Who is the most important person of the 20th century?


John Maynard Keynes

Hitler. I'm not fucking joking, he destabilized the colonial empires and set the stage for the cold war.


Stalin. Yes, I know the other countries can be argued to be more powerful. But the time span, breadth and degree of control Stalin as an individual exerted over the USSR is unparalleled by any other individual.

Stalin vs Hitler is an interesting choice, obviously the ideology of Stalin was longer lived but which individual made the bigger impact?

Why would that be a joke. If important means "has the most influence on further histrory" it is clearly him. British Press would collapse without him as a topic. So would american tv/film

Unironically Wilhelm II. It was him who decided to lead Germany into war with Entente, starting whole chain of crucial events that led to this day. If that is not enough, he is responsible for sending Lenin back to Russia to start the october evolution, and unintentionally involved USA in European politics with Zimmermann Telegram.

>"has the most influence on fuhrer history"

For winning the Cold War and setting global politics on the path to a civilized peace based on American values.

Whoever headed the rothschild family at the time

Gavrilo Princip

>It was him who decided to lead Germany into war with Entente
implying it wasn't the Brits setting up the situation for 10 years

>starting whole chain of crucial events that led to this day
He didn't start the chain of events though, he only intervened. Germany intervened after Russia's mobilization.
>and unintentionally involved USA in European politics with Zimmermann Telegram
Wrong. That was the excuse the US used for their intervention, they already supplied the UK with weapons and ammunition, so they already picked a side.


Lenin. Marx may have wrote the blueprint, but Lenin proved the ideas could be put into practice, for better or worse. The looming threat of communism changed geopolitics forever.

Neo-Liberals and Neo-Cons should be drenched in White Phosphorus.


Einstein. Every major scientific advance relates back to his contributions.

It is 100 years too early to be able to say that.
My guess: in terms of negative influence, I would say Freud or whoever was the biggest responsible for WWI. But I would say Freud was the biggest one.
In terms of positive influence, probably a scientist. Maybe the genetics guys or some medicine guy or Von Neumann or some computer science guy.


>his contributions
He was a hack who used his position at the patent office to steal other people's ideas. That's why he never gave public lectures like Feynman - he didn't even fully understand what "he" discovered.

Definitely Freud look up "The century of the self"


great men history is a meme

Mao>Deng. Deng could have been replaceable with any other reform minded leader of the second generation. Mao however was a special brand of egomaniac that pushed the largest nation on Earth in unprecedented directions that no other person would or could reproduce.

This. Stalin made the USSR which dominated world history for the 20th century. Lenin and Trotsky were fucking incompetent and could have never repeated his successes.

Rockefeller for building and controlling mayor parts of the industry that would become THE single most important resource of the 20th century.

Gieorgij Gapon

don't even try prove me wrong you can't