>hey user! Havent seen you in a while
>nice arms!
Hey user! Havent seen you in a while
Other urls found in this thread:
y-you too
good thread retard
>pour a round of that tito's vodka and lemme try your vape, what flavor is it?
>blow it in her face
>do shot
>lets play a drinking game
easy as fuck you spergs
Y-you too ahaha
2 mins later
>wow that user guy was a jerk
>hes kinda short too
I was gonna meme it up by saying this but she doesn't have nice arms, so it makes no sense to say "y-you too"
>bud light
Dropped. Fucking plebian whores.
>i only date Women with well developed palates
>craft beer for me please, m'lady
Mmm slutty college whores. Fun to fuck, never to get serious with.
>t-thanks, y-you too
Theyre so hot and chokeable breh
Look at that lusty laguna in the back. Imagine her slobberin all over your knob
God damn i mustve stared at this photo for 5+mins
>Hey, girls. It's been a while.
>Nice tits.
H-Have fun, breh
>open Instagram
>summary line reads "ain't another bitch like this"
>just another slutty white bitch?
So what? Thicc blonde sluts do it for me.
Holy fuckin christ
How does a human even get this sexually attractive. Shes like a sex alien sent to this planet to frustrate us
I would eat the pieces of corn out of her shit. Fart in my fuckin mouth and piss on me
God damn this bitch sexy
Gross *barfs*
honestly the blonde isn't even hot
Welp, youre fuckin gay
nah my dude her face is weird and her tits look fake
the brunette is super hot though
>thanks, i started jerking off with my left hand to balance them out, sometimes i'll use both hands at once, but then i have to lay down the cumrag and be careful when i unload or it will get all over the place... how's it going?
still haven't learned
Do you think saying "honestly both of you get naked right now" could ever work in reality
half of me wants to have a relationship with a girl like that, make her the happiest womyn in the world and enjoy being with someone so good looking
the other half wants to rape and beat her up until she is unrecognizable because she looks like a fucking whore
im never gonna make it i just know
I fucked a girl last summer off tinder who looked 90% as good as the brunette
Huge tits and her pussy was perfect. Complete opposite of a roastie, it was like an exacto knife cut between her legs breh
Shit was cash. Never called her again
>tfw can barely 5x5 70lbs as first chest exercise of the day
1. Women like this make terrible partners, they'll always just look for the taller, more popular Chad if you can even get them to "date" you in the first place (better have something they want)
2. You are crazy man, you sound like a shitskin rapefugee
In a porn it would
We are savages, Ahmed, our ancestors were savages from the Hindu Kush steppe, we must continue to be savages.
Any reason you like to shit post on /pol/ and Veeky Forums with the same exact garbage OP?
Inb pic related
I dont visit /pol/ bud
I guess these 2 sluts are popular
>is not and has never been a chad
>roleplays on anonymous chad board, now overrun with manlet faggots.
>only wife uneducated inbred cows with no interests or personalities of their own
Tit injections
Ass injections
Lip injections
Cheek injections
Nose job
Hours of makeup
You can't touch her without it smearing
What exactly did she mean by this? Women like this are made to look at, not to touch. Most guys never learn this distinction
I've said things like this before. Just depends on your rapport and how ugly you are
>says the guy posting with a picture of a negroe
Are you serious?? I'd fuck her but she is a dolled up faux 7. Based off of your post I thought she would be way hotter. You must have just taken your pre workout or something.
I dunno man, just somethin about her hot popular bitch face that gets me throbbin. Shes probably such a cunt
That tanned skin. She probably smells like vanilla mixed with britney spears perfume and vodka. Eau d'hot girl
I dont even like blondes but this is a special breed, the laguna beach tighty