When have you made girls do the smug pepe at you?
Mirin thread
When I lay unconscious on my mattress overnight and my imagination takes over.
I once hooked up with a milf via craigslist and she was constantly mirin my back and telling me "omgosh you look like a young model".
I seriously think mires are 95% delusion or guys misinterpreting shit
>I'm getting mired left and right, yesterday a qt3.1459 cashier smiled at me and today the receptionist did the same
>be lifting awhile
>kinda bum looking with glasses and unstyled hair. no attention from girls
>decide to go shopping and get better fitting clothes, also contacts and a haircut.
>first week back at work girls talking to me more than usual
>one thirsty one tells me straight out i look cute
>Says we should hangout and smoke sometime together (dont do weed but want to break dry spell )
>say "sure" and she gets really excited
>other girl who was also being chatty with me hears her and start mocking her excitement. They then make awkward looks at eachother
Banged the thirsty one and now am setting shit up with her enemy. Being a chad is pretty comfy desu
>at party
>7/10 grill asks if I want to be her pong partner
>carry my team to victory
>towards the end of the game she was aggressively groping me
>most female contact I've had in a long time
>get like half chub and I'm wearing shorts
>still have like 5 turns left and I can't stand upright or I'll look like an ass
>be hunched over for the last 5 turns while we win
>she starts groping me again and starts making out with me
It felt good to be mired desu but I'm not a piece of meat
8/10 experience
>go to math tutoring at my uni (I'm a tutor)
>have to wear new shirts for an event
>one of the prof tells me to go grab a large
>mfw former skelly
every God damn day at work, every other guy is a limp wristed beta with a gut so I look like fucking Adonis compared to them
I'm married but if I wasn't I'd be dunking my pen in all the company ink
I can only see these "mires" being women silently laughing at me in some way
>tfw fat office whore has been hitting up guys starting from swolest on down, with each one turning her down
>tfw i came in 3rd apparently
Turning her down was fun as well
I'll know I made it when a fir chick pins me down and rapes me.
That's all I want out of life: to be raped by a muscle grill.
>being weaker than a girl
>made it
>t I'd be dunking my pen in all the company ink
>invited to a beta friend birthday
>three qt3.14s there
>one recognizes me as a school partner (the qtest one), I don't remember her really
>other one watches me from top to bottom
>friend tells me he is behind one of them (the qtest one)
>"ok, be smooth with her user"
>talk to my school partner a lot
>later go to clubbing
>dance a lot with the other one, we ended making out
>got laid with her
>at morning user sends me a message, the retard actually told to my school partner that he liked her, without filters, she completely ignored him, I face palmed myself
>add my school partner to fb, ask her whatsapp, invite her to another birthday
>also dance
>also got laid with her
I feel bad for my friend, but I can't do nothing, he just don't listen and aspergers the fuck out
I won't resist too hard.
>little cousins birthday a few weeks ago
>went paintballing
>when we get there, we have a safety briefing by some sort of asian/pacific islander qtpie
>describing the rules
>she says "no shooting within 15 feet",
>looks at me
>"no matter how big and strong you are, it will hurt"
i'm not even that big, you can tell I lift but in my mind I count this as a mire
What the fuck do you mean by school "partner"?
You were dancing in school or some shit?
she went with me to school when we where kids
I don't know how to say it, I speak Spanish
Do gay mires count, even if the guy miring is objectively a good looking guy?
My nigga. Pong has gotten me so many girls. Perfect way to flirt
former classmate
>meet up with qt friend from high school
>comments I how she didn't know I went to the gym and compliments how I look
>not sure how to respond
Aw yiss, social autism strikes again
>>she says "no shooting within 15 feet"
for what purpose
I'm Argie
This line of thinking has led to me just assuming that I'm never bring mired and just chalking up signs to my imagination/them being polite, so I never make a move. It's so embedded in my personality that not even alcohol can get me over it
>tfw no gf
Mirin/autism, not sure.
>Out yesterday for some drinks with my mates
>Taking it easy since I don't drink very often and my cut's been going really well
>Getting late, figure I'll go to the bar and pick my card up and leave before the drink goes to my head and I become vegetative
>Meet these two girls I know there
>One of them just stares stupidly at me, mouth half-open, drunken mind says to throw a coin in there just for laffs
>The other one looks up and says "user, I DIDN'T RECOGNISE YOU, YOU'VE CHANGED"
>Shaved my beard on a dare recently, so figure it's that, motion to my face
>Grabs my waist
>Grabs my delts and arms
>Say "Yeah, I know"
>"user are you going anywhere?"
>"Yeah, I'm of a mind to call it a night and go home"
>"Riiight? Me too!"
>"Yeah you do that, it just seems like the right thing to do"
>Take my card from the barkeep
>Go outside, find my bike, and ride home like Lance Armstrong being chased by WADA
You are doing yourself a diservice by thinking like that. If you arent confident in some of your attributes then work on them. In the mean time if an possible opportunity presents itself just go for it man. Worst a bitch can do is say no.
When opportunity knocks you kick open the door and ask them what the hell they want
You can't work on tiny wrists and pectus excavatum my dude
At the club I work.
Bittersweet really.
They'll come over and touch my chest and arms and take my number.
But being as it's a club and I'm a professional not imparting undue attention to them during my shift I usually end up seeing them sucking face with a dyel on the dancefloor and leaving with them.
She's naked in this picture I took to show my internet buddies
I know this feel
Who is she?
I recently realized that my girlfriend start giggling and really touching me after cutting down to 10%. She cannot help the giggles, at first I thought it was bad, but I recently came to find out her giggling was out of excitement and anticipation. Many girls do this.
It would be quite painful
He's a big guy.
