forums is being Veeky Forums

Basically this.

It's beautiful.

we're being cunts shitpoasting on Veeky Forums don't take it personally, kiddo, none of us matter. we're all anons. we're all little specks of dust on earth. none of this is important or meaningful. it's all just numbers and digits and zogbucks turning into either more or less zogbucks. who gives a fuck. you know what is real? Nature. God or wahtever the fuck "higher consciousness" may or may not exist. all of this is just childs play in the grand scheme of things. the time to buy BTC was yeas ago. the time to buy LINK was at ICO price. anyone buying anything now is just a latefag

4got to add pic related, is me

just sold 100 k, thank you

My mind is blown...

Hey to be fair on China if any country will adopt crypto quickly it'll have to be China/Japan/Korea. They didnt pull themselves out of economic death and to top2 economic powerhouse within a measly 57 years by doing nothing. An authoritative state also means that things can progress much faster than the democratic counterparts AS LONG As the state has the country's interest as first priority.

Totalitarian doesn't always equal bad guys. Democracy are often merely an illusion too

The conference yesterday revealed the stuttering potheads behind this scam


Conference is on Monday.

probably just trying to piss you off
or people that have no time and are neets w/o money wishing they could hop on some sort of crypto train

probably the latter

It's a meme newfriend

wont be long before there are all the pink wojaks threads, you told me link was shit, I sold at 7k!!!! etc etc etc

Why do people compare LINK to DGB?

DGB went unironically went 1000x+. That would mean LINK would need to go to 100 dollars before crashing.

Isn't DGB a miracle story?

Stay poor faggot

Stupid copypasta FUD, kys

what the fuck. this was supposed to moon like NEO but instead all we got were stock market tier grandma gains and now it's dumping. You lied to me. Might as well sell while I'm still in the green.

The technology can still be great and the coin itself can still go way down in value.

tfw antshares halved for like two months before exploding to $55 as NEO

if you're in the green, sell, then buy back after the conference if it goes well

still would be a good price to get it, and you preserve profits

This. Which is why link will hit 25 cents once again this week. Thanks bitcoin and no-news Sergey!

antshares reach $15 during the conference hype. there is nothing to sell at this point

Antshares “neo” forms the monetary base for its own blockchain.

Link is merely a token. A token who’s value depends solely on fulfilling the claims made about all this oracle nonsense.

I don’t own any neo but I can see why you can’t really compare the two. Their only similarity is that they are shilled heavily.

Sergei is probably shitting himself trying to come up with a solution to the oracle problem before monday

This is only the beginning.


I only have 5k link. You’ve seen this FUD. I don’t post often but my FUD is probably among the best you’ve read. I’m going to proceed to FUD the fuck out of this turd token over the coming days so I can go all in at $0.22

Insert Silicon Valley "dick scene" here

When has the technology behind a coin ever mattered?

same, only 7k link and I'm not selling it, going to buy as much as I can under $0.25

>muh whitepaper

stop abusing lsd fucking faggot

Well im glad I sold this shit scamcoin. Good luck holding the bags cuckolds.

>ToysRUs erc20 token

fucking spat out my drink

You are wise to have cut your losses

You had me until you said Siacoin. Talk about a memed out POS coin. Cloud storage is already extremely plentiful and cheap.


Bahaha dumb fucks. even with the drop and btc rising, its still holding value

Wait for the inevitable pump a few hours before SIBOS. it will be pink wojack central here for the weak hands

Nice, whoever holds theirs links is retarded.
There is NO oracles problem hahaahahah.

Guys help me fud and keep the price lower for 2 more hours so my transaction is complete TY.

>a bull market occurs when there has been a substantial transfer of stock from the weak holders to the strong holders, generally at a loss to the weak holders

>its still holding value
no it isnt.

nice just bought 100k

the link/btc pairing is only down 5% or so in overall value due to btc rise.

if you look at coinmarketcap, yeah its gonna say 20% because its gone from 59k to 48k. this is where brainlets sell and whales accumulate

thanks op, just sold my 70 million link, what a fucking scam, just bought bitconnect, a real crypto

I went from 1.8k to 1.4 what the fuck are you talking about. This coin is crashing hard


Honestly speaking, does everyone fucking expect it to ONLY go up? If you bought at 20 cent you wouldn't even be fucking complaining right now.

Yall probably bought above 45 cents, kys. (Bought at 34 cent)

>tfw you dumped on Veeky Forums while making dumbass Sergey memes holding lambo pictures

Thats the link/eth pairing

t. 21c ez