>'Bariatric' rescues - which involve coming to the aid of severely obese people, who are often stuck in their homes - have increased from 709 in 2012-13 to 944 in 2015-16, figures collected from all 50 UK fire and rescue services show.
Saw this and felt like some fat hate. What a fucking waste of resources
Why do fatties swarm around this woman? Is it because she can't argue against them because she's dead?
Angel Taylor
I just wanna say shoutout to all the fatties actively working to lose weight. I'm proud of you keep up the good work.
Ryder Cooper
It's these threads that convinced me I needed to lose weight. Made the 5'6" manlet that I was at nearly 200lb decide that I wasn't happy or healthy with how I looked. These threads that inspire me every day to keep at it, keep trying to go to the shitty chain gym in my town and keep pushing till I can look and feel better about myself.
It's been about a month since I started lurking, studying the sticky, and I'm already down > 20lbs of pure body fat. Just throwing in my 2 cents to say that I love all of you Veeky Forumsizens.
Maybe someday, we'll all make it.
Benjamin Parker
Good job bro. I mire that mindset
Levi Ross
posting the tale of fatbro
because someday we're all going to make it
Juan Rogers
I need to cut, even if it means losing my 1.5pl8 ohp. Counting calories and sticking to a set diet is easy, but seeing my gains leave my body is never fun. I guess I'll look like a sick cunt underneath the fat, I just gotta let it out
Jeremiah James
Same here friend. Feels fucking great being down 4 kg of fat in 3 months. Never thought I would like to go to the gym. Never thought I would enjoy "healthy" meals. And here I am, anxiously waiting for my classes to end so I can hit the gym.
Life can be funny sometimes
Isaac Morris
Being able to lift heavy with fat on top of your muscles is like fat girls talking about how big their boobs are.
Lose weight, tubby and start gaining lean mass in the Winter.
Cameron James
Logan Baker
do it you fat fuck
William Long
One thing has always bothered me about this. Shouldn't the sandwiches be way more than 1060 calories?
Sandwiches I make tend to come in around the 400-500 Cal mark.
4 sandwiches is 800 Cal in bread alone.
Andrew Roberts
I have a bit of a story that I wanted to share. It doesn't really have a point other than wtf. Trigger warnings (because you cunts need them judging by your autism about sex and vaginas): Women, sex
>be me, work in a sex shop >last shift for the week, Sunday afternoon, 15 mins till I close >phone rings >answer with usual professional courtesy >man on the other end, says he thinks he spoke to me last week and asks if we do plus size corsets >I tell him that our store doesn't actually do any proper corsetry with steel or acrylic boning, and the closest we have are bustiers that resemble corsets, and yes, we have them in plus size up to 4X >He says the reason he asks is because he's looking something for his wife to wear, and she's gained a lot of weight and it's affected her confidence, so he wants to help her get her confidence back >I dgaf about sob stories, but I have 15 mins to kill, so I listen >She's gained a lot of weight and let herself go, is miserable, and can't seem to lose the weight >He explains to me that the real issue is her breast size. Most cups won't fit her because she's HH or some shit >I tell him that maybe a different style with soft cups might be suitable since you don't have to worry about an underwire or cup >suggest things like bodystockings that are stretchy >He tells me she's a size 22 (Australian sizing) Google tells me size 22 is Tess Monster mode, but I didn't know this or have any idea what a size 22 looked like during the phone call >Give him the usual spiel of "the best thing you can do is to come down with her and have a look at what we've got, or check out our website Coming to think of it, NOTHING we have would fit a size 22 >Then he starts telling me that he wants something sexy for her to wear, because they had an erotic photoshoot done by a photographer mate, and it really seemed to boost her confidence
Cameron Turner
>I thought "if she wants to feel sexy and boost her confidence, why doesn't she just eat less?" but I can't say that shit because I'm at work >He says there were two male models in the shoot giving her attention and she loved it >I wanted to tell him that the guys only gave his fatass wife attention because they were being paid but I just go "uh huh" >He tells me that the guys were amazed with the size of her tits and that they were hanging off the ends of them >"Uh huh" >While he's telling me all the details of this wildlife shoot, I'm thinking "does he actually think this is risque or that he's titillating me with the details?" I couldn't quite tell if he was just some guy getting his thrills by speaking to a girl on the phone about his fat fuck whale wife, or if he was just some poor dude at his wit's end trying to make his wife happy >It's getting close to close, so I take control of the call and tell him to bring his wife down to see if there's something suitable, and make a point of telling him our opening hours and saying we close soon >He then starts going on about how steamy the photoshoot was, and that he thought if he wasn't there, the guys would have fucked his wife >Cuck alarm goes off >He says his photographer mate has offered him a lot of money to make a sex video with his fatty wife in it and that you can't turn down that kind of money
