how the fuck can I afford to eat 500g of chicken everyday on PMSF diet? what else should I eat to get enough protein?
How the fuck can I afford to eat 500g of chicken everyday on PMSF diet? what else should I eat to get enough protein?
My semen
Wtf 500g of chicken isn't even that expensive
Eggs are cheaper than chicken.
how many egg whites would it take to get 20g of protein?
Depends where you live and if you can buy in bulk. If i want to eat 200gram of chicken a day thats 1 euro a day, which is 30 a month which is a big chunk out of my budget for somethig that gives me a daily 150-200 calories and 20-30 grams of protein
Buy a whole turkey.
Buy chicken breasts by the case.
Buy some protein powder.
if your in germany take a look at quark pic realted is 55 cents
60g protein for 55 cents? Wtf
Enjoy being gassed to death by your own farts
It's basically a type of cheese. Does not taste like cheese tho.
>60g protein for 55 cents
no way
How accurate are these numbers anyway? Didn't a lot of companies report them wrong?
Should tell that to the germanbros, gassing things should come naturally to them
Awww yiss Magerquark ist wirklich gottgleich
kek'd audibly
>200 grams of chicken
>20-30 grams of protein
You mean "don't many companies report them wrong?"
They could try, but since we have a strong food regulation that checks these kinds of things, they would lose a lot if not everything if they faked a lot.
That's not a model you build a business on here in Germany.
Per day:
400g chicken breast = 3-4€ -> 80g protein
250g Magerquark = 30ct -> 30g protein
50g whey from MyProtein = 11€ per 1kg -> 40g protein
That's 150g protein for ~5€ a day. If you bulk-buy a little you'll spend about 130€ per month and have great protein-rich food.
Pro-tip: mix magerquark with whey and milk to get a tasty Yoghurt-like drink.
I'm Dutch and yes, the EU regulations regarding food are very strict. Still, I remember reading somewhere that numbers may vary.
Might've just been 'murica though.
Not in Germany famalam, the Bundesamt für Verbarucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit would rekt their asses
I think 3
There's a big difference between if that's uncooked or cooked, but 200g of uncooked boneless, skinless chicken breast would be about 44 grams of protein. Cooked would be a lot more depending on how dry it is. You can weigh it pre and post cooking to find out but who really cares.
Twf amerifag and no quark.
Buy bulk, cheap whey protein concentrate. Make up about half your protein intake from that. If you're obese, you don't need the general 1g per pound of bodyweight that gets recommended everywhere, because your bodyweight is all fat.
>he's that fucking poor
nigga I bulk at 4000 calories 400-500g protein
>yogurt/milk alternative + 3 scoops
>chicken curry
>egg and bacon sandwich filler(no sandwich obviously)
>cauliflower cheese + low fat mozarella or some smoked fish/deli meats
>400g of any meat(usually pork) plus lentils or mixed veg or cauliflower cheese
>last snack ranges from smoked fish, meats or carbonara sauce with bacon
Food costs way more than any steroid/supplement barring HGH. prolly spend like 10$ a day while being as frugal as practically possible.
I would have to eat 5 egg whites everyday to get 20g of protein, damn
If you're in the states, Walmart sells bags of chicken breasts cheap. They're frozen. It's all the breasts that get fucked up so they wouldn't be able to sell them fresh in the meat market, but they are fine as a budget meat.
Accindently gave stats for 100gram of chicken but the point still stands
Buy in bulk. is awesome if you're UK.
£25 for 5kg of really good quality chicken. And they always have amazing deals on bigger bulk amounts of other meats.
You're retarded
>400-500g of protein
Do you weigh 300 pounds?
I actually lift unlike you.
bodybuilders/powerlifters who even go near 300lbs eat 600-800grams.
stick to IIFYM you fat piece of shit.
Protein shakes are a cheap way to get protein. Also try eggs and beans.
Yeah and they're on grams of gear a week, not applicable to literally anyone else in the world. Even world class weightlifters would barely eat half that, apart from the fatass supers.
do you even need that much protein? I mean you probably would be fine eating 60g-80g of protein a day.
We got this here in Finland too. Based lidl
oh shit i have a lidl opening down the road from me in the US
i doubt they will carry the cool shit just cheap US shit tho :(
According to Eric Helmes
0,8g/pound of bodyweight
1g/pound of bodyweight
It's a shit ton, in my case is like the triple of what I need to maintain positive nitrogen balance (that my body doesn't it itself to live).
>Mostly vegetarian
>getting most protein from whey, milk and eggs
>Just to bulk to non-skeleton mode I would need to spend over $2500 a year on milk a year plus other food.
We got this in Poortugal too, based lidl indeed.
Get a fucking job.
It's legit. But it tastes like absolute horse shit. If you don't mix it with anything you'll be about to throw up after one package. I usually just put some sugar in it to make it less awful
That's like 50 bucks a week. What are you crying about?
Qwark IS cheap shit, dude
It's pretty much the retarded child of greek yogurt and ricotta