Filled my 1st day Request cap, but probably won't the 2nd day cap. If you're willing to participate and you didn't get on the whitelist, I offer you the possibility to invest on this with only a 10% fee on the tokens. Already did some deals on Slacks where you can ask about me. If you're interested and you love money, don't doubt to write me, user.
[email protected]
Request Pool
Im offering the same deal but at 7.5% I have 5 accounts
Im offering the same deal but at 5%
I can offer the same deal but for 2.5%
You god damn pajeets.
scammed me
who the fuck would be stupid enough to do this
it's all trust based
too many people, including myself, have been scammed buying whitelisted accounts on Veeky Forums, even when taking the most extreme precautions
Email me and I'll show you the link of the Slack where I made the deals. I'm a honest man, it's up to you.
>I'm a honest man
I can smell the curry from here...
an honest man is only honest until the day he isn't. i'm not going to take the risk that that day lands on today.
Would that be good for you or is it still not pajeet enough?
For whatever it's worth, I've dealt with this turnoffsystem guy before and he is trustworthy. Only bought 1 whitelist account because i was sketchy, should have bought more.
good try pajeet.
Do you guys work together?
Hey man, don't worry, I get it. It's Veeky Forums and a guy asks you to do a trust based deal.
lol, I don't give a fuck if you do it or not. Buy some REQ for x3 on ED if you're skeptical.
Okay I will trust you if you post a picture of your white hand with today's date and your post number
Hey, 'sup. I've done just two deals here on Veeky Forums, and I'm glad to see a happy client.
I can perfectly do that, but when did I imply I'm white? If I'm white suddenly I'm more trustworthy?
This. Im almost certain OP is a pajeet. Maybe he is not a scammer but he is definately tries to sell his pajeet accounts and impersonates anons to boost his credibility.
You are kidding right? Are you going to imply that a random Indian dude is as trust worthy as a European man?
Take the goddamn pic.
>inb4 pajeet
I'm latino. Yeah, I know, wetback, spic, etcetera etcetera. Do you want a shirtless pic or a dick pic too so you can jack off?
Good lord, I'm a random guy trying to make a business here. Are you really that autistic you're gonna make up a whole, intrincated backstory about me and some pajeets who are willing to accept a 0.2% fee? I really don't give a fuck if you prefer them over me, but don't call me a fucking scammer without evidences of such thing.
Well, I ain't indian, nor european. If you base your trust on the seller's skin color then good for you. A real mature approach of life.
not dealing with non whites, sorry. non whites only leech off whites. without us you d still be eating dirt....
I don't really care about all this but you're getting awfully defensive. I've come to conclusikn that you are indeed a pajeet.
If anyone wants to try and get 3rd day cap filled pop your email by. I'm gonna be up all night so I'll be getting in as soon as the cap increases.
oh shit he did it
spanish, greek or italian by the amount of hair.
>If you base your trust on the seller's skin color then good for you. A real mature approach of life.
Give me one reason why I would trust a third worlder as much as an European. Your entire society is low trust, you can't even trust your own banks.
I've dealt with this guy before as well. Can vouch that he was trustworthy
/pol/fags get the fuck out
Aka pajeet tier whites
Are you still offering this? Sent an email.
Why don't your write a smart contract to distribute the funds after the sale is over. No one is going to trust a stranger in the internet.
One is a kebap, the other one a pajeet great.
Fuck it, I have still 5 accounts left that I only used on day 1. Anyone who doesnt want to deal with subhumans, contact me!
Tf I'm whiter than you nigga. Post your palm. If you're not pink fuck of.
yeah sure mehmet, no problem. Dont forget to wash those palms before you pray to Allah though! They look dirty.
ayo if any u white bois wanna get in on this hit me up [email protected]
got room enough for a few ;)
I just fapped. Who wants to see my hand?
put some gloves on, pervert. no one wants to see this filth.
That's disgusting. Seriously. Disgusting hand proportions and 0/10 colouring. Go away whatever you are
Yeah, I bet your NEET ass has done so many good things for us the idiots latinos, instead of the european colonizers who actually contributed to our civilization.
I ain't no pajeet, but hey, this is Veeky Forums, I should have expected this kind of behavior from you guys.
Well, fuck me. I get triggered if someone calls me a scammer without proofs nor evidences. Don't you?
You don't. I'm from Venezuela, so you get an idea of how fucked is the society where I live. But you know, if your parents actually give a fuck or two about you, and rise you correctly, you don't end up being a scammer.
Thanks, mate.
Saw you.
Of what? You continue on being triggered at the truth tho.
I'm only joking brah. I don't care if you're pajeet or black, ain't no racist. Thought it was just a joke. Good for you on trying to do some business with this.
Go away.
Because Europeans are now African rapefugee thirdworlders.
America > Good parts of Asia > Good parts of South America > Eurofrica > Bad parts of Asia/SA > Actual Africa
t. dirty subhuman Italian (or worse Greek) confirmed
Can I buy request on etherdelta?
Yes, you can buy my req at 10x
Dude, I emailed you. Check your inbox.