Kayden Kelly
>I interrupt and say that would be her choice if she wanted the money or not, because he's getting a little too carried away with the idea of whoring out his fat fuck wife >He says it's $5000 >I almost lol. $5k is money you can't say no to? Guy wants to whore out his disgusting wife for cheap. >By now I'm bored and want to get the end of day stuff done, so I go back to my default repeat opening hours, tell them to come down to the shop, but this time I also say that I don't even know what a size 22 looks like so I'm not sure if what we have will fit, and that the ONLY thing I can help him with is talking about lingerie >Sucks that I have to remain professional and polite, because I do like my job and need the money to pay for gym, food, and supps.. and rent and shit >Dude finally gets the hint and the call ends
So what the fuck. He thinks the way to getting his wife to feel sexier is to whore her out for porn? And did he honestly think that he was telling me hot dirty secrets that might turn me on or some shit? We get weirdos all the time in sex shops, prank calls, guys ringing up because they get thrills talking to women on the phone and trying to get us to disclose personal sexual preferences, so his story of his hambeast wife having two dudes suck on her udders while pics were being taken was actually disgusting. Size fucking 22!!! Disgusting.
>pic related That's about as big as we sell. "Queen" size it's called. The models on the boxes are all high test to pudgy.
Kayden Davis
Where in Aus do you work slut? 5k for a fuck - yeah, nah cunt.
Tyler Reed
Wow really make you think
Tbh I dont see the appeal in her .Kinda mean Source bitch Wish I could afford to eat like that Lmao u still a manlet
Fakengay Tfw u cut and have zipper abs
Wtf I hate blacks now Where do you work Imma throe up *barf
Kevin Cook
What the fuck is wrong with you? Weirdo
Luke Taylor
What do you mean
Lincoln Myers
It's a sex toy shop. Not saying which brand. All I do is sell toys, lingerie, lube, condoms, porn, hens and buck's night shit...
It might tickle you to know that it's the Indian and Pakistani guys who buy delay products and bathmate pumps the most.
Ethan Diaz
keep going bro
keep going
Leo Butler
Good, fucking Trumpton are lazy bunch of cunts who do fuck all half the time and occasionally turn up and cut people out of cars. They need another job to do.
Zachary Mitchell
Of course they all have mirco peens according to the WHO
Nolan James
Are you an alternative chick?
Noah Roberts
Good job you fat fuck. Keep that mindset and you'll make it. Fat shaming works, don't let anybody tell you otherwise. The people who attack fat shaming are the people who don't want average people to be in shape.
Jacob Allen
Nobody's main chick works at a sex store, of course she's the side bitch.
In all seriousness though I've never seen a female employee at a sex store that wasn't either an alt chick or obese or both. Then again I live in North Central Florida so that might be a part of it.
Aiden Gutierrez
Fuck that bitch
Poor doggo :((
Christian Jenkins
Please stop posting you shitty tripfag
Daniel Nguyen
this shit makes me rage. its revisionist history
Nathaniel Ward
Adam Jackson
Juan Cook
Anthony Morgan
Jackson Hughes
I agree with the first line of that. Fat isn't a bad word! It is however an accurate descriptor
Ethan Johnson
>Anotha one
Owen Anderson
>confusing correlation and causation
Tyler Adams
>Implying fatties have anything resembling an education.
They don't see the difference.
Thomas Adams
>obese mom makes me a drink with fruits in it >just by looking at the full 10-12 oz glass of juice I'm already estimating the calories >ask how many tangerines she put in it >tells me to shut up fruit doesn't count >tell her to tell me what she put in it >6 tangerines, trys to downlplay the 2 cups of pinapple and 1 Apple >I probably drank 400+ calories of fruits in one sitting >more than if you just bought OJ in the store >muh healthy at every size >I tell her she needs to fix her portion sizes >she tells me to burn off calories cleaning the bathrooms >she's sitting on the couch while I am scrubbing the floors sinks tubs toilets and walls
I mean. Why do aversive to trying to lose weight?
