I was told once I get fit I would be able to attract young cuties 18-21. But all I'm able to attract is women my age (post wall whores). The younger girls don't want a bar of me.
What am I doing wrong? Do young girls even like muscles?
Robert Gutierrez
are you bald?
im 32 and all i attract is young girls. my major problem is im asian and look 20 :|
yes its an issue because ~20 year old girls are fuking retarded
Christian Flores
Young girls that age are incredibly in demand so its unlikely they will make much effort to attract anyone. Most of the time they are protected by their social circle of being in college and attractive young girls rarely live a life that is not sponsored. After 23 when is usual post grad age they will be looking but before that it is social circle chad bro game unless u find a rare one that is not being given money thru scholarships, unwarranted career promotions, or modeling.
Basically good luck op.
Hunter Baker
Find girls that likes older doods. I personally prefer 30~35 and I'm 25
Asher Ortiz
I got a question How many have you tried to attract?
Its no secret younger girls are extremly "valuable" and sought after by guys and you would be luck to find one who isnt fighting off chads with both hands but its a numbers game
Isaiah King
This guy has a point.
But they still sometimes have their girls night out; and are usually fair game and open for just disappearing with a stranger at a club if you are good enough.
Don't get disencouraged
Ryan Myers
Dating is all about face m8
Brayden Rogers
Fucking Veeky Forums invalids, Jesus Christ. Why am I here? Just to suffer? Listen here, you little shit. Real talk, for all the "how much do I have to lift to attract X". The answer is it doesn't matter. Fitness, and lifting, is a one part of like multi-part system of attractiveness. And this system is like a car: if you have parts missing, it will at very best perform very poorly, and likely will not perform AT ALL. It doesn't matter if your engine is a turbocharged V8 if you're missing two front wheels. It won't matter if you can go from 0 to 60 in 3 seconds if your car is missing seats and roof in winter. It'll still suck. And if you think you can just attracts some whore with your body, that "game" and "bangin sloots" is not a meme, you're retarded. One-night stands are complete trash, you're better off sticking your peener into the glory hole and waiting what happens. Sluts are vapid and retarded, and you have to use rubber (which sucks) because they have STDs and can't be trusted.
Zachary Martinez
You sound mad
Andrew Moore
Oh I am mad, make no mistake. I've been stuck on this website for years because I can't find an alternative for non-censored discussion, but the omega shit I have to put up with is incredible. Many people here, on all boards, lack understanding of basic concepts of success, self-improvement, relationships and so on, and their twisted and distorted understanding of reality only makes them more fucked up and miserable.
James Garcia
>What am I doing wrong? Believing fit on anything you fucking idiot.
Xavier Long
I am 26 and started fucking a 17 year old because why not? It didn't last long though, she was completely into me but I couldn't keep it up. She was immature as fuck and it seems like girls under 21 all say the same dumb shit.
These days I try keep people around my age just because they actually have something interesting to say. Less demanding and pretty much mutually respect the fact we are just fuck buddies so they don't bother you every 5 minutes.
> mfw she would say dumb shit.
Andrew Cox
Post face, height and frame OP
Adrian Bell
Reality is kind of subjective dude, ive been stuck in a two year dry spell and all the tips on the internet have been very unhelpful in breaking it because my experience is the exact opposite of what the internet claims should happen
Your view of the world and relationships differ from mine and mine differ from someone elses, kind of simple
Ayden Davis
This person is right. A social person with a rich life will find a girl, if he's fit he'll be able to get a hot girl more easily but if the only thing you have going for you is your body nobody will be particularly interested in you
Luke Gutierrez
Being Veeky Forums won't fix being ugly, a social retard, or poor.
That said, I'm a 25-year-old guy, and I attract girls in the 15-20 year range just fine. It's gotta be something on your end.
Henry Hall
I liked your car analogy
Ethan Bailey
>What am I doing wrong? You're probably just retarded.
Ryan Perez
Some guys and chickies likes to live promiscuous life, and that's what makes em happy. All people have a different ways of living man. And unfortunately dating website's success rates is also heavily based on your looks. But being fit won't guarantee you to have a perfect soulmate with a snap of a finger simplicity. You'll have to go through many fishes to find your lobster sometimes.
Tyler Richardson
That's because they are teenagers. That's why teenage girls like to date older dudes, because teenage boys are retarded. Unfortunately, teenage girls are also retarded themselves.
Kayden Long
Get on Tinder man.
