>effectively retired from work
>personal cook
>personal trainer
>still can't lose weight
what went wrong?
>effectively retired from work
>personal cook
>personal trainer
>still can't lose weight
what went wrong?
Lots of celebrities have addictions.
His is food.
He's already lost weight before, he's said people find him funnier when he's fat. Danny McBride has said the same thing.
His role is to be the fat one.
Or weed, munchies is just a side affect
Yup, he's the funny fat guy. Kevin James actually wanted to lost weight but casting directors wanted hum to remain fat
You lift user
Why can't you get a gf?
What are you implying?
Any one else notice the subway in his pocket? .....Is he gonna be the next jarad? lol
let's be fair buddy
lots of people have addictions
maybe hes doing SS?
no one can be this retarded
he has to be fat to land roles
hes selling his body out for the $$
Related example:
Chris Pratt has been a fatty forever yet got into respectable shape in Guardians of the Galaxy, but he put the pounds back on for the next season of Parks and Rec (then lost some fat for Jurassic World and now Guardians 2).
And let's not forget Christian Bale.
Actors fill a role.
all the things you listed
Am I the only one... That left hand...
Probably enlarged cup to make him look like more of a fatass, just forgot about the hand
Haven't you heard, user? He doesn't smoke weed. He also doesn't fight. He uses his words, like a fucking ADULT.
Damn. Didn't think it was a shoop. He's got a whole sandwich in his pocket and I was totally like "uh huh. This is what fat people do."
>what went wrong
Implying anything went wrong with his life hes living the life
god damn that other guy got swindled, tiniest ice cream bucked i've seen.
> He also doesn't fight
I don't don't doubt it.
He stopped getting roles when he lost it because he looked like a 40 year old man.
>that pocket subway
I was literally reading about this fat fuck earlier today. I fucking hate him as an actor, and he seems like a deplorable human. He got on this kick for a while about wanting to transition into becoming a "real" actor that doesn't just fill comedic roles. His was a real asshole in that time before realizing that he'll only ever be able to fit fat fuck roles. His acting is sub par, and i genuinely think he's a shitty person.
Captcha was selecting food.
What's up with his tiny hands? Can you still lift with infant hands?
>subway in the pocket
fuck could it be anymore perfect
Why doesn't he just take tons of steroids and growth hormones and become the ultimate bearmode?
he has enough money and influence to negate the whole illegal shit and his personal doctors can monitor him safely.
He looked like shit when he was skinny anyway, looked like he wanted to die.
>what went wrong?
Nothing, he enjoys being a gluttonous bastard.
With his fame and money I guarantee you can bed a new hottie every night.
Me on the other hand, born to a lower income household, university debt, unfinished degree, always falling for the most materialistic hoes on the planet. I need these roid gains to reject women. I kid You not.
I turn 99% of women down and subconsciously it gives me some sort of high like I'm better than them.
At least this fat fuck doesn't have such deep seeded psychological issues.
maybe he enjoys food like its a drug?
im sure you all have addictions too.
>what went wrong?
he consumes calories at a surplus
He lost weight a few years back. Didn't you guys see that?
>hollywood actor
>doesn't have such deep seeded psychological issues
he got his break through nepotism rather than hard work and talent. he didn't have to work hard, really hard, to get success, so he has a poor work ethic.
success on easy mode has made him complacent.
you know personal cook, personal trainer, personal dick sucker, personal dadfucker, personal personal personal means nothing, right?
the process isn't different at all, you know that right?
the same things that make people fat also make celebrities fat, you realise that right?
He is capable of weight loss. He just doesn't get hired when he is thin. You realise that, right?
sweet non-sequitur
learn how to communicate logically you demented fuck.
> sky is blue
> but what cars drive on roads.
Thinner* I should say. If he could be low bf and marketable I think he would probably be Veeky Forums by now.
Particularly since it's revealed Channing Tatum lies to girls and tells them he will fuck them if they fuck Jonah.
Being rich and famous doesn't get him the quality tail he'd like.
It seems perfectly understandable to me. Maybe you're just ignorant? Maybe I'm the ignorant one.
He is a comedian. Many comedians play the "Funny Fat Guy." If they become skinny it's weird and people don't like it.
He knows this from personal experience. He actually tried to improve himself and fucked up his career in the process.
He has to be fat for roles like Christian Bale has to be fat, Veeky Forums or skinny for roles.
except my point was losing weight isn't different even with supports
in response to a thread about how he can't lose weight even with those supports
and your response is
> he fat because he funny man and funny man is fat for job.
does he really need more acting roles by this point? he can retire, get Veeky Forums and enjoy the life
How much fucking ice cream is that?
2 litres???
Jonah is cute af
To be honest he has a career as a serious actor, if he wants it, so he could drop the pounds and only do serious acting. That stoner comedy stuff is played out anyway.
You're right losing weight isn't different even with supports but the reason for wanting to lose weight, may vary from person to person. And to Jonah Hill, there is no good enough reason.
it's the normal ice cup for non american fatties .