Ryan Cox
Sikk fruntbutt 2bh
Christopher Hernandez
>entire life I was fat >as a baby my relatives would call me chunky chicken >growing up I was bullied into reclusion, no longer being active I gained a lot of weigh >I spent all of high-school at 220+ pounds and still had extremely anti social behaviors due to bullying from middle school >my grades were always higher than a majority of the class so I stayed home most days and ate junk food playing games >graduate with no goals in life as I planned on offing myself before 30 anyways >then I found Veeky Forums and /pol/ (1/2)
Liam Nguyen
>began to see men of the past and how great they were >Greek aesthetics and philosophy, proverbs that gave new outlooks on life >an idea of honor and being more than ones self is slowly engraved into my mind >while /pol/ changes how I see the world it begins to intermingle with how Veeky Forums makes me see myself >I'm disgusting, I'm fat and it is revolting >how can I believe that degeneracy is bad if I myself am a fat degenerate >start cutting bad shit out of my diet, fuck soda and junk snacks >start running and working out, I'm now 160 pounds and still losing weight >plan on joining the rcmp and having a long career >want to have a wife and three kids minimum >want to be an example of what fitness can help a person achieve >all because Veeky Forums and /pol/ taught me being fat is wrong
Never stop fat hate threads, they literally saved my life
Jonathan Robinson
god speed user
Mason Carter
The people who made that video couldn't even find a picture where Monroe looked like their model so they had one with a ton of transparency to hide it.
Evan Flores
Damn, that's inspiring user. You can make it brah.
That's why I love history - it's inspirational as hell.
Luke James
Jayden Jones
Hey man good for you I was 170lbs 35% bf same height when I started changing my life! You can do it!!!
Tyler Bailey
I need help, my dad and i are fat, but i'm trying to make it and it's inspiring my dad into doing the same and getting healthy again (he was a volleyball player, he actualy had a shot at being a professional) but he has a little problem: he doesn't see the problem about the body positivity movement and think there's nothing wrong with being fat and that being realistic about his and other fattys problems is being mean. How can i show him that body positivity is a problem?
Jack Ortiz
Hey guys, thanks for all the motivation.
just wanna post a little progress, should i keep cutting or start to lift? I went from 235 to 165, now back up to 174lbs Thanks again. Im sure I "Could have done it without you" but you have helped me so much.
Kayden Ward
Keep up the solid work.. And just remeber... If you quit.. You'll die alone. Best wishes.
Colton Ross
Holy shit user, major kudos on the progress. Keep pushing and you'll do well.
Eli Davis
Good shit brah! Lookin sharp.
Ryder White
Good for you, user, I'm glad to hear you turned your life around.
Camden Sanders
To answer your question you should be lifting. You should basically always be lifting, even on a cut:
Adrian Anderson
If you're too lazy, negligent, or irresponsible to maintain your own health then there's a good likelihood you're lazy, negligent, and irresponsible in other aspects of life which manifests as legal incursions and less reward.
Ethan Cox
>chunky chicken
But gj on combating degeneracy and providing our people a future.
Deus Vult user
Jonathan Green
I hate fat people that think are are muscular and don't admit they are just fat
James Taylor
>guys paid to pretend cow is sexy seem to think cow is sexy
Poor fucks probably downed ten dick pills before going.
Carter Martin
thanks a bunch guys. lifes good. feel like 10x the man i was a year ago
Matthew Gutierrez
Any loose skin? What's your Height?
Andrew Harris
Obese women make me literally gag in my mouth and want to throw up. Disgusting pieces of lard.
Connor Wright
You're on your way. Keep on making it '_'7
Brayden Kelly
Thankfully no loose skin. I am manlet of all manlets at 5'8. Last I checked, I have checked my BF % on one of those fucked off machines at my gym, and it says 14% but I feel it is higher. I started cutting at 1500 calories per day, low carb but not keto. No soda of course, lots of lean meat, and fresh veg. Still continued to drink frequently whilst on the cut, and cant help but feel I could have done so so so much better without booze. I am starting a fresh run this week, excited to crank the daily calorie intake up to 2100 and start lifting heavier. I was an varsity hockey player in high school, and that was at my fattest. I will be starting Joe DeFrancos Strong Bastard 911 program thursday.
