He killed millions

He killed millions.


Probably not a single one. That's what is funny with dictators.

this is the high level of discourse I keep coming for here

Mao wins.

He killed millions

The Holocaust happened, but I wish it didn't...

It's highly unlikely that Hitler ever personally killed anyone

If there’s one good thing he did, it was preventing communism from taking over Europe.

Or rather, attempting to.

what does john marston have to do with this?

Then he fucked up royally considering they ended up with half of Europe.

America was the one that was in a race to liberate as much land as possible before the Soviets could "liberate" them.

He killed millions.

No he didn't, neither directly nor indirectly. Stop spreading this retarded meme.

well nice job then fucking cretin

The American Revolutionary war had 90,000 deaths total so I don't see how Mao is any worse.


>he killed gorillions

>Germans find out people are dying in camps
>they investigate
>find out it's Typhus
>order Zyklon bug spray to eradicate the insects
>but jews still need a casus belli for screwing Arabs out of their land
>rubs hands together*

> my only friend
> stabbed me in the back

>Be Britbong in the year 1917
>your government commits the tragedy that is the Balfour Declaration
>Israel is now secured by the leveraging power of the British empire
>Arabs getting screwed out of their land by yidds
>British & international (((fake news))) call them terrorists
>call it the Arab Uprising
>still need more casus belli to screw the rest of them
>if only there was a way to cast them as the victims of some atrocity that would allow jews to claim Israel without having to move them all there

Oh that's sad. Well I'm sure your friend regretted it.

>you may find yourself
>living in a Berlin bunker
>and you may find yourself
>in another part of the world
>and you may ask yourself
>how did I get here

To save billions.

In what alternate timeline do you live?

What neo-Nazis don't seem to understand is that, even if the Holocaust is untrue, Hitler is still responsible for causing the deaths of 15 million Europeans and opening the gates to the left-wing hell we live under today. You don't exculpate Hitler by disproving the Holocaust, and, indeed, many of the most prominent Holocaust-deniers, like Denierbud, are vehemently anti-Hitler.

>He killed millions

the 15 million weren't white anyway

>casus belli

did you come across the pre-war newspaper articles that spoke of 5 million Jews??? No? How about 4 million Jews? No? What about 7 million Jews? No? Well I have, see pic related. All these other newspaper articles exist. It's just that the guy who posted the "omfg 6 million" pre-war newspaper clippings conveniently does not show the other numbers also listed in pre-war newspaper snippets. Why should he? It would detract from his intended message of somehow making the 6 million number unique and prophetic. In reality, all of these were rough estimates of the Jewish population in Eastern Europe and Western Russia, being in danger due to the turbulent events of the early 20th century happening there (war, famine, revolution etc.).

>15 million
The number is more like 30 million

What i don't get about nazi apoligists is that they should be proud that he killed all of those people if they are *actual nazis* right?

He should've killed them.

That would make it less enticing for newcomers to join their group. It's better to whitewash it in a sense that those Jew deaths were accidental, less died and muh partisan actions.

The 6 million newspaper articles has always seemed like the weakest piece of evidence revisionists have but it doesn't really have anything to do with the rest of the arguments that support the idea that the Holocaust is largely myth.

Not to mention 6 million Jews isn't that far off when talking about Russia, 1897 census showed that there were about 5.2 million Jews living in Russia.

A lot of Jews are anti Zionist.

Yeah only because they are the Diaspora/Lubavitch/Haisdic Jews who believe they where supposed to rule over the goyim from EVERYWHERE not from a nuclear nation state.

this is retarded. Anyways, this problem was fixed with the boomer generation. However, Europe was still left destroyed and what was European was replaced by functionalism, modernism, globalism and secularism. Even better, Germany is at the forefront representing this today. Thanks Germany, thank you so fucking much.

But he did nothing wrong!!!

que /pol/'s giant rage boner.


But they are the master race, they deserve it. Masters need slaves. Not all men can be masters.


> Brown hair
> Five foot eight inches tall
> Nobody liked his deviant art
> Vegetarian who'd guzzle soy if he could
> Leader of the master race

>"neo nazis "
>blaming the loser for over half a century of other people fucking up

>What is Latin


The one where the commies didn't invade western Europe and build Stalin's fleet.


You telling me the far right picked a living meme as their leader? hmmm

... to kill billions

good pic

He did not kill enough

I can imagine this as a Norm MacDonald joke

>Great Leap Forward resulted in starvation of, at a conservative estimate, 10-15 MILLION people
You are seething, Commie.

I can get admiring Hitler for killing Jews if you're antisemitic, but you surely can't admire him overall due to him starting a war he couldn't win, destroying Europe for the second time in 30 years, and causing Germany to die for 50 years. He's just another weirdo would be school shooter manlet who took over a European power in a time of unrest and used his power to try and take over the world. This last part also applies to Napoleon, Lenin and Stalin.

>There was no Holocaust, Hitler gud boy, he'd never do something so evil, it's a Jewish lie!
>Day of the Rope soon nigger, can't wait to double tap your whole baboon family in front of you!
There's a reason only knuckle-dragging imbeciles join these movements.


Farm the grain, feel the pain

And saved 1000s of children from pedophiles

He made it worse. Not that he wasn’t in the right

Do his dog and himself count?

I don't remember George Washington ordering the eradication of sparrows or getting all your farm equipment to be melted down for shitty iron

Proportion, the Revolutionary War killed the equivalent of 10-15 million Chinese.

Revolutionary War still killed 90,000 people.

Are you retarded, bro? Serious question.


t. assblasted (((catholic)))

to save billions

If we're going to avoid overpopulation at this point, is someone going to have to go king of kong on the genocide high schore?

What the fuck are you on about?

You don't know many Jews, do you?


He only killed those who resisted.


I came here to post this, even if I don't believe it.

Marston would have saved pregnant Anne Frank if the (((Feds))) hadn't shot him.

thats terrifying


Show me one piece of evidence that he did.