Jonathan Watson
>Tinder Wew lad
>I can´t catch any fish, i dont kno whats wrong >Have you tried fishing in the desert?
Colton Powell
Luis Thompson
I'm 34 and had a few dates with a 21 year old earlier this year. It was fucking terrible because she had literally no frame of reference to anything out generation cares about. Seriously bro, millennials are the fucking worst, don't even bother wasting your time.
Sex was great, but the girl herself was fucking brain damage.
Isaac Adams
i pray that i will get fit before hitting my 30s
Mason White
One-night stands are vastly inferior to relationships, period. No social or intellectual value, - that's a given. Then there's the sex, which is terrible because in the addition to having to use the disgusting cock-suffocator, you know fuck-all about this person and vise versa - that means you can't please each other well, and if she's a dumb slut you'd also have to contend with the awful and retarded shit that comes out of her dumb mouth. Speaking of the rubber, even with it you might get nasty skin diseases and so on. If you picked her up on like Tinder or in some bar, she could be part of a robber crew, surveying your house for all you know. If you think one-night stands is all you can do, you're better of slicing off your cock and balls and joining a monastery in the mountains.
Adam Howard
Im 28 and i had a few dates with a 21 year old, she was smart and had a good frame conversations Went on two dates but she didnt put out on either so im not keen on more dates
I dont understand why youre complaining, if i could pull 18-22 year olds consistently who only wanted to fuck but werent able to talk about stuff id be in heaven
Ryan Peterson
You forgot to pay them.
Jayden Garcia
>30 >dating 22yearold for more than 2 years. post ur face. maybe your facial gains are non existent. stopped smoking, drinking and started moisturizing?
Nolan Robinson
lose the trip
James Lewis
No really, it's fucking awful. The only reason I stay around longer than a few weeks is to fuck her friends.
Andrew Rivera
t. sociopath
Ryder Campbell
Not that guy but the difference between a 28 to 21 and a 34 to 21 year old is pretty big when it comes to cultural references and shit. It's 7 years difference versus 13 years ffs, almost double. Odds are you two probably enjoyed pretty much the same shit growing up. The world's changed so much in the past 10-15 years anyone over 30 might as well be an alien to a 21 year old.
Zachary Long
Are you kidding me? Im a decently good looking guy and recently ive gotten pretty fit aswell and my absolute dream is to find a girl who wants to fuck again
Ever since my breakup ive had zero luck in finding girls who want to fuck and id kill someone to find a girl whos willing to fuck again
Youre living the dream user, seriously id trade with you in a heartbeat
Sebastian Lee
Luis Long
You talk about it as if you experienced it. >If you think one-night stands is all you can do I never said that that is all to it now did I >You know fuck-all about this person and vise versa Some of my clients prefer hiring escorts, meeting a fwb and living promiscuous life. I asked them if they would ever get into a relationship. They tell me nay. But that doesn't mean that I know what all people on earth want for sure, who knows, maybe they secretly want a gf. But usually people don't really now what they want.
Nolan Diaz
It's not a tripcode. Just a name for nobody. know the difference
Gavin Murphy
I'm 34 and this 22 year old girl came up to me in the gym the other day to ask about form on her squat. She was using a Smith Machine so you can't get form wrong but she was so immature believe me you don't want a 21 year old but i know 30 year old women are clapped out as well. Aim for a 25 - 28 yeast old girl they are a good balance between maturity and fun.
Joshua Thompson
Easton Ramirez
I've got that ash blonde/blue eyes thing going on so being 29 ain't nothing for me, it's the crippling autism that does me in.
Used to be a 300 pound monster so female attention causes me to short circuit.
John Morgan
Could either of you post a pic of yourself? I´m getting close to your age and while i am decently fit for my height i struggle with girls something insane.
Austin Flores
why would you want to be named in an annon world?
Tyler Hall
>What am I doing wrong?
Trying to attract girls that are ten years younger than you are.
I can't even think of a reason they'd want to fuck you over a younger guy besides gold digging.
Samuel Sanchez
Fuck this place is depressing.
Jeremiah Young
I want senpai to notice me
Christopher Sullivan
Cause EVERYONE needs to know shes a gurl in a board full of homo buff dudes.
Levi Phillips
Where else would I go?
Isaac Sanchez
name one place that isn't
Benjamin Price
Zac Efron is 28. You're telling me 18 year Olds wouldn't want to fuck him?
Julian Brown
fuck off you attention-whoring piece of trash
You're been noticed. Now go drink bleach.
