Reminder that even if you are sad and want to kill yourself just remember that you are loved, even among the Veeky Forums community, and if we make fun of you with rude comments we are never being serious. Stay strong.
Reminder that even if you are sad and want to kill yourself just remember that you are loved...
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck you
Please have sex
Merry Christmas
fuck the english but at least they aren't spain
[spoiler]don't[/spoiler] kill yourself.
Cock sucking faghot. Kys. Not joking. End it. Today.
Good post.
There's literally nothing wrong with killing yourself
Give Gibraltar back you bong nigger. Royal Britannia can go fuck itself
Muh slave morality
Disregard what OP said. Please kill yourselves
thank you op I wish you a very Merry Christmas
Crap sorry that was the wrong pic =(((( I didn't mean that op. I thought this was another picture
The Holiday Spirit is alive boys!! ^.^
Are you sure you're not suicidal m8?
>bong nigger
Spaniards are, honest to God, the niggers of Europe. If we give you Gibraltar it'll just turn into another poorly managed shitshow like Catalonia. Fuck Spain.
Catalonia is responsible for most of Spain's GDP.
If you were having sex you wouldn't be making faggy "aww everyone wuvs u its all ok your lonliness and depression don't mean anything" posts
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas, fellow niceposter. All the r*deposters ITT need to go /b/ack with that /b/ad attitude.
Finna merry Christmas OP
>Reminder that even if you are sad and want to kill yourself just remember that you are loved
Life is pointless - my people are traitors God, King and Country.