So how did the cow of all animals become the sacred animal in terms of Hinduism? Wiki lists the main reason being Hindu dependence on it for dairy as sustenance, but a goat provides that just as well. They're both also very gentle animals that work very well with humans, so it seems off that they choose one over the other.
So how did the cow of all animals become the sacred animal in terms of Hinduism...
do they revere the bulls too or do they have too much toxic masculinity
goat tastes better in curry
Pretty sure cows and bulls are seen the same by Hindus
They are peasants who live where you can actually farm year round. They're beasts of burden , it's like killing horses or castrating slaves.
Cows are the most important part of Indian farm life. They provide food, milk, labour force and building material. It's pretty nicely explained by Marvin Harris in "Sacred Cow"
I heard it has something to do with the indus valley
Have you been around a cow? Cows are great. They're only of the gentlest, most affectionate animals out there, and we get so much out of them without even having to eat them. They're also very happy animals, there's a reason we have the phrase "content as a cow"
It's just one of those cultural things that happens every now and then. Personally I don't give much credence to those cute little explanations () that attribute it to the usefulness of cattle. It's true that they're dead useful and that it often makes more sense to keep them alive than to slaughter them for meat, but that's true everywhere, not just in India, and it's also largely true of other animals that did not become sacred.
Horses are highly useful and bond with their owners. In America it's highly taboo to eat them, but that's not the case elsewhere in the western world. Were horses historically less important in those places? Not really. Taboos and stigmas just kind of happen and pat explanations, while satisfying, are usually oversimplifications.
Pajeet here. Mostly to cuck Muslims, and because Brahmins made them an important part of religious ceremonies
>Mostly to cuck Muslims
How so?
>Hindus worship the cow because they are extremely grateful for the farm animals producing for them
>jews literally call everyone else goyim (cattle) and take for granted the work others do for them
makes me think desu
They can't eat pork because of their own religious law, and can't eat cattle because of secular Indian laws. "Bakr-Eid" is the Urdu and Hindi name of an Islamic festival where a cow is to be killed and eaten.
>In 1958, a lawsuit was heard in the Supreme Court of India regarding the constitutionality of the slaughter ban laws in the state, where Qureshi petitioned that the laws infringed on Muslim rights to freely practice their religion such as sacrificing cows on Bakr-Id day. The Court determined that neither the Quran nor the Hidaya mandates cow slaughter, and the Islamic texts allow a goat or camel be sacrificed instead. Therefore, according to the Court, a total ban on cow slaughter did not infringe on the religious freedom of Muslims under Articles 25 or 48 of its Constitution.
Must suck to be a goat in India.
I don't understand why it's not horses when they're far more sexually attractive?
I think it stems from the importance that cattle had to the pastoral Indo-Europeans. Zoroastrianism (Zoroaster most likely lived ~1200 BC) also incorporated a very large number of pre-Zoroastrian Indo-European deities associated with cattle.
Actually a number of Vedic rituals involve coitus with a dead horse
It's not just Hinduism. There are traces of this in all Indo-European religions. Inlcding Norse paganism
Bull worshiping was common in pre-IE religions. I wonder if it's somewhat connected.
I thought horse was just meant to be shitty meat
because catlle often has cult status in agrarian cultures, and hinduism is thousands of years old
but more so and above all because you seem to have never been around any goats
It’s almost like the Aryan tribes were cattle herders or something
Cattle worship is older than that. There was even a shrine with bull heads in Çatalhöyük.
Yeah, an being and indian person is just peachy.
>It's just one of those cultural things that happens every now and then.
No, it isn't. Taboos that exclude valuable nutrition (meat) never happen just for fun.
The problem was that dumb peasants would eat their cows everytime there was a little drought or bad harvest, essentially destroying the foundation of their farm. Peasants being peasants, they don't just listen when you tell them that it's a dumb idea, so you have to put the fear of vishnu into them.
>Horses are highly useful and bond with their owners. In America it's highly taboo to eat them, but that's not the case elsewhere in the western world.
What? Of course it is. Horse isn't regularly eaten in all of europe.
do u even pajeet history bro?
>What? Of course it is. Horse isn't regularly eaten in all of europe.
Just the nigger parts.
>Shhh, darling; I won't let the ugly Mexican man eat you.
>very gentle animals
Goats are creepy assholes.
>What? Of course it is. Horse isn't regularly eaten in all of europe.
Uh, dude - yes it is? It's not like it's as popular as beef or anything (unsurprising, as it's less economical to produce), but it's far from unknown in several European countries. In Quebec as well.
>No, it isn't. Taboos that exclude valuable nutrition (meat) never happen just for fun.
I'm not saying it happened "just for fun." There are obviously sensible reasons for the taboo, I acknowledged that in the post you replied to. I'm saying that there's no real rhyme or reason as to why the taboo developed in Hindu culture and DIDN'T develop elsewhere (where cows were just as valuable) and why in Hindu culture similar taboos didn't develop around other animals of comparable value.
