Who actually lifts?

Who on here has lifted consistently for at least three weeks in the last two months? Satisfy my curiosity, Veeky Forumsizens

>No strawpoll


im just here from /r9k/ to e-stat and make manlet threads

i'm actually overweight (but im healthy)

I have, lets count how many.



Yep about a year now 3 times a week

Healthy means you should be able to do 5 pull-ups in a row.

I'm also from /r9k/

I have lifted three times a week for the past 2 months. I also track my macros/calories carefully. My sole motivation is getting someone to love me.

Also this


Probably more like 12+. I can do at least 5 on any bad day and yet I feel like I could die from heart attack anytime.

Lmao is this any achievement? getting consistency is so easy I have 4 day split in a 7 day week you newfag

I lift 5-6 days a week. All compounds. On days I need to rest because my knees haven't recovered, I have this itch to lift more. I just have to force myself to stay away from the gym.

Leave this board you fucking faggots

>actually browsing r9k
How dumb are you guys? Do you want to be a pessimistic incel or are you oblivious to the stupid shit you're feeding your brain?

I've been lifting for 5-6 days a week for 8 months now

That's the joy of blasting and cruising, when I was natty I only lifted 4 days a week

Every other day since the beginning of last month. Feels good mayn

Shit, I'm only at 2 weeks

>im overweight
>but im healthy

Ive lifted 4-5 days a week for the last 591 days. Aside from one week vacation past summer, but was hiking and doing a lot of exercise.

>lifted consistently for 3 weeks in the past two months.
probably not, I just finished a transatlantic move about two weeks ago
>in the past 3 years
consistently 3-4 days a week

I'm on fit at the gym right now. Week 4 of my new program.

Lift good


/r9k/ bitches leave

Why the fuck would you be here unless you're fit/working on your fitness

Y'all fuckin masochists baka

I have. Completed a few cycles of C6W and completing another one this coming week.

4 times a week for the past year and a half. i obviously miss a day a week here and there.

How's your progress?

4 times a week

i had one two week break due to gym switching and one 16 month break due to life over the last 8 years, otherwise i was in the gym at least twice a week

I haven't. I've only trained about once or twice a week this whole damn year. Scheduling and weather has fucked me over. I have a platform at home in the backyard, so I can't lift when it's raining. And I swear it's been raining all fucking year somehow.

But the much lower lifting workload has improved and eliminated my old injuries and given me a chance to improve my mobility. So I'm in much better shape to train now than I was last year. I haven't gained any strength, but I also haven't really lost much. I did a random strict press workout the other day and pressed really damn close to my old 1RM, then followed it immediately with five push presses. This really surprised me and I probably wouldn't have been capable of doing that a year ago.

I've been "going to the gym" consistently, more than three times a week, every week for seven yars

In that time, the longest I've spent not going is probably less than fourteen days, and only because of injury or because I've forced myself to take a holiday

In the last 8 months I have only gone to the gym less than 3 times a week once because I had the flu. Other than that it's been 3-5 times every week.

Lifted between four and six times a week every week for the last eight years.

Me, because I started seriously lifting a month ago
No more lazying about

i fell off a roof and since, working out gives me an anxiety attack until i can get checked by an orthopedic, next friday. ive also been abusin drugs since then..
im lost Veeky Forums, im an addict and without lifting, i see now how deep the hole can/will be.
i haven't lifted or even been active for 2.5 months now and wasnt even appreciative nor enthusiastic about it before. i need the routine again.

why would you come here if you dont lift?

some men just want to watch the world burn

Does anything hurt?

If you're not in pain, that is one of the dumbest things I have ever read.

Yet, you are fat.

But, muh lifts.

Jesus, Isley, you are such a fag. How about cutting to single digit body fat while trying to preserve as much strength as you can and then bulking again, slowly ?


Actually it's one of the dumbest things I have ever read no matter what.

6 days a week for the past 6 months. Take Sundays for rest. Yesterday was my first Saturday I missed due to explosive fucking diarrhea.
Fukkin gains just pouring outta my asshole.

who cares you've got the stats of someone who's being going to the gym for about 2-3 yars

>single digit bodyfat


Unless they're on drugs, most people can't sustain single digit bodyfat for anything more than a week or two. Those who can tend to be natural skeletons.

I can guarantee that most of the people who think they're 8% bodyfat are actually closer to 12 or 13. 10% is the lowest realistic level you can sustain for any length of time, and most people simply won't be able to reach that.

3 times a week for the past 2 years, taking some time off to go travelling

way to set the bar low r9k fuck

I lift, jog or do kettlebell stuff, and yoga

lifting 3-4 times a week for the past 2.5 years. i started doing cardio 2-3 times a week about 2 months ago.

I lift pretty consistently
Haven't missed a workout in 2 months

lifting is gay

real men run

haven't taken off longer than 4 days in like 3-4 years OP step it up

I do, just started doing greyskull LP instead of "doing all exercises every day that I go"

I really want to hit the gym today, but Greyskull is MWF. Maybe I'll go run or something

5 times a week for almost 2 years I don't understand why this board actually has more fats than most others but they disgust me and I wish they'd fuck off

I had to take 1.5 months off due to a broken hand. But I probably hit the gym atleast twice a week for about 2ish years now? I feel like I am finally at the little bit better than average body stage. Now I am really buckling down to try and tackle some strength goals doing 3 days a week.

the only lifting i do is my fingers to shitpost on this board. I'm too intelligent too lift.

Been going for the past to months but took this past week off to find a new babysitter. My usual one got a better job so I've been stuck at home babysitting myself until then

slow thread today
where all the Sunday runners at?

If you had posted a month ago I would sound off, but I've been out of it for just over a month now.