I tried to warn you.
hopefully someone here has been saving records and shit. Are you getting the pieces to the puzzle?
or am I too optimistic about this place?
I tried to warn you.
hopefully someone here has been saving records and shit. Are you getting the pieces to the puzzle?
or am I too optimistic about this place?
>Autistic crypto neets are the future
Wew, what a time to be alive. And my father thought I was going to be a loser
>some political bullshit i would actually benefit from
what the fuck is happening to the world
finally Veeky Forums neets will be able to live wagecucking dream instead of that silly crypto nonsense
w..we're gonna m..make it?
this is great news. now we can let our autism shine and be handed jobs for it :^)
you all should be thanking your lucky stars
luckily my bosses already know deep down that I'm autistic, it's also why I'm the best developer on the team.
This will save white males. As for me... time to go get some more autism.
Is 16 hours of Veeky Forums a day enough to give me autism?
you're gonna have to increase it to 17 and you should be good
No. Autism smarter, not harder. I've already got an autistic mentor. Do you?
An autistic mentor? Now you have to be shitposting
> mfw I'm a irl chad but larped my way into systems engineer role by acting like an autist
fuck, I'd never believe it 5 years ago
I have a theory that society is selectively breeding autists as they are the best suited for today's working world.
my autistic mentor is better than yours
I actually do have a mentor who has autism. It's amazing what I have learned from him about the software industry. The more you know.
>selective breeding
>has autism, doesn't reply to the most autistic thread
I'm really disappointed in Veeky Forums.
Kek i took the aspie test yesterday and went off charts
>I have a theory that society is selectively breeding autists as they are the best suited for today's working world.
Except that Type A chads and staceys are.
They are slowly killing themselves off, chads are all about fucking a stacy and leaving her either pregnant or not, autistic fags they dont have many choices they will take a second hand stacy every day any time, stacy eventually stops being brats she realises life is hard and chads are immature, so now she seeks for the autistics guys she once rejected.
If the chad left stacy pregnant she will have the kid with chad genes growing with an autistic father that will prevent the chad genes to prevail also it is likely that the stacy gets pregnant again a few times more with the autistic father so it is likely that the chad gene is dying out