What mode is this?

What mode is this?

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Perfect girlfriend mode to get fat with mode

Tumblr mode

3 kids & no plan maybe?

Oh shit!!! He looks like a girl!

"I made a TV show that is every semi-drunken bedtime fantasy of fat girls who came home alone from the bar after watching all her normal friends get hit but never being approached herself"-mode

fat piece of shit that needs to die mode

Child Molester mode

I would have no problem blowing her back the fuck out.

""diets don't work!"" mode

Is her ass even salvageable Veeky Forums?

Nah, it's just very fuckable


Came here to say this.

Why is she famous

Child molester mode.

Khazar milkduds
Unseductive Jewess
Marshmallow plumps
Heiferdyke (not quite bulldyke)
GĂ©rard Depardumpy


She's very funny, and she wrote a show that really captures a certain cultural zeitgeist.

Oh wait, this is post-/pol/ Veeky Forums - I mean she's a liberal cuck bitch who SJWs promote incessantly

Her parents are long-time NYC artists which would have given her connections. She is a Jewess which always helps.
Her show "Girls" as far as I can tell without watching it is sort of like "Sex and the City" only instead of skinny, wealthy older women it's poor, fat, ugly Generation Y women.

I think they really expected her to be a sort of "voice of a generation" and smash hit success because of how relatable she is to so many girls today.

>She's very funny

eternally triggered mode

Blighttown invasion mode

Vomit mode

She actually is. If your humour wasn't just Veeky Forums memes and calling people cucks you might get it too.

The funny thing is is that GIRLS is all about how entitled and selfish young millenial girls are, and is actually very anti-SJW in a lot of ways, but Veeky Forums will continue to think it's about protecting tumblrinas feels because it was made by a fat woman.

Oh boy, I hope I'm being meme'd.

Is mayonnaise a body type?

It's the jew material mode

>Glorifying a fat, gluttonous SJW fuck who molested her kid sister


It might lampoon them for being those things but, as someone that has never seen the show, it looks to me as if it promotes those behaviours rather than persuades girls to be more.

Look at Dunham herself. She is rich enough to afford health and fitness spoonfed to her but she is still really noticeably out of shape. Not just overweight but with terrible posture.

>Asserts opinion as fact
>makes strawman
>soap box

You're a pleasure and I can see why Lena appeals to you

>Glorifying a fat, gluttonous SJW
ie. The average Generation Y woman.

If you embody what is supposed to be "self-aware irony" in reality, the writing is no longer parody. You'd have more of a point if Dunham didn't herself exemplify the SJW stances in her own life

Did you see that case recently where some black athlete she wanted to fuck glanced at her and kept playing with his phone?
She was tweeting about it accusing him of being some shallow, fat-shaming arsehole or something like that.

I was actually going to screencap an article about that and post it with my reply, but I got too lazy

It's funny because I bet if she'd just been like:
>Hey, I'm rich and famous, wanna fuck? He'd be like:
>*sucks air through teeth*
>aaight, I got five minutes.

Just think. THIS person thought Odell Beckham Jr., a superstar athlete, would want to fuck them.

That is the ridiculous fairy tale bubble world women live in when they just echo chamber good feelings back and forth.

"He didn't want you? Probably gay."

To be fair, ODB is probably a faggot

Extra chromosome mode, do not breed.

Aren't people with extra chromosomes typically infertile/sterile?


came to say this as well

He is gay though


>poor, fat, ugly Generation Y women
3/4 of the main cast are pretty qt imo


Nah, downs women can still be fertile.

that thing on the left is not qt

Thank you for at least being honest about the situation by posting a black guy reaction image.

Jewish Brute Mode

Child abusing woman mode

Just call he lister the sister fister


what a waste of beautiful eyes



Her family was wealthy with connections

You can look up her family history. Most of the new generation of actors and actresses come from money. The "working their way up" thing is a myth, Hollywood is all nepotism.

Stay stupid

You turned hyper defensive and extremely toxic off the bat when no one was being negative

I couldn't imagine going through life where people made my go into fits of childish tantrums over TV shows

Who would win in a fight?


HOLY LOL underrated af

Does she have some hormone imbalance or what?

>criticisms on entitled and selfish young anyone
>has a body that looks like it hasn't been without a caloric surplus for even 1 second

Yeah nah

1st season is best season. After that the show just died on itself.

>All the replies confirming what you said


It must be fun being ugly

Isn't that extremely rare though? Like a male calico cat?

Average progressive mode

The caption to this was fucking hilarious as well.

>replying to yourself for validation

First season of girls was pure kino
2nd season was okayish adam is a really good actor
but lena ruins the show with how many times SHE MAKES US SEE HER NAKED
then she just starts ruining characters left and right