reminder if you don't read 1 book a week you might as well not go to the gym
Reminder if you don't read 1 book a week you might as well not go to the gym
Most women are stupid as fuck anyway, no need to read to impress.
How about forcing women to read books to you?
>not listening to audio books while you lift
depends on what books you are reading. if you're reading the likes of harry potter, then there is no real use. and anyway, what is the purpose of reading intelligent books if they dont help you with your career? normies only ever talk shit. i have read tons of great books but i can never discuss them with people, so again, what is the point apart from personal enjoyment?
>reading "books" that can be finished in a week
Brotip: Animu and comics are not actual books
Reminder that reading books is not a hobby nor does it make you interesting or unique...
jesus Veeky Forums is one of the worst boards on this site
if you disagree with someone, you should present an argument. you're being just as ignorant.
I was gonna bully you but then I seen those dubs.
you should kill yourself
Not sure if this is good advice, but when it comes to reading, stick with nonfiction.
Things like philosophy, and history are good to start from; science journals, tax codes and the like are rather dry.
Personally, I recommend plowing through your tax code at least once, because this shit is convoluted as hell and will be immediately useful to you.
As stated, reading isn't a hobby.
You're just increasing your knowledge of the world.
learning can be a hobby.. you're basically saying people who learn to do shit dont have a hobby.
this is satire right? you can't be this stupid
What do you expect? Most people don't read
Hoods sweaty balls I would rather read harry potter than tax codes.
Yeah honestly this is cancer, you dont read or lift to impress wymen you dumb fucks.
Jokes on you. I don't do either
I became an avid reader like three months ago and I can't stop. I stopped watching tv and I don't spend much time on Veeky Forums anymore.
Here's how I did it.
-Remember the average person reads like zero books a year. If you read 5 pages a day, you are 5 pages above the average person
-Don't force yourself to read. Commit to read 5 pages a day. I swear after three days you'll feel like reading more and after a month or so you should be reading 50-100 pages a day for pleasure
-Read various books at the same time. When I grab a difficult book or one that makes me sleepy I grab another and switch. This should refresh your head. Keep them thematically different. I read economics and fiction.
-It isn't a race. Reading slowly won't make you sleepy that fast. Try to acknowledge what books are for you to read fast and which aren't.
-Buy the physical copies. When you get the books from your own money you'll feel the need to read them to avoid the feel of wasting your money.
-Start with books highly discussed here so you feel motivated to discuss.
Nonfiction is boring as fuck.
I read to escape my shit life, not learn more about it.
>but when it comes to reading, stick with nonfiction
stick to reading nutritional information you meat head holy fuck my blood pressure is permanently increased knowing someone like you exists
>Listening to audio version of Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe
>Actually doing Blaha's shitty ICF ripoff
>Confused them muscled GOOD, right babe?
What do you do it for?
>For yourself
If it was for myself I wouldn't do it. I don't need to lift to validate myself. I was happy being a dyel. It's just easier to get women being strong.
Plus I like being able to pick up heavy shit and put it back down.
I never had the attention span for audio books. My mind wanders and mutes it out.
I don't understand your argument or point of view.
>If it was for myself I wouldn't do it
stay mediocre for life
>-It isn't a race. Reading slowly won't make you sleepy that fast.
Except the slower you read, the more likely you are to subvocalize which leads to poorer comprehension.
>When you get the books from your own money you'll feel the need to read them to avoid the feel of wasting your money.
>spending money on something that is almost guaranteed to be free online
If you want something physical to hold while you read, get an e-book reader. Otherwise this is shit advice
I was perfectly happy doing just that.
I read but for enjoyment. I lift for girls.
Okay. I don't think you need to, it isn't really an argument when it's 100% opinion. Does it matter WHY someone lifts? I've been lifting for 3 years now just fine.
>reading isn't a hobby.
It can absolutely be a hobby, if you enjoy doing it in your leisure time then it's a hobby.
>Not sure if this is good advice
You're right it isn't good advice, why write off a whole classification? You don't even state a reason why and you act like there is nothing to be learnt from fictional books. Read whatever you want to read.
*Get an e-book reader or a library card
That last part slipped my mind
Were all agreed book of Malazan is better than A Game of Thrones or Wheel of Time right?
>you dont read or lift to impress wymen you dumb fucks.
then why do you read? if it doesent offer anything to your career, why would you spend more time essentially working? i read non fiction alot, im reading napoleon the great right now but that is because i enjoy it.
Malazan blows.
GRRM writes people. Erickson writes paper-thin story book characters.
jesus christ just stick to lifting you are dumb as a brick. i can't even imagine the stimulating conversation you must have with people
You talking shit about Mappo and Icarium?
at least Erickson can finish a story line unlike GRRM who has ended up with a book of Mary Sue's.
I read a bit of it but didn't like it. Does it get better?
I liked Wheel of Time. Probably because it's pretty much anime in book form.
Recently read Emperor of Thorns, that shit was pretty neat. Main character was pretty much an asshole the entire series.
>mfw I read fiction and non fiction
Why cant I enjoy reading about Ankh morpork and Alexander the Great?
you're not even presenting an argument so you're clearly not intelligent. the fact that you tried insulting me diminishes any intelligence you may posses. im going to assume you're trolling or a pleb.
i read so i don't end up like you
you are reading a biography of napoleon from 2014. you are the pleb
why do you read if it has not made you more intelligent?
The first book is difficult because your just thrown into the world among characters who have been together a long time. But yes it gets better the first book of Malazan is considered the worse, but does need to be read all the same.
I'm considered reading the series for a 3rd time as I recently read two new books he wrote that take place before the main series, interesting shit my Napan.
>The first book is difficult because your just thrown into the world among characters who have been together a long time
Yeah maybe that's why I couldn't get in to it. I'll try it again.
If my kids end up as dumb as these guys I'll have failed as a parent
Worth the read mate, and pay attention to Iskaral Pust even as bat shit insane his chapters are the little one liners he throws out are a pay off.
Sound judgment
>implying there is anything wrong with fantasy as a genre
Jokes on you, reading the Divine Comedy right now
>the only reason to do anything is to impress girls
>not to better yourself
You aren't going to make it.