Dick Talens' (founder of fitocracy) girlfriend
level 10 autism, although I suppose it depends if the girls were attractive or not
my 90 year old aunt told me I should model
all my moms friends think I'm really handsome
I don't believe them
I've seen her before. I thought she was Esmeralda first time around.
4u lel
Old ladies are just more open and honest about that sort of thing.
I know man, I know. That all makes sense when I think about it, but the whole thing goes out the window in the moment. It's honestly pretty frustrating
Lmao nahhh
No idea who Esme is, but she lives in Leeds and works in web dev.
that's the funny part
>grandma: "you're very handsome, you must have it easy with the girls"
>me: "y-you too"
Wtf don't doxx her
grandpa and that same aunt were telling me to not let any bad girls get near me and how I must be chasing them off with a stick
if only they knew
Nigga why you gotta spazz like that
you were so close
Mirin and Autism at the same time fuck y'all talkin bout
Did you just start as a tutor? I was a tutor in uni, and I had girls mirin' before I even started lifting. Great opportunity to practice-flirt and hone your skills.
genetically blessed faggots gET OFF MY BOARD REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>Fug grill from tinder
>You probably hear it all the time, but your body is perfect
>tfw I never heard that before
Also first time I fisted a girl, was weird as fuck but she came buckets, didn't think that happened outside of porn shoots
how did itfeel? Typinf this eith one ahnd
>fisting a girl off tinder
holy fuck imagine what a slut she is
>>Fug grill from tinder
Cool story brah
>Cambodian chick telling me I'm her second fuck ever and how she's tight
> 10 minutes into foreplay my right hand is wrist deep
>fisting a tinderella
her future husband will never know
And neither will her current husband.
Her pussy kept squeezing really tight, and she was flapping around like a frenzied fish.
She told me about how much she hated monogamous relationships, slut for sure
>tfw she wants me to come over again next week
Bask in my glory, peasant
>being happy about hooking up with such a slut
>will probably be fucking 4-5 other guys from tinder between your fuck sessions
lmfao how pathetic
Get yourself checked bro
So like, did you stick your dingus in her after you fisted her?
It's funny how this works. A lot of times, guys get flirted with or hit on by girls and are completely oblivious to it, like until they get home or are lying in bed or something.
But then you have things like these Veeky Forums mirin threads, where even just a girl looking at a guy means OMFG SHE WAS MIRIN ME
this is an example of a clear mire. girl stops what she's doing, looks him up and down, even kinda bites her lip.
Yes absolutly
>see qt at the gym one day
>this is a pretty rare occurrence seeing as most people there are normally old
>keeps looking at me
>filling up my water bottle and she walks over smiling
>turn around and walk away as fast as possible and almost trip over
why am I like this
>Mom's friends telling you that you're handsome
This is NOT to be taken seriously.
They're actually just saying that to make your mom feel good, not you.
>implying I give a fuck about what she does
Eh, used a condom
Yeah, wasn't very enjoyable. Loose af
>so desperate and thirsty that he will fuck a tinder whore who he literally just shoved his fist into on the first meeting
>actually excited to do it again
jesus youre pathetic man
>gay guy at my unit says he noticed I've been working out
>i finally have a chest
I'll take it, I guess.
>jesus youre pathetic man
Projecting much? Why wouldn't I want to do it again? She's hot and the sex was pretty great.
How does it make me desperate or thirsty? Doesn't everyone want a slutty fwb?
I'm with ya brah, I'd keep going back for more.
>Pass a flaming gay guy in store aisle; it's a narrow aisle so we're really close
>He does this gay move where he pushes his glasses down, eyes me up and down and up again
>Exclaims "Ohhhh! HOT!" and smiles
>His friend is super embarrassed an apologises
>I'm just happy I got mired...
Pretty degenerate desu
>tfw stared at all the time when walking down the street but can't tell if disgusted or mirin
>no mires in 4 years of lifting because homegym and never go outside except to jog
>gains are pointless
iktf bro...
How do I know when shes legit mirin and not casual looking at me?
I don't get why you guys get upset being mired by gay guys. Yeah okay, you're straight so those mires wont lead to sexual stuff for you. But men are more likely to recognize your work you put in at the gym, so you should feel good when another guy compliments you if you look good.
Just like how you guys all post nearly naked photos in CBT threads and all look at each others naked bodies and compliment each other
This. If they truly believed you're handsome they'd be trying to fuck you without your mom knowing
Yeah it sounds awesome tbf
also we all know she wasn't "hot", 4channer. if she was hot she wouldnt be using tinder to meet random men to get fisted by on the first date because shes a psycho
>hes not good looking enough to get girls to let him fist and shit on them on the first coffee date
Step ya game up senpai
>girl starts mirin me
>get nervous
>she looks like shes about to talk
>i whip out my .500 s&w and let a shot out into the air
>run away
To be fair to her, the fisting occured the second time we met. First time we just sat on a swing, drank wine and made out - she's a proper lady.
Sure, she's not the hottest girl I've ever been with, but I'd still call her hot. Lots of hot girls use tinder, you know. She does give me some psycho-vibes, though. Why do you care, anyways?
i don't know why but for some reason rejecting/turning down girls feels extremely satisfying. my original motivation to lift was just to get thirsty girls interested then shit them down.
This. let em know what its like to be on business end if rejection
>Believes condoms work for anything but 1 std
this desu
Glad someone else on Earth gets how useless these things are.
Condors actually cause pregnancy I think because when you are young and stupid and use condoms you think you can bust your nut inside her and don't spray and pray.
Condors. Not even once.
If a gay guy likes the look of you it is bad because it means you are gay because when he looks at you he sex you with him eyes and oh no hes sex you again one more time and you cum
I wasn't upset, a complement is a complement.