How would you pollitically define China nowadays?
Is it still a commie country like some people argue?
How would you pollitically define China nowadays?
Is it still a commie country like some people argue?
It's national socialist in the way that Nazi Germany was. The government oversees private companies' business ventures, while censoring information to its citizens.
Well I mean they're a single party state with internet censorship so I would say they're still pretty commie
Sorry for the typo.
National socialism.
State capitalism
socialism with Chinese characteristics, specifically Xi Jinping thought if you want to be pedantic
5000 year civilization
"Whatever works"
this, its a unique situation
but since 1978 social equality has no longer been considered a higher priority than fostering economic growth, so it's difficult to call it communist, yet state owned enterprises are still a large part of the economy and there are significant barriers to free trade, so its difficult to call it capitalist without reservation. It does also retain total communist party leadership, which was one of Mao's fundamental principles.
Basically. The corrupt Chinese bureaucratic deep state outlived the mandate of heaven and is now the party.
State capitalist in the str8 up leninist sense, rather than the cliffite pejorative.
>State capitalist
Capitalism, just like North Korea
I didn't invent the term, I'm merely deploying it.
This is about as good a description of China's political state as I think you can give in 3 lines. Seconding the "unique situation." Trying to classify it as communist, capitalist, state capitalist, or national socialist (especially national socialist) is always going to be misleading in some way or other and leave something out.
Didn't Xi Jinping get rid of the corruption?
>capitalism with an authoritarian state is any oxymoron
No, NK is Juche and has no private property.
It depends on where in China, some places still run identically to how they did under Mao, others resemble state capitalism.
China is proof that the wealth does trickle down.
How communist China is is inversely proportionate to how much money you have.
That was just a way to get rid of his politcal rivals. So convenient that the corrupt people were all the ones with links to the previous leadership. I'm sure his own cronies are good as gold
I think he killed two birds with one stone really. Corruption is a problem and he does want it gone.
So we all agree that Xi Jinping is the most important world leader of the 21st century, right?
National Socialist, that's why they're going to conquer. White people have been deceived into believing that nationalism is bad, anti-whites scoff at this occasionally letting out that they know that whites must simply overcome the final challenge and kill the nonwhites to secure their existence.
>makes millions of dollars in American Capitalist society
>goes abck and touts Communist Chinese flag
Just like Jackie Chan, makes me fucking sick.
>Jackie Chan
He supports modern CCP is mainly due to nationalism reasons(like CCP does lead modern China into prosperity), also because of profits(he wants mainland market), not because your ideological war.
He's even very close to KMT once(he has a Taiwanese wife and good relationship with Ma Ying-jeou), but that's before Taiwan corrupts by rampant anti-Chinese separatism.
I still remember when I was kid, the KMT government even invited Jackie Chan as "ambassador of anti drugs/anti smoke" in Taiwan. He gave us 12 replicas of Haiyantang animal statues from Old Summer Palace as gifts "for free" when Ma Ying Jeou was still ROC president.
Get out molyneux
It is communist in the sense that they still believe in Marx's Historical Materialism and believe that they will eventually reach a communist utopia.
they abandoned communism in favor of capitalism and sought a closer relationship to the US, but they made up some bullshit to trick the plebs into beliving they are still following the work of Marx
>t. never read marx
>you never read marx
>that wasnt real communism
>marx was just predicting the future and thats it
what are some other brainlet tier responses from leftypol?
>t. never read marx
Since when has leftypol defended the current PRC? Marx believed that history went from Feudalism > Capitalism > Socialism > Communism. Leninists believed that they could just skip all the steps with a dictatorship of the proletariat. Maoists believed that but the current Chinese leadership realized that this is retarded and believes that the world is still in it's Capitalist phase.
>Maoists believed that but the current Chinese leadership realized that this is retarded and believes that the world is still in it's Capitalist phase.
how, in anyway whatsooever, is this inherently different from my comment on China user?
>they abandoned communism in favor of capitalism...but they made up some bullshit to trick the plebs into beliving they are still following the work of Marx
They never bent the knee to the Rothschilds so theres a lot of pathetic losers here who will try to tear them down.
Communism is a process, not a system. Capitalist development of the means of production is a part of that process.
Stop trying to cloud your goalpost moving in rhetoric/canned talking points user.
so you litearlly cannot have communism without capitalism?
Communims can't actually develop the means of production?
Let's wait and see if Trump doesn't do anything crazy before he steps down.
Given the spread of christianity, it's only a matter of time before china falls to degeneracy.
They were able to controll and utilize the muslim incurion but even that took a thousand years and a state of near total collapse.
Basically, the theory goes they can't do it YET but at some nondisclosed point in the future when even the dumbest person is sharp enought to do the job of their boss, then theyll jave their armaggeddon
And you realize this is bullshit, right?
China is the proof that national socialism is the way to go and the west has been tricked into thinking otherwise because we've been taught Hitler was evil incarnate.
except that China:
1.) actually knows economics
2.) isnt a belligerent war monger retard
China has managed to have a communist revolution while maintaining a great relationship with the US. Im not saying China dindu nuffin, but they are very different from Hitlerism
Because they are still following the works of marx.
mao had his own kind of autism desu
he just didn't bring the entire thing tumbling down with an unwinnable war before stabilization and transition of power
they even have a bit of ethnonationalism.