Eli Peterson
>2 4 pint bottles GOMAD OMAD MAD AD D
Juan Torres
>Fat shaming works
It's literally the reason why Asian countries don't have an obesity problem (excluding a country or two).
I can't find the video right now, but there's a dude on youtube who did a blog about going to Japan and people literally telling him to his face that he was fat like it was the most casual thing ever. And the dude was Veeky Forums, so he wasn't even fat he was literally just bulking.
Robert Flores
They are halves m8
Brandon Parker
The only thing I'm pissed off about is that she's wearing the wrong sized clothing I remember when I was a freshman I was shopping for my very first highsvhjo dance saw this absolutely BEAUTIFUL gown, the price was right, it fit but we discovered it was torn at the zipper because some fatty tried to force her way into it. I was so angry, it was absolutely heartbreaking to the 14 year old version of myself
Ayden Sullivan
Highschool* failed
Juan Barnes
>just started writing an argumentative paper against HAES >go to their website to get some info straight from the source >very front page "Let's face facts" >"We've lost the war on obesity." >even one of their own core "facts" is a statement of pure resignation and acceptance of inferiority
Jacob Wright
You're a nigger
Brandon Thompson
I don't really get it. I mean after college and getting an office job I quit exercise and started drinking, got fat as a result. But I knew why I was fat, I knew what I had to do to stop I just didn't do it, and I sure as fuck never went around saying I was healthy. Why are women more likely to up and refuse reality? Why are they more likely to believe psychics or that guy who said he could talk to ghosts?
John Moore
Girls really do live on easy mode
Caleb Wilson
>obese mom makes me a drink with fruits in it >I tell her she needs to fix her portion sizes you dumb fuckin cunt. make your own drinks lazy shit
Eli Phillips
My grandfather is obese, he has gone to the hospital many fucking times because of complications due to his mother fucking Obesity. What do you do to someone who is addicted to alcohol or drugs? You Institutionalize them? What do you do with someone who is addicted to food? You preach body positivity??? No that's bullshit. Both of those addictions can fucking kill you my grandfather is not going to be around much longer because of his fucking eating habits. It's not fucking social justice, HOW IS IT JUSTICE TO THE FUCKING FAMILIES OF OBESE PEOPLE TO LOSE THEIR LOVED ONES EARLIER THAN THEY SHOULD? Body positivity is fucking bullshit. Stop thinking about just yourself and start thinking about the family who wants to keep you around as long as fucking possible.
Dylan Parker
Have you ever thought that maybe your mommy is pissing you off on purpose so you can FUCK OFF and go live on your own?
Henry Gomez
Lack of encouragement for critical thought and not many female role models for skepticism and science.
It's actually quite sad/scary to have half of the population so scientifically illiterate they're bamboozled by crystals and tarot cards.
Michael Lewis
over 9000 hours on ms paint
Liam James
Fatshaming not being effective is wrong. These threads are the biggest motivator I got, every day I visit one to remind myself what I do not want to become. I might be a sad, pathetic shit who cant stop my depression but at least I can stop myself from becoming this.
Thanks for posting in these threads anons. My pants are no longer too tight, my stomach, ass and thighs are shrinking, and my body are getting firmer every week.
Might even make it one day.
Aaron Hernandez
Maybe i'm on the wrong track here, but does your name start with an a? You sound like a girl I used to go to school with who now works in a sex store.
Since womyn and men are equal, perhaps a 50% gender requirement for all rescues should be implemented regardless of how it affects Tumbler's financial statements.
Landon Cruz
>that numale cuck of a boyfriend >funnel feeding
Jack Martin
Praise fat shaming! In 10 months I went from 5' 140lbs and unable to eat healthy or complete one pull up to 110lbs and doing 3x5 sets of pull ups. I spent the first 3 months studying religiously more than exercising DESU though. Thanks fit
Cameron Turner
The hell is wrong with people. This isn't real.
Jaxson Long
I believe in you brah
Robert Clark
Alexander Carter
Ayden Wood
She said she appreciated my company you dumbass.
>make your own drinks I didn't ask for drinks I tell her not to make me any but she does anyway She wants to lose weight so I tell her how to
Jayden Mitchell
Bulk through winter and start cutting in March for summer. Nobody cares about your bod for the next 6 months, but you'll be swole as fuark come next June for beach season