How do you get motivated Veeky Forums?

How do you get motivated Veeky Forums?
>pic related
I leave my phone on that Google Doc before locking and charging my phone for the night so I see it when I wake up. It's been pretty successful so far.

Trite to say, but motivation doesn't do shit. Need discipline to actually achieve what you want.

Yeah shaming yourself into motivation will only make you burnout faster when you fail and confirm your own beliefs.

“How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself and in no instance bypass the discriminations of reason? You have been given the principles that you ought to endorse, and you have endorsed them. What kind of teacher, then, are you still waiting for in order to refer your self-improvement to him? You are no longer a boy, but a full-grown man. If you are careless and lazy now and keep putting things off and always deferring the day after which you will attend to yourself, you will not notice that you are making no progress, but you will live and die as someone quite ordinary.

From now on, then, resolve to live as a grown-up who is making progress, and make whatever you think best a law that you never set aside. And whenever you encounter anything that is difficult or pleasurable, or highly or lowly regarded, remember that the contest is now: you are at the Olympic Games, you cannot wait any longer, and that your progress is wrecked or preserved by a single day and a single event. That is how Socrates fulfilled himself by attending to nothing except reason in everything he encountered. And you, although you are not yet a Socrates, should live as someone who at least wants to be a Socrates.”

Epictetus 55 AD - 135 AD

>tell somebody they're worthless in black and white font

Damn that's some good motivation

youre not stubborn enough to fight the urge to drink another soda? im so stubborn that i dont eat in days just fueled by self loathing. i've had to physically teach myself to stop not eating for days and learn to develop a healthy relationship with food. self hatred is great if you're not retarded about it.

pic related in my fridge


FPH threads helped me out though, sometimes shame is the answer, lost 44lb so far.

>lifting for girls

>lifting fueled by self hatred

you are ok op

I've been drinking 5 cans a day for 9 years. Addictions are hard to break man.

I read a wall of text that my ex-girlfriend made on her Instagram every single day. It's a feminist rant.

Why? Because I want to remind myself that I cannot go back to that level of woman ever again, and in order to leave behind my past life I must progress - being fit is part of that natural progression.

I haven't killed myself yet so I'm pretty good.

I think of that 6 month trip through Japan and Europe I'll be taking in 1.5 years.

So how do I motivate myself into discipline?

By lifting long enough until it becomes habit.

I practice salsa

I girl started some weeks ago, she is a "model", I tried to add her to fb with no luck although she added other guys from the class

I have her picture as a wallpaper in my phone, I fucking hate her, pretentious cunt

I just go to my bathroom mirror to look and grab every piece of fat I can
Playing with my own fat rolls and love handles gets me motivated fast
also looking at pictures of pretty girls i guess

I think about all the people who already hate me out of jealousy. I used to look at photos of others for inspiration, but now I look at photos of myself before I got lean or my old symmetric strength screenshots.

This is me also. Just want to lose that fat more than anything and everytime I see it I just wanna lift.

70BC is before the Gallic Wars though. He really hadn't done things to be remembered yet then.

thats exactly what he's saying?

I remind myself that I am 20.
I'm literally at the most important crossroad of my life. What I do in the next couple years will decide if the rest of my life will be absolutely fucking amazing, or shit beyond comparison.

This is the time to have a good body, this is the time to have fun, I won't have my life slip me by.

Imagine what it feels like to be 35 years old and look back on your 20s, remembering yourself as a skinny motherfucker or a fat piece of shit when you should have been at your physical prime.
I want to see what my body is capable of.

No more acne, no more being Auschwitz, no more fucky sleep patterns and accomplishing nothing during the day.

It's time to change.