What do you think, Veeky Forums?

What do you think, Veeky Forums?

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This triggered me really badly. So these fat fucks think that diets are a fucking fad and don't work.


>diets are a fucking fad
This is the problem right here. People think diets are temporary inconveniences and not lifelong changes.

100% triggered

jesus fucking christ, what a time to see how the ignorance spreads and kills the information

Let's break it down.
>you're body is working against you
True, you're body is stupid and will try to maintain weight even at unhealthily high levels because in the wild that was favourable for survival
>dieting advocates have longer subscribed to the theory the number of calories you consume versus the number of calories you expend determines your weight
CICO is a theory the same way gravity is a theory, don't make it sound like it's up for debate
>if you plan to lose any weight you must expends more calories than you're taking in
100% true
>scientific studies are now confirming what we all suspected, that's a load of hooey
No they aren't and no it's not
>long recommended advice to eat less and exercise more has done little to curb the inexorable rise in weight
Because people aren't following that advice
>everyone has friend who is tiny despite eating cheetos and pizza all day
Do you know they eat like that all day everyday? Maybe they eat two Delissio's a day, that's still only 1800kcal
>one who eats salads and runs but can't lose a pound
Same as above, people often misreport. One doesn't want to seem like a tryhard, one wants to seem like she's trying to be healthy and it's not their fault
>although exercise is really good for you it doesn't affect your caloric expenditure nearly as much as you think
True, most people wildly overestimate the number of calories they burn through exercise
>majority of calories we burn come from the energy our body uses to perform basic functions and to break down food
Unless you're an extremely serious athlete in a cardio-intensive sport this is true
>which is out of your control
your weight's within your control, you not being able to will your body into a TDEE of 1200 doesn't mean you are powerless to change anyhting
>only 10-30% of your caloric intake can be burned via exercise
Completely untrue

>working out may elevate hormones that increase feeling of hunger, so a post gym nosh may easily undo that hour of cardio
True and true, so maybe don’t have 6 beers and pound of wings to reward your gym session
>working out doesn’t guarantee you’ll lose weight
True, because caloric intake matters
>diet management can be more effective than exercise
>again it’s not that simple
Yes it is
>metabolism drops
Yes, your body attempts to hold onto weight, but metabolism isn’t a magic valve that stops you’re body from burning calories
>fall in lectin levels a hormone that regulates hunger, this makes it harder to control appetite and burn calories
True, but it’s not impossible
>some studies show the more we try to diet the harder it is to keep the weight off
Yes because most people crash diet for 2 weeks, see barely any movement on the scale, then binge eat. The study you referenced actually suggests that teenagers trying to diet just end up binging, it only supports the idea that a lack of self control leads to weight gain
>evolutionarily having extra fat keeps us from starving to death in lean times
True, but too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Also comparing a baby’s physiology and fat deposition to that of an adult’s is ridiculous
>having fat on our bodies allows us to maintain energy levels even when sick
True, but you don’t need 40% body fat to do that. I am around 13% and have visibly more energy when sick then any of my fat coworkers
>some bodies are perfectly healthy whether they appear underweight or overweight
Healthy and overweight is a myth bbc.com/news/health-25118857
>There’s a spectrum of sizes, like a beautiful rainbow of bodies
Yes and that spectrum contains unhealthy sizes at either end, it’s is not beautiful on those ends

>some factors are out of your control
Your weight’s not one of them
>there’s nothing wrong with loving what you’ve been given
You weren’t given an unhealthy weight, it’s a choice you make every day

I feel like my high school Health class teacher tried her absolute best to redpill everyone, but it's just in one ear and right out the other, so good on tests, and go back to misconceptions and broscience


Sounds about right.

Bless you for logically combating these misguided fools. Misinformation is more dangerous than most give credit for, and only people like you will really defend against such fucking idiocracy.

Top tier post

I have a fat friend who eats nothing but salads though and she is actually fat. Some people are just unlucky. She works out so much and can run 10 miles and has done competition runs. She does 2 hours of yoga every day and doesn't snack and is very very healthy (her bloodwork is perfect), but she is still fat.

There is definitely more to weight loss than cal in cal out

>eats nothing but salads*

*oil, cheese, and bacon bits with some green things underneath it somewhere


This video just screams 'MURICAA. The only ones uneducated and ignorant enough to believe a video like this.

>doesn't snack
okay bud.

It actually is calorie in/calorie out. Those calories may not necessarily be leaving from fat.

I don't know if you're this fat friend but tell your fat friend to buy a food scale and use myfitnesspal. The bitch ain't just eating salads.

just dropping by to say that these are excellent posts user, keep up the good work

Did anyone watch this but me? They straight up said it's energy in + energy out. It's just that people have a tendency to over eat after exercise and can't stick to a diet as it becomes harder over time.

"... have long subscribed to the theory"

Fuck why am I so angry, fuck

made it to 1:23

>that voice

fuck off with your click bait, you absolute cunt

you are cancer

What no I lost 16kg and this video is absolute horseshit

Exercise -IS- guaranteed to help you lose weight, and calories in/calories out literally is the way your body gains or loses weight - to suggest otherwise would violate the laws of thermodynamics

diets don't work for people who have shit willpower

90% of people have shit willpower

diets don't work for 90% of people