Remember all those sayings like "money doesn't buy happiness" and "the truly wealthy man is one who is happy with what he has?"
They're just little sentimental sayings they put in dollar store calendars right? Meant to appease the sheep and make people feel happy with a lack of accomplishment?
Well let me tell you... >Spent my whole life working hard to be as successful as I can >Worked hard in school as long as I was there >Studied hard >Studied for interviews >Got a great job >Learned how to invest properly >Created good saving and investment habits to built a good foundation for my retirement portfolio already in my early 20s >On top of this I've engaged in risky but high reward investments like crypto
I'm more successful than I've ever been. But I'm miserable and not satisfied.
>"I just want to make at least 80k a year then I'll be happy, that's more than enough" Then I made $100k a year and I realized >"No, that's not enough, that's barely reaching into 6 figures, I need more." Now I make well over $150k a year and I just found myself sitting saying to myself >"This isn't enough, I'm being underpaid, what am I doing with my life working for this little"
It's never enough. Some of you who have played video games extensively know this feeling too where you finally get end-level gear and you realize >"Shit, wait I only have 1 set of end-level gear, I need some extras too just in case" Then you play more and more and realize >"Shit I'm still not even on the level of the real rich guys, I need max cash stacks and all of the most expensive items" Then you get them and you still want more, you want to double your collection
It never ends. This ride NEVER ends. Learn to be happy. Keep working hard and earning more because money = security and freedom and healthcare, but don't think it will make you happy and don't devote your life to it entirely.
can you give me some money plzz. If I just had 100k ill be happy.
Jaxson Kelly
>Get rich >Still miserable >Still no friends >Still no girlfriend >Still no sense of self worth >Still a poorfag at heart who hates spending money and will never have expensive sports cars because the opportunity cost taking it away from investing further would make my skin crawl at night
Carter Anderson
Only an idiot thinks solely money makes one happy. Happines is by nature tied hugely on our social life/contacts. Money helps to a certain point, that’s it.
Jordan Perry
You are probably miserable because you're a total loser and doing this rich thing completely wrong. All that matters is -hot girls liking you -ocean swims -applying yourself to combat (join a boxing/mma gym) -working out -and doing creative shit
Benjamin Robinson
I just want money to get a house and then fund my personal projects and hobbies. I can't do that without money. And the more money I have the more things I would be able to do, therefore I'd be happier. Obviously there's always something else you want to do which causes you to become more ambitious and need more money but that's better than being poor.
You are projecting your stupidity into everyone. A lot of rich people are happy. A lot of poor people are happy. Depends on what they want. You clearly don't want shit so kill yourself. Money will give me happiness.
David Moore
>It's never enough. Some of you who have played video games extensively know this feeling too where you finally get end-level gear and you realize >>"Shit, wait I only have 1 set of end-level gear, I need some extras too just in case"
Eh, I disagree. I'm worth about $7MM now, came from just a middle class family. I've sort of run out of anything in particular I really have a strong urge to buy.
Sure, there are still things I kind of want but haven't gotten around to buying yet, things I could buy but wouldn't feel responsible doing and things I'd probably get if I had a $100M just for the hell of it. But in terms of things I really want that would make me happy, more money isn't really going to do it.
I was talking to a wealthy consultant friend who was in the same boat. If you don't care about buying a house and you just UberBlack everywhere with no need for your own vehicle, you can really only spend so much money without getting stupid. At some point you're spending money only for the sake of telling others you've got it, which is also really looked down on by old-money types.
"Oh hurb durb derp you're so lucky, 1% problems, lalala" But seriously, like a video game at some point you've maxed your stats and kind of done everything. It gets boring when you do have everything.
Gabriel Cox
do you have a gf?
Robert Watson
>Still a poorfag at heart who hates spending money and will never have expensive sports cars because the opportunity cost taking it away from investing further would make my skin crawl at night this is almost all billionaries who weren't born rich
warren buffett does not own a lambo cuckerberg does not own a lambo
Owen Foster
how did you make your gainz user? crypto?
Also, that sounds accurate. Pretty sure there's been studies that have shown that any money over what you need to live a normal life do not add value to your life on the whole
Isaiah Williams
did you type that while a prostitute sucked on your cock?
then you're doing it wrong
Aiden Diaz
Get on Testosterone and see if you have any new urges to try new things.
