>le Danzig meme
Le Danzig meme
I wonder what compels people to defend one of the worst regimes in human history, the Nazis, to the point of making shit up to cover to their atrocities. It's pretty much Goebbels-Tier. Why do they do this?
Probably because the holocaust didnt happen
Maybe the fact that everything would just have been swept under the rug had they won their gamble. now decades of allied propaganda were used to sweep their own crimes under the rug. Shit is, they still do it. take 20-30 million deaths from US wars since 1945.
or British colonial crimes with countless dead. Currently the situation they had in Kenya is worked on: At the very least 150k dead from torture, internment and countless atrocities.
But hey, GB and the US are the beacon of freedom and all that is just on this planet. Let's shit a little more on the traditional enemies instead. After all you've been conditioned to believe that Germans/Russians/Arabs are the spawn of Satan.
It has got nothing to do with relativism at all. Nazis were genocidal motherfuckers. Shit isAnglos are genocidal motherfuckers too. Only they control the propaganda of the past century.
>DUUUUDE, natzees just wanted da Danzig, if Poland gave them da Danzig, they would go away
Everyone in the 19th-20th century were genocidal motherfuckers.
Exactly. If that's supposed to become better it would be helpful to stop pointing fingers and have a look at what went wrong instead.
But user it's easier to blame others.
Yeah. Cheap.
>Arabs are the spawn of Satan.
agree tbqh
>hurr I'll ignore atrocities because they clash with my worldview
Fuck off retard. you have to go back
I wan't you to explain me why the allies declared war to Germany because the occupation of Poland but then they left the soviet union occupy the entire eastern Europe, please
>Even less evidence than the Holocaust
>Only even mentioned in the Greatest Meme Ever Sold
>Totally real guys
Because fighting 2 wars at once is fucking stupid
Friendly reminder Germany basically genocided the Nama and Herero before WW1, but surely it's the British who are evil because they had some prison camps that weren't adequately supplied during the Boer War
Because by the end of the war the situation had changed and there was no will to carry on fighting after millions had been killed and cities reduced to rubble.
Earlier in the war plans were drawn up to bomb Soviet oil fields but there were put on hold after the battle of France and permanently cancelled after Barbarosa.
because Germany invaded France before Britain could muster an attack on the Soviet Union
probably because they were fighting the other two worst regimes in human history in the Soviet and British Empires.
Here's your (you)
>DUUUUDE, Putin doesn't only want crimea and other ethnic russian enclaves. He wants to conquer europe and we must start WW3 to stop him.
both genocided more people than the Nazis and didn't even do it during wartime.
>Putin annexed all of Ukraine after the UN said annexing Crimea was OK
I want you to learn what a genocide actually means
hey guys what' is this about? i just want only Sudetenland it my last demands what's up guys you don't belive me?
For centuries white historians have changed facts but the truth will remain
The city port of Danzid/Gdansk was founded in 5th century AD by African G'Danzi tribe which fled north to avoid Roman persecutions for being black.
Being surrounded by backwarded Germanic and Slavic tribes, the G'Danzi port was the peak of civilisation in northern Europe and the most advanced port in the Baltic. Everything changed when a white demon king of Poland Mieszko subjected G'Danzi to his state. The black folks became minority in their own land. Last of them were executed by Teutonic knights in 1308.
some of black elite warriors later on serve in elite of PLC army and win many battles for them
>invents concentration camps in the boar wars
>causes famines throughout the world
>lol look how ebil and brutal der nazis are, this is why we had to put dem down
the Boers bombed the concentration camp supply lines
>Even comparing Boer concentration camps to working cunts to death
If you aren't a Saffa you should absolutely kill yourself
>implying america doesn't have labour camps
Why yes. German history is well documented. Other countries rather point their fingers when confronted with their own deeds. Point in case: Your post.
Because starving people to death in disease-ridden camps is so much more humane than working them to death.
>Poor management is just as bad as deliberate starvation and overwork
Fuck off Boer cunts, go and whine about not getting enough gibs and your national Rugby team being dogshit somewhere else
Ah yes, the ever so convenient "poor management". Brits totally weren't out there trying to genocide Boers for daring defend themselves against British aggression, no sir, it was just a coincidence that a significant part of Boer civilian population was put in camps and subjugated to genocidal conditions thanks of "accidental mismanagement" by the British.
Whats the point in starting the worst war in history and start a faction with communist for Danzig and then left the communist occupy the hole eastern europe and half germany?
I fucking wish they did genocide Boers, would have solved so many problems
one thing doesn't replace the other
and in those camps, people were held, the Boer
not fucking boars
also, how do you know you're replying to an anglo?
>British aggression
Might want to double check that.