Veeky Forums BTFO
Veeky Forums BTFO
>When you think pedophile, you think bad.
>That's a rumor started by the alt-right.
This. In the past couple years, Cracked went from being a decent source of humor to a SJW strokefest.
It's not 100% wrong, aside from the slander against Christians. What actually happened was the supplanting of "Romanitas" with being a Christian. The Romans assumed that non-Romans were morally corrupt, particularly in sexual matters. When Christianity became prevalent among Romans, pagans started being accused of sexual immorality as a general rule.
>"Ancient Romans were actually super prudish"
to the uninformed plebs at cracked,
pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo
>pic related
Even rudimentary research is Saturnalia would reveal its orgy-filled nature, fuckin cracked
>I will sodomize you and face-fuck you,
>Cocksucking Aurelius and anus-busting Furius,
>You who think, from my verses
>Because they are delicate, that I have no shame.
bahahaha what the hell happened to them
Gay Valery Catull
Is something missing?
Gee, I guess they carved all these cocks into the stonework of Pompeii because they were just so deeply religious
He’s right
Romans were into sex
But there was a time and place for everything
And orgies were considered degenerate
HBO shows give me that impression more so than anything I've heard Christians say.
Yeah, not like Romans had a story about raping the Sabines......
I know this is bait but "Rape" meant "to kidnap"
Though there probably was plenty of that too, abduction marriages were just kind of a thing back then
Before the wealth that the end of the 2nd Punic War brought this was possibly true, but at least by the time of Augustus we can see from his attempted moral reform using the existing framework of the Leges Juliae that orgies and general degeneracy were commonplace (his daughter actually had an orgy on the altar where he read out the moral reforms)
>ancient people drawing dicks for fun
Oh wow what a revelation!
>It's not 100% wrong, aside from the slander against Christians.
Did you even read your own post?
ummmm no sweetie
Romans were pure until those evil Christians slandered them, and destroyed Rome.
Orgies were nothing like the modern pop cultural understanding of the event.
Was there groups of people having sex?
Then it's exactly like modern day interpretation
>Was there groups of people having sex?
No it wasn't. You're thinking of bacchanalias or something similar. Roman orgies were pretty much get togethers with friends, families and associates. They weren't even symposium-tier.
Symposium was one guy lying next to another guy on a couch, if you are referring to the Platonic dialogue.
Yeah, I've lied next to friends on couches before. Fuck.