To be even clearer, I am not saying that there were literally NO reasons for it. I am saying that the reasons were likely numerous, varied, and complex, and too murky to sum up in glib (and speculative and unfalsifiable) explanations like the one you offered.
The cow produces milk. The cow produces work via agriculture/transport. The cow produces leather when it dies. The cow produces meat.
Cows are very efficient animals.
Don't forget that it eats trashy green stuff you can't use for anything else, and craps out ready made fertilizer.
Of course horse meat isn't unknown in Europe. And just like in the US, eating horse isn't a taboo. Incest is a taboo.
The point is horses weren't farmed for their meat, but for their work. That is why is isn't REGULARLY eaten - there are few recipes that, historically, contain it.
>I am saying that the reasons were likely numerous, varied, and complex, and too murky to sum up in glib (and speculative and unfalsifiable) explanations like the one you offered.
Except that this has been studied. And the reason is dumb peasants eating cows when they needed them for other things.
You retarded faggot.
You can get much, much more milk out of a cow than a goat, even accounting for pasturage.
>And just like in the US, eating horse isn't a taboo. Incest is a taboo.
Yes, it is. Not as strong as incest, but a taboo nonetheless. The taboo is strong enough that the slaughter/sale of horse meat for human consumption is illegal in several states. Try hosting a dinner in the US and serving your guests horse meat, see what happens. There are places where you can get it, but it's incredibly uncommon. I doubt one American in fifty has tried it, and frankly that's generous, and when it is eaten, it is almost exclusively eaten for novelty's sake. Contrast that with Quebec and several nations in Southern Europe, the Balkans, Eastern Europe, and Scandinavia, where you can literally find it in chain supermarkets and where it's an ingredient in both traditional and modern dishes.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, so why are you posting?
>Except that this has been studied. And the reason is dumb peasants eating cows when they needed them for other things.
"This has been studied." I've been humble so far, but you haven't, so fuck it, why bother - this is my field, my degree. I don't like to get into pissing matches about this shit but I can tell it isn't yours. What you mean by that is that several anthropologists/etc have made claims about it and you took those as definitive. I'm certainly not an expert in Hindu culture, but unlike you I understand the limitations of this kind of analysis. While it's certainly possible to dig up evidence and make convincing arguments, any claims of that nature are, as I said before, highly speculative and unfalsifiable.
>eating horse isn't a taboo
Say that to my face, and not online Pierre.
Not the other guy but.. I think he's bit wrong. Goat's are bit more efficient in producing milk/fed food
A dairy cow produces about 2500 gallons a year on average. That's roughly ~7 gallons a day and are milked about 2 times daily. They eat about ~100 lb per day.
Although goats produce little bit more milk per food that it eats than cows, its much less efficient compared to cows when it comes to labor/time costs.
water buffalo and oxen were also important for ploughing, particularly working the large nawab estates
They eat grass. So food availability is hardly a constraint for subsistence farmers.
>The taboo is strong enough that the slaughter/sale of horse meat for human consumption is illegal in several states.
Not to speak of the taboo against parking during business hours!
>where you can literally find it in chain supermarkets
Like chicken hearts. This must mean chicken hearts are eaten everywhere.
> I've been humble so far, but you haven't, so fuck it, why bother - this is my field, my degree.
Oh boy, I better watch out!
>What you mean by that is that several anthropologists/etc have made claims about it and you took those as definitive.
> While it's certainly possible to dig up evidence and make convincing arguments, any claims of that nature are, as I said before, highly speculative and unfalsifiable.
Yup, because anthropology normally requires incredibly hard evidence, akin to mathematics. But you know that, definitely being an anthropologist and all.
You've convinced me, let's go with your "numerous, varied, and complex" reasons, and let's not tell anyone what they are. That'll show 'em.
Or a sheep
Cows genuinely love people.
Goats are assholes.
I mean kinda, but they're also quite cooperative compared to a lot of farm animals.
>So how did the cow of all animals become the sacred animal in terms of Hinduism?
I'm just thinking -- based on no evidence, really -- that it originated from the paleolithic importance of bovines as a source of meat. Wherever they were hunted, it seems, they was heavily represented in art and, presumably, religion.
The reverence for cows continued in the Subcontinent and was adapted to the Hindu religion.
>>jews literally call everyone else goyim (cattle) and take for granted the work others do for them
>makes me think desu
"Think"... I srsly doubt it's your thing.
That whole thing about "goyim" is a silly natsoc that's aped by people who believe everything they read online which fits their preconceptions.
"Goyim" literally refers to nation... even in the bible you can find examples of it being used to refer to the Jooz themselves, when they refer to themselves as a people.
>In America it's highly taboo to eat them
In large parts of Europe as well