Jack Martin
He also happens to be a rich and famous actor
James Campbell
Justin Davis
23 years old here baby face
actual gf is 21 years old
i was stuck dating whit girls usually 38, 28, 25 or 16 found one girl of mi same age but she dont want to go seriously
>i can telll from mi experience that girls may act retarded at any age, specially if they feel emotional atraction
Brayden Ward
Hello Chris. How's your Lithuanian girlfriend?
Matthew Cook
awe I don't bite, don't be scared
Liam Hernandez
fuck off, cancer
Andrew Sanders
Angel Miller
Why aren't you using your trip?
Cameron Price
Because I'm no one of value no a helpful source of info. I'm just here to poke at edgy boys
Jaxson Martinez
My brother is like 33, fat, and has fucked teeth, and even he managed to get a cute, smart 20 year old engineering student.
This is a you problem.
Charles Garcia
Someone is bound to be a dick about it sooner or later.
Julian Carter
Lucas Johnson
You should make a thread about me again soon. I miss it. I'll catch em all
Angel Long
entering midlife crisis?
And lotsa ca$h.
Brandon Johnson
Don't even date a milf. Just like dating a millenial but with midlife crisis.
Jaxson Taylor
I'm not the same guy
Xavier Cook
Most people including OP, male and female of any age and background, are retarded, vapid and vain. Take that into consideration when dating.
James Walker
>fit for my height
manlet detected ...I fucking never cared about height before this fucking website
Brody Barnes
>lol u mad posting >as a namefag >and then talking about fwb
Confirmed for a failure irl.
Asher Bennett
Lucas Garcia
>Reality is kind of subjective dude no it isn't. your life is shit because you are shit. stop making excuses.
Wyatt Lee
Im 6'1'' and its harder to look bulky when youre taller Its common sense Take 195lbs of muscle and spread it over a guy who is 5'9 and you will see he looks very diffrent from someone who is 6'4''
Jonathan Fisher
> someone who is 5'9'' puts on muscle at the same rate as a 6'4'' guy
Try again
Leo Brooks
6'3" here I hate when manlets don't understand this.
Which one do you think can put on muscle faster?
Sebastian Jackson
I dont know anything about that, i didnt say anything about that. Learn to read WIth exactly the same bf% and weight two guys will look VERY diffrent depending on height and its not really fucking hard to understand why
Jaxson Howard
Im not making excuses, i seek answers to why things are so diffrent.
Becoming fit has done shit for my dating life Ive done everything i can that the internet says you should do >Get an education >Get a job >Lift >Get hobbies >Dress well >get a nice hair cut >Be friendly and outgoing
Still, this has made dating alot harder since in doing this ive actually lost a gf and had zero dates during my three years as single
My life is shit, its true. But im constantly working to improve it and hopefully get laid again one sweet day but reality is still subjective We see things diffrently
Carson Sanchez
>and had zero dates during my three years as single
Have you actually tried asking a woman out? It's easy to get a date dude
Brandon Davis
Reality isn't subjective, you imbecile. Reality is that, which, when you stop believing in, doesn't go away.
You say you've done all these things, but there's no way to tell if that's actually true (and not you believing it to be true, like a hamplanet who blames "genetics" for her obesity and truly believes she exercises) The only way to find out is you posting videos of yourself in social situations, which you should never do.
The fact is, if you've truly done all these things, there is no way you're NOT attracting at least average girls (as long as you're around them), even if you put zero effort and don't talk to them at all. If you really are interesting, somewhat charismatic, fit, hygenic and well-dressed, it is literally impossible to not be attracting women. I'm getting mired all the time, and I put no effort into attracting attention.
David Smith
>We see things diffrently yeah, i see a loser who can't get a date despite spending 3 years trying to get one.
>reality is still subjective quit lying to yourself you fucking idiot. the only reality that's subjective is your bullshit internal mathematics proving how much harder dating has gotten since "you've gotten better"
fucking lmao
Leo Hill
Yeah, i have One already had a boyfriend and the rest i found out are either married or have boyfriends so i cant ask em out
>Inb4 Thats what they say to you No, i find it out from other people who also knows them, see them with their bf or find out some other way Only one girl has given that as a reason
David Wood
Yeah, but if you put on muscle mass faster because you're taller that means jack shit.
The average short guy is going to have a smaller stomach than the average tall guy, is used to eating less because his TDEE is lower, starts out at a lower weight with less muscle mass and so on.
"I don't look as good because I'm taller" is still not making a lot of sense.
