I`m a `skinny-fat` girl who wants a `boyish` or `rectangle` figure - what kind of workouts should I do to achieve this...

I`m a `skinny-fat` girl who wants a `boyish` or `rectangle` figure - what kind of workouts should I do to achieve this effect?

>read the sticky
>bulk and get a light muscular base
>cut hard

sand down your hip bones

>people that use graves as apostrophes

My keyboard is broken as fuck, have to work with what keys I have left.


Email Chloe Moretz


Fuck off with your mental illness. You will ALWAYS be a girl

Isn't lgbt better for that kind of question? You're not asking how to exercise or how to grow muscles, you want an specific appearance that has little to do with fitness.

Why is she so perfect, bros?

Lose weight. You don't need to exercise really but if you want just hit every muscle, don't have to go hard. If you have the bone structure it will work but if you have wide hips or whatever then unlucky

Try more pull ups and more bench/chest. Mainly work on lats and chest for a more manly square torso

She actually transitioned and got the surgery, so it's safe for nohomo to come out now.

/lgbt/ doesn't know shit about how to achieve a specific body type. Veeky Forums does.

Skinnyfat is so overused by everyone in a normal weight range that it could really mean anything from skinny to slightly overweight at this point. Post height/weight or even better, a pic.

This, basically. Cut hard. Good luck OP, it won't be fun but I hope you get the look you desire.

what's even the point of f-t-m
just act like a dude and youll get treated like one

Veeky Forums gives out the most horrific advice honestly they shouldn't at all be allowed to influence beginners.

but then to be a hypocrite op just bulk and work shoulders a lot bro, do ss and that

> just act like a dude and youll get treated like one

are you serious

You haven't seen the fitness advice that legbutts give out. They would probably say to stop eating, while doing a lot of ass and chest exercises to spot-reduce fat there.

She was prettier before imo

Post before pic

The before you're seeing in OP's pic
This is the after

how I imagined Rhaegar Targaryen, only more buff. *_*