Losing weight

Supp Veeky Forums I usually just browse Veeky Forums, But I need to lose weight, quickly. Tell me everything you got, From drugs to exercises to diet. GO!

play vidya on an empty stomach

Read the sticky.

Drugs wise, DNP, clen and t3 are things to look into.

I went from 101 on mid April to 79.5 this morning, without even trying to lose weight, and i kept all my gains and even gained some gains, the secret my friend is LSD, take at least a tab at least three times a week, you will lose weight, sleep, sanity, but hey its worth it.

Cut it away with a knife

Thank user. I really apreciate it, The problem is that i don't have access to LSD atm.

Here's a detailed game-plan (notice the pun, because you browse Veeky Forums) for you:
>Get ahold of of some DNP (dinitrophenol,) take one scoop in the morning and in the evenings.
>Buy a sweat-suit and wear it 24/7.
>Turn up the heat in your room.
>Cut out all salt from your diet.
>Eat whatever the fuck you want as long as it got no salt in it.
I guarantee you'll be skelly-mode within a month no matter how fat you are.

dnp is what's up op. get on that train before it leaves the station pal

If you flat out wanna lose weight without any other considerations just go ham on cardio, and drink coffee all day, and smoke a pack a day, rip appetite.
throw some ephedrine into the mix if its legal over the counter where you live.

Where do i find DNP?

The onion my friend.

Try pesticide vendors. Failing that steal some from your local dye factory.
Don't worry, they use water in pesticides and dyes too and water isn't bad for you.

1. Lick the inside of a toilet bowl.
2. Diarrhea and vomit until nothing left of you.
3. ????????????
4. Profit.

Darknet is probably your easiest route because most regular net sites stopped stocking it due to the high profile deaths caused by retards taking too much.

They're orderable in the netherlands, I ordered 200tabs.

Before i /thread/ i need to know what's a healthy dose?

Just strt taking it and you will learn as you go. Listen to your body.

Those 200 tabs are probably a weekly dose.

Read the sticky. I know people are memeing it at you but for real it helps and it has every question you're going to ask us as a beginner

Nice pun

If you browse Veeky Forums you'll always be fat. At least get semi normie by browsing /v/ instead