>le corruption can’t be diminished in one party systems meme
china's way of dealing with corruption has been to shift power and responsibility from national to local government, and then back. as needed when corruption gets to be a problem.
China's political system is unique, the memes about "chinese characteristics" are basically true, though it is not cultural.
The elite strive to maintain stability and have made some well calculated compromises to preserve it unlike other dictatorships that seem to push their luck. After Mao they kept a separation of power within their own ranks and those of cliques that inevitably form among their subordinates. In the last 20 years they have allowed the middle class a few select freedoms while clamping down on political agitation, a Chinese citizen has little reason for unrest. If they ever do, despite the deterrents, they must have a good reason, and so the government steps in and comes down hard on whatever underling was causing trouble. If you are slightly miffed because the local government won't fill pot holes you won't risk becoming a target for political repression, whereas if your daughter dies in extreme pain due to tainted milk you're not going to give a fuck anymore. Their system tries to anticipate the public mood like this, kind of like Roman senators trying to gain the favor of the mob in a way. They make a big show of it and set some guidelines for cliques to follow if they want to stay out of trouble.
It limits extreme abuses, though it also means those pot holes won't get filled and less observible corruption is rife.
No. He never claimed he could. He only claims to fight it, and based upon the millions of pictures of gold/cash/fine jewelry/villas, he appears to be at least catching some corrupt fucks
Almost everyone of rank is corrupt. Therefore, even if it’s for politics, at least some corrupt officials are facing prison.
China’s corruption levels are pretty average for a developing country, by the way. Not good, but definitely about average.
In the past the authorities allowed anyone to loot and abuse the system. Now overt cases of corruption are punished. Try bribing a policeman, it won’t happen. Even big business struggles to lubricate deals nowadays (and they complain about the slowing of business transactions).
Corruption is mostly now limited to financial areas that are far easier to hide or political issues that create a problem for the Party. Most of the industrial scale corruption of China 1980-2010 is gone now. Too many people have social media and post pictures of this shit.
The Party sees that corruption became a threat to their survival, so they have diminished the problem. It’ll still be bad though, just less than in the past.
Mao was a fucking retard, but Deng actually managed to fix his mess and make China a major world player for the first time in hundreds of years
Yes 2010-2030. Unless Trump does something insane. USA is still the most powerful and can fuck things up.
Yeah and that keeps the corruption from becoming an industrial scale multibillion kleptocratic enterprise.
The Deng-Jiang-Hu era had so much corruption it honestly makes your eyes water. There are numerous cases of the top military generals selling promotions to random PLA businessmen (yes the PLA ran businesses until 2004) for villas/visas/and vino.
The reason I believe Xi’s anti-corruption campaign is somewhat successful is because the police are releasing thousands of pictures and videos displaying the corrupt officials in all their gory glory.
Will it fix the fundamental reason these officials become corrupt? Probably not, but far better to enforce the law even if people are incentivized to break it.
During Hu Jintao’s administration the law was barely even enforced. Forceful removal and confiscation of peasant land was widespread despite repeated calls from the central government.
You need to let the prefectures handle their own affairs, but also keep them from abusing their people too much.
There’s a reason Chinese have an 80%+ approval of the central government but only a 30%+ approval of the local governments.
Read Deng Xiaoping writings, and about the concepts of Primary stage of socialism and Socialism with Chinese characteristics and you will have a clearer picture of China's system and the rationale for it.
Exactly. I wrote a similar interpretation hereThe Central Chinese Government is great at stopping the worst activities and illegal abuses. They, nonetheless, give the local governments power because it is impossible to micro-manage the entire nation of 1.45 billion. So small abuses are rampant.
Xi’s anti-corruption campaign has been proven, through financial statements, to have decreased bribe taking and vote buying all around China. That’s through actually looking at the financial situation private companies are in. Most report that “other expenses” decreased 60-80% since 2012.
The new anti-corruption institutions are good at stopping industrial-scale corruption and abuses, but it fails to fix the fundamental cause (ie: the political system).
To be fair, many democratic nations face a similar issue. Call it the moral hazard dilemma.
they are unironic fascists, Mussolini would be proud
>"I'm retarded and i dont know what communism is": The Post
>I have no idea what fascism is so I think any sort of authoritarianism is fascism
Libtard-tier argument.
Xi is a break from the Deng Xiapoing lot who, after Mao, felt the party had to be a faceless beaurocracy with at least some measure of internal competition.
Xi Jinping is a return to personality cults.
Loyalty to the party < Loyalty to Xi
Only he's finding that China's youth are way more worldly and skeptical than his generation was. The more they clamp down, the louder the dissent gets on the intranet.
>they can kill us and our entire families because we're disposable insect people
>but fear not, we have internet blogging
It actually takes balls to be a keyboard warrior in China.
nah, they just install tor onion, they probably had it anyway for their weird asian porn
>Leninists believed that they could just skip all the steps with a dictatorship of the proletariat
what the fuck are you talking about no
>managed to have a communist revolution
not Communist
Remember the 10,000
China, to me, means remembering the 10,000