Henry Butler
Yeah im not able to post vids obviously I dont know what im doing wrong since ive done these things but i see no results at all
May i then ask how do you notice girls being attracted to you? and i mean you specifically
and i see some asshole on a mongolian baby trading forum I had better luck with girls when i was skinnier and alot more beta. all ex gfs approached me and it was good
Hunter Harris
I dont know if you put on muscle faster as a tall guy, i dont know about this and its not what im saying either
Its not a comment on how hard it is to gain weight or anything its a simple statement that if you take two guys with diffrent heights and have them put on the exact same amount of muscle (same bf% start to finish) it will show more on the shorter guy
Same thing applies to chicks for fuck sake, a girl at 140lbs will look very diffrent if she is 5'9 or 5'0
Joshua Diaz
>Im 6'1'' and its harder to look bulky when youre taller
Is what I was refering to, the rest really is common sense.
Gabriel Clark
Majority of younger girls who want older guys want your "freedom' as in staying at your house and spending your money
especially the ones with daddy issues. I'd advise you to start hang at Art shows but you're probably a Veeky Forumszen who can't into Art
Jason Price
Yeah, short girls look like completely different people if they gain or lose 10kg. Meanwhile I as a 6' male look almost identical.
Isaac Gomez
They literally look at me and smile - on the street, in a shop, etc. If I talk to them, they smile even more, stutter or get clumsy, look away and smile when I'm close. Those are usually just homely and average girls, really hot ones are more reserved, sometimes they ignore me completely, I'd have to draw their attention personally if I'm hoping to attract them.
Connor Garcia
Tits or gtfo
Jaxon Garcia
I dont mean to poke fun but girls smiling and stumbling over words means they are attracted to you? Shit happens to me all the time, and some weirds lip sucking thing
I just figured girls had some ticks or something...
Well one of us is wrong and it might be me but i never figured stuff like that means girls are attracted
Eli Hernandez
I get bitches whenever I show my rolls. And when I show my cash.
Veeky Forumsfags are fucking sad.
Liam Ortiz
I hereby diagnose you with autism, mate. "Lip sucking thing" means they show sexual attraction. Other signs of attraction include girls trying to get closer to you physically, maybe touch your arm lightly when they want to attract attention to something. If a girl ever compliments your physique or any trait about you, especially to her friends, that means she is at least strongly considering riding your cock. Christ, only after Veeky Forums have I realized how easy I got it in life just by not having mental illness and major personality dysfunctions.
Juan Jones
Easton Bennett
Young girls like ottermode. It would be fine if you were a skellington to start with.
John Cox
This. I'm still wondering if the main userbase of this board is LITERALLY RETARDED. I'm not even joking. How socially fucked do you have to be not to be able to respond with a witty comment when a girl is touching your muscles/complimenting you/having a flirty chatter, but look to the floor and mumble something or sperg out with pure, unadulterated autism that paints you as a creep or mentally ill person? What the fuck? You just have NOT to be a weirdo, and you get pussy automatically.
Isaac Davis
But im not autistic though, hence the problem Ive had girls at work check out my shoulders and talk about that and such but i mean...its just talk Girls talk, they flirt and it doesnt seem to mean anything because i cant get it together
I met this girl at the gym who was looking over so i started talking to her, nice girl She did all the things seen above, she laughed, looked downm blushed and kept sucking on her lips I asked her out since i felt i had a good shot but she flaked out
Sounds dumb as fuck but i cant interpret those signs as attraction, if girls were attracted i wouldnt have such a hard time finding dates
Jose Smith
Completely wrong. You can attract a whore with just your body if the body is good enough.
Zachary Gomez
How did you ask her out? Maybe you're just bad at that. The delivery is important.
Chase Wright
I think you genuinely have some sort of disorder, probably not as serious as full-retard autism, but something is definitely wrong with you, no offense. That girl literally liked you and was literally considering having sex with you, but you fucked it up, most likely by not flaring the non-verbal social cues and being spergy with your delivery. Most people have no problem with that, they have problems with hygiene, looks and fitness, that's what's holding them back. Your problem is autismo, if you haven't managed to learn to recognize social cues by the time of adulthood, you need to consider seeking professional help. As does most of Veeky Forums, really. I said exactly that. What I also said is that if you waste time on sluts at all, you're half a man and will never be in a truly satisfying relationship and never the best sex life you could be having, not even close.
Isaac Torres
>ive been stuck in a two year dry spell you should just go out and fuck a fattie.
it doesn't matter which garage you go to if you just need your oil changed.