Why do they look so shit

David Laid has a DL in the 600s

Yet he still looks like a frail kid

What's the reason for him looking so feminine despite having good lifts?


Look at these fucking gymcels ffs

I thought frame was a meme

He lifts to look aesthetic. And majority of natty lifters look frail as fuck in cloths.

Might as well post how huge you are

God why is the male body so beautiful

It's the face coupled with the narrow waist/hips. Which themselves wouldn't be so noticeable without the huge contrast.


But he just looks really skinny and frail in clothes. Like excessively so. His friend looks pretty thick in comparison

lmao, the kid in the OP could fuck every oneitis you've ever had. The body dysmorphia on Veeky Forums is off the charts.

Watched a few of his videos, the drone shots he does are pretty cool, I subscribed

He looks like a stereotypical American rich kid though

Because natty/off gear

Maybe he has done gear in the past, maybe not. But he is not enhanced in OP pic

nah he's got pump + lighting in the OP pic, can easily be natty there

nvm misread your post

its the 14 inch neck coupled with 19 inch arms

your neck should be thicker than your arms


>ywn bite into david laid's quad as he strangles you with them

Why even bother living?

>come back to fit after 3 years
>thread calling someone who looks like this a frail kid

How deluded can you people get?

>come back to fit

that was your big mistake

>n-no homo

He lifts for the no-homos

lifting won't cure babyface

>tfw when even his face is perfect thanks to great cheekbones, jaw and chin meanwhile I gotta save up money for face implants




watch the video

>lifts to look like a fitness model

>bu..but he looks weak and not blubber or bear mode

>Yet he still looks like a frail kid

I have the same problem sure there's some size and traps show but still have kind of a boyish/lanklet appeareance imo

>him looking so feminine

He looks boyish, but wouldn't say feminine still


is he natty?

how long do i need to life to get this body?

It's a rich 18yo american kid who's some kind of instagram celebrity, is an advanced lifter at his age with very low body fat and delts the size of his head. Gee Billy could he be anything BUT natty?

this kid has maybe 15inch arms lmao.

he's like 6'3" while his buddies are like 5'8"

theoretically he could be using steroids

he's 6"3' and you're a 5"5' skinnyfat manlet shitposting on a uruguayian Civilization V board

I'm glad sarcasm isn't lost on you.

He's using low doses of gear right ? or am I a little bitch for not achieving that natty?

It looks like he has a small frame.

>tfw 5'6
I already have really long legs so I can't break my legs repeatedly to get taller

>thought his friend was a qt
>close up of his face and he's an uggo

dont know how to feel about this


How big do you think his waist is? 28 inches?

Is that actually a thing wtf?

yes they break the legs then put the bones just close together enough that they will heal together. It will hurt to run for the rest of your life and lifting is out of question so I probably still wouldn't do it

yup, leg lengthening surgery. you can add up to 4 inches to your height, costs upwards of $15, probably closer to $50k if you want a good doctor. Pretty much guarantees you're going to spend your 60's onwards in a wheelchair though

Still deadlifts more then your total.

Fuck that. Not only will that interfere with your running/lifting but that's RIP to the careers of anyone working in law enforcement/defence force.

to look big in videos you have to be fucking huge

to look big in real life you don't need to be bodybuilder tier huge

>costs upwards of $15


Slim waist, big delts, my frames similar albeit not nearly as advanced, he just lucked out on the genetics is all.

The amount of delusion in this post is frightening.

Pump, lighting and instagram filters.
He takes a good camera to take pictures and then edits shadows and everything else to appear more defined. That's why they look "small" in clothes. But for normies, that's bigger than the average so to them they aren't dyel in clothes

>obsessing over arm circumference

soft as fuck fatceps detected