How much do routines actually matter...

How much do routines actually matter? Pic related is my goal body but I feel like greyskull is going to end up making my waist too large. Any recommendations?

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Just juice up my nigga

There is literally no point in juicing for that

You look like that one soldier from that one movie.

if you have wips hips, no routine will fix that.

you will never look exactly like him unless you have the same bone structure/muscle insertions

Promotheus deadlifts over 415 for reps so no you wont accidentally get "too big" stop this retarded meme. Greyskull is a great foundation for you to later switch to a PPL programme or a U/L routine in the future.

>deathlifts will widen muh bone structure !!
how retarded do you have to be to actually believe this?

One of my favourite memes running today

how will it not make your waist larger from bracing your core?

Consider where the abs are. They're frontal, not on the side. Increasing their size (and they really don't grow all that much) isn't going to widen your waist any more than growing your biceps will widen your arm. Bulking up your obliques would (slightly) but that's not exactly something deadlifts do a lot of.

It probably will widen your core
It probably won't widen it enough to hurt you aesthetically

Ronnie Coleman roids and I don't know his program
But that fucker DLs more than 800lb if I remember right and is world class bodybuilder

Your core will be fine

Obliques nigga.

Stomach vacuums reverse it.
Internal obliques

for some reason i don't think your 2pl8 deadlift is in danger of ruining your UHSTHETIX any time soon.

nigga your abs will not grow so much to that point that it widens your waist significantly.

that only happens when you're pumping gh and shit in you. it's mostly genetic how much of a v-taper you have

>I will accidentally grow an insane amount of oblique mass and nothing else, therefore ruining my v-taper.

Make sure you don't lift weights, don't want to get too big ;) ;) :^)

You'll add mass aesthetically, you won't develop an hour glass shape everyone is so afraid of, in fact, (If you're adding mass properly to your upper body) you create a slimmer look.

someone post that black bodybuilder who had huge everything except for core which looked untrained

>He thinks that the abs are the only core muscles

Get the fuck off Veeky Forums

Routine barely matters. So long as it's somewhat intelligent, you're progressively overloading and hitting each muscle frequently enough it's up to your genetics and diet from there.

Not OP. I have been on greyskull for almost a year any suggestions on PPL or UL?

UL twice a week is better. No natty needs to be in the gym 6 days a week.

Cool. Is the Lyle Mcdonalds any good? Can I do it while cutting?


Greyskull is the best one among the novice routines.
If you are after the general strength+aesthetics goal.

Pls respond

well how about PPLPP then?

If you're still making gains on greyskull I would say stick with it, but if you no longer care about getting strong a good UL split would be fine, just google it there's probably loads out there

Nah, Ive stalled. And I actually care more about looking good than strength.
Important question is can I do ULxULxx on a cut?

Nothing on your body will ever be 'too large'. This is equivalent of women not wanting to lift because they think they'll instantly morph into a bodybuilder.

Do all the heavy compounds and core work you want, you'll never outdo your lats and shoulders. And if you already have a body type with narrow shoulders and wide hips, well that's too bad, find a different physique to go for.

Greyskull doesn't appear to have anything in it that would promote much torso thickness. Look at professional olympic weightlifters, they are doing many times the volume and frequency on more taxing compounds than Greyskull, plus tons of core isolations, and ultra heavy partials etc. But they look aesthetic as fuck. Gif related, video related


Yea you definitely can, I would actually recommend it desu, either that or full body 3x a week.

Is this good? Its a bit modified from Lyles

Mon: Upper
Flat bench: 3-4X6-8
Row: 3-4X6-8
OHP: 2-3X10-12
chin: 2-3X10-12
Triceps: 1-2X12-15
Biceps: 1-2X12-15

Tue: Lower
Squat: 3-4X6-8
SLDL: 3-4X6-8
Leg press: 2-3X10-12
Leg curl: 2-3X10-12
Calf raise: 3-4X6-8
Seated calf: 2-3X10-12

Wen: Rest

Thu: Upper
OHP: 2-3X10-12
Row: 3-4X6-8
Flat bench: 3-4X6-8
Pull-up: 2-3X10-12
Triceps: 1-2X12-15
Biceps: 1-2X12-15

Fri: Lower
Front Squat: 3-4X6-8
DL: 3X5
Leg press: 2-3X10-12
Leg curl: 2-3X10-12
Calf raise: 3-4X6-8
Seated calf: 2-3X10-12

Sat/Sun rest

Seems fine desu, might be a bit hard motivation wise but you can always superset things like rowing with chest/shoulder work to make it so you don't have to spend hours in the gym.

Cool thanks man. And I actually dont mind being in the gym for 1-2 hours. Its the only time I feel satisfied with my life.

whats the concensus on Collcicada's PPL?

Paul Blart: Mall Cop?

Tried it for a while, not my thing and the progression schedule for a 6x day routine is just ridiculous, maybe for a complete noob but as an intermediate it just fucking blows.