Oops, i did it again
Oops, i did it again
He's gay
dont matter when u win mr olympia 6 times
cedric got fucked wow.
Saw Phil at the arnold this year, he's a lot shorter than he looks on stage
Still gay as fuck, just like Jeff Seid. He's a fucking meme, skinny chicken.
He's the true Michael. I'm just jealous.
big ramy in 4th?
fucking GAY
I don't even know why I bother to watch
No 1 even watched the olymper this year last year was lit
That doesn't look like Jay Cutler...
I watched a little, I don't get it. They all let out huge guts when they turn around. The girls shit was more entertaining. It's basically a competition to see who can take the most drugs and live still, then act like what you do is motivational or pure.
Why does Jeff get so much hate here? Hes aesthetic as fuck and was a good athlete when he was in high school.
Inb4 jeff pls go
is he natty?
Cuz hes a fucking pussy
What makes him a pussy?
Unlike most people you fags circle jerk over he competed in actual sports instead of being really good at picking things up and putting them down.
I dunno why he's a pussy but I hate that he is such a wannabe try hard. If he was cool and acted like a human instead of a mouth breathing zyzz robot he'd get a lot less hate
Did he win?
suck him maybe you will have gains too.
jeff pls....
lmao @ jeff shilling himself on Veeky Forums
Mr. Olympia is the most boring shit ever.
>hurr one guy wins every year till he retires then another guy wins every year till he retires and so on
I played with your heart