This is your competition
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Well I should be alright then.
Fuck, I'm not alright.
>long hair
>doll abs
I'll be fine.
I can't compete with that
>implying this isn't exactly what women want
W-will I be fine, Veeky Forums?
How can I even compete with genetically superior specimens like this?
Should I just end it?
You will drop 4% bf instantly if you no homo suck one of their dicks, which one do you pick, Veeky Forums?
Shit I would suck all of them to be sure, then the first one I did to make sure it stays.
4% is no joke m8
>there is no way to exercise your face
I can't compete with anyone
I really, really wanna take a baseball bat to that one faggot on the left's face.
only the middle one is competition, those twins look like downeys tbqh senpai
Hi, this is Chad, why the hell are you posting my pictures on a gay dating site???
To be honest it's not that much competition. Phaggots like OP's picture will probably go for the top 20% looking females, ones that are hard to please and constantly looking for the next chad.
Working out, developing yourself and becoming a better person could easily net a girl in the "average" tier or slightly above. Nothing wrong with average - getting out and actually putting yourself on the spot is important.
plastic surgery retard
This is why the "it's better if few lifted" is retarded.
I got some bad news for you, boyo.
Lol, not anymore. I have a beautiful face but never worked out because I still got laid without muscles and I've always been good at sports anyway. Been dyel mode my whole life and now I'm in my late 20's with a receding hairline and just now starting to chase them gainz. Those guys aren't my competition because it's too late to play in that league.
>lifting for women
not gonna make it
>this nigger gets it
will Crom cast you out of Vallhalla and laugh at you, Veeky Forums?
Well, I know when i have been usurped. Time to make a move for the door.
That dude in the middle reaks of turbo manlet
Unless you're looking for "no homo", you should be fine
It depends, what do they climb?
what a nu-male song
I think middle is for sure the worst. Looks like a turbo manlet
these guys are pure nightmare fuel
They could beat me up but with two razor blades and a match stick I'll make sure they have to get real jobs after.
I wouldn't worry...
calm down. this is fiction. we are safe old boy. we are safe.
>implying they don't want my dick
I pity you and those fags you posted
You better be back in the sex dungeon by the time I get home Chad Twinkboi
Yes there is plebeian
More like a bf goal
what makes you think bottom of the barrel trash like you deserves a bf like the ones in the OP?
>women don't know what they want.
You don't take the flippant opinions of women seriously, do you? This is why you are still virgins.
This right here.
Nah, it just means you'll get some pussy on the way to true godhood
Apparently they're pretty sure they don't want (you)
Dyel uggo manlets
What would you guys say these guys lift numbers are for the main compounds ?
Also they look in the manlet range desu
>implying I lift for women
Get out of here with your flaccid rebuttals
>moving the goalposts every single post
>women are stupid
>you're just a bunch of virgins
>n-not that I care of anything
Why are you so angry?
Why would they compete for the girls that are actually attracted to me? :(
>raising the bar on autism every single post
Checkmate, atheists.
Three more then likely impotent from the massive amounts of steroids and speed homosexuals?
For what? The top boipussy in the gay club?
Life is too precious to care what girls or faggots like you think. If you want pussy, just go get it.
Retard or ESL?
So, girls are not important but you use "virgin" as an insult and you care so little about all this that you can't help writing angry comments on a thread you apparently have no interest on. I think you are confused
I think you're a virgin. Someone who has actually had sex would understand what I'm talking about.
Guys do you think they are natural?
Looks natty to me.
I'm actually not a virgin but I don't care wether you believe me or not. I understand what you say, but it's wrong: you're applying an idea you want to be true to half the world population simply to feel superior. A lot of women don't know what they want but guess what, so do a lot of man. Who hurt you user? Why are you so bitter? If you keep seeing enemies everywhere you'll just end up in an endless war against the world, against people who, just like you, only want to line their life and be happy. You pretend you don't care but you're lying to yourself, otherwise why would you be so angry at strangers on the internet? I hope you'll find your peace, good luck
Y-you too. I'm just happy that I made you type a paragraph at 8:00 in the morning
It's actually 2 pm here :^)
4th place here i come
I don't compare myself to others. Good on them for getting a nice body. Chances are the girls who would like them aren't my type anyway
This is actually sound advice and too real for this board.
Been in therapy all summer. I'm a lot more comfortable about myself now. I don't waste time fighting things I can't change anymore. Chads will always be around so might as well accept them too.
Good on you breh. I know I need to chill the fuck out about shit I can't change.
>implying I'm not used to women chasing after me and getting off on emotionally wrecking them while going hot and cold on them
I realize I also am acting like a woman at that point and then break it off and hate myself for acting like a cunt.
The problem with this survey is that you don't need to see the face of that torso to know thats Brad Pitt. Of course the overwhelming majority of women are going to vote for that, but more because the overwhelming majority know who that torso belongs to. Take some random guy with a similar body type and redo the survey, the numbers will be different.
Thank god
>Chances are the girls who would like them aren't my type anyway
so all girls aren't your type then
What? You aint in his town so you can't suck him off?
> might as well accept [chads] too
> accept
> Chad detected
Remember, at the end of the day there will always be a bigger Chad.
Idk could be creatine
You do know all posts are anonymous on this website right? Also you don't get any karma or points per post.
which would be?
Yes. So?
I wish. I'm still a diagnosed autist with some confidence issues. But nobody's gonna change me except myself
>they're all on gear
Nice try
The guy on the left and right are twins and the bitches love that shit.
Crazy thing is they're both pretty clean (def not 100% natty but still). Both transferred to D1 football schools and had to stop cycling.
Pic related is the guy on the left before he transferred.
>u tell me
>Chances are the girls who would like them aren't my type anyway
stop calling mtf "girls"
spotted the non-retard.
Excuses, excuses...
Damn he looks way better not smiling. That's a terrible smile, making him go from a 8.5 to a 6.5
>3 less 10/10 women I have to worry about
your move lads
>doll abs
Bearmode reporting
4%? Fuck yeah, I'd almost do it for free.
no, FUCK YOU Jason
That one time in the shower after the game meant nothing!
You mean all girls?
99.999% of you guys would get cucked instantly by any of them... GFs would be on their knees sucking his cock whilst she's texting you the shoes she wants for her birthday.
Not sure if some of these posts are troll or ultimate delusional cope.
They might have height and or frame but look at those fucking faces you blind motherfucker. Lifting didn't fix their ugly
To add to this, women are completely controlled by their perception of themselves. Even women who like ripped dudes will likely choose less muscular men in a survey like this so they don't seem "shallow" or "slutty". Their willingness to appear more socially desirable literally knows no bounds. A friend of mine dated a pudgy dad-bod kind of guy for about 2 years, the entire time insisting that muscles are gross and dad-bod is #1. The moment they broke up she got together with the Chad that had the biggest arms. This survey is actually made biased by these women simply because they know it will be shown to people. Unfortunately, the only time a woman would answer it honestly is if she knew nobody would see it.
No it's not
I'm not into girls
this level of delusion.
>muh inherent value
If he stands a bit more sideways he disappears lmao
I can smell your insecurity from over here