Jordan Jackson
desire is the root of all suffering
it pains me to see anons chasing ghosts
Michael Gonzalez
Maybe you're just not rich enough.
t. poorfag
Jayden Brooks
> It gets boring when you do have everything.
You don't have everything. Everyone you love will age and die and so you will you. Look into clinical immortality or cryogenics.
Wyatt Hall
Money is a means to an end.
Wealth is security and freedom. The simplest and truest Veeky Forumspill is that wealth is not money, but what you can exchange for money when you need it. The smart Veeky Forumsnessman acquires wealth and assets.
Happiness is found in your favorite bottle of whiskey.
Jaxson Collins
I mean I definitely invest a lot in my health. I do a lot of blood work to make sure everything's normal. I mostly eat pretty healthy and get at least 7 servings of fruits and vegetables, plenty of protein, good fats, 1 L of green tea a day, etc. I work out regularly, don't smoke, drink plenty of water. I don't drink very often right now.
I use retin-A on my skin to prevent wrinkles. I avoid the sun and use sunscreen when I do have to be outside.
I don't think I'd avoid cryogenics, but I do kind of think it's a pipedream at this point.
Caleb Green
I'd say not being born rich is often what makes people buy really flashy cars. There's usually a sense that old-money is much more quiet with money. Generally they'll be in a big comfy SUV by some American maker, maybe an S-class.
It's new money that buys a green lambo or some shit like that.
Charles Davis
Nature is selecting for people feeling unsatisfied so they move onto the next goal. The trick is understanding you are just a pawn in the game of life.
Michael Gray
This, your depression is 100% genetic OP. You come from a long line of people that weren't satisfied just sitting on their ass in some cave like some woman or nigger.
John Nguyen
word word thanks for your post. I think you have to have a passion that you truly fucking love. I'm broke but my landscapes are looking more and more badass and feel creatively fulfilled which is worth a lot more to me than just money.
Ryan James
Money does buy happiness, up to a certain point. Not worrying about money = easier to be happy.
Ian Fisher
exactly. money won't necessarily make you happy but a lack of money is guaranteed to make you miserable. although I do think I'd like my life more if I lived in a big house right on the coast in Palm Beach.
John Adams
>Wealth is security and freedom true
>Happiness is found in your favorite bottle of whiskey gayest meme, needs to die
Nolan Ward
I'm you basically guy. Except I have a girlfriend and (some) friends, but let me tell you it doesn't help much.
Ryder Bell
nah youre just a crappy human stuck in a bottomless pit of depression because you keep clambering for emotional and spiritual gains from physical gains
Jaxon Jones
>paying to remove your ticket out of this mess
Haha, heh...
Gavin Cruz
you cant appreciate the good if you never experience the bad.
I dont remember how I came up with this saying, it might have been while living in a roach and bed bug infested apartment, where I couldnt even afford tv.
Now I cant tell what your life has been like from just the amount you have written but I think you need to suffer, or at least see what real suffering is like... go volunteer at a mission tomorrow, most will have had some sort of addiction problem and I never feel sorry for those assholes. However there are some really down on their luck people who through no fault of there own ended up on the streets and cant recover. Hell maybe by breaking out of your comfort zone you can find happiness through helping others. Good luck with this user.
Caleb Garcia
Good post bro for reelz it speaks to me
Zachary Bell
lol modernity had got you good
Nolan Edwards
Craving never ends The cessation of craving leads to liberation
t. Buddha
Jonathan Edwards
The key thing is be rich when you are young, everyone is miserable over 35 years
Adrian Cox
The idea is that you stay youthful through anti aging technologies not just be immortal but decrepit.
So you could be 500 and bang 18 year olds. Or sex bots that look 18. Or a sentient octopus. I really have no idea what the dating scene will be like in 500 years. Anyway the point is it won't be that bad.
Money does buy entertainment but the difference between a Netflix account and a 50,000$ golf club membership is hardly stark. I'm sure the happiest rich people are simply sophisticated regular people.
Eli Kelly
Unless you look better at 40 than you did at 20.
Robert Price
spending purely on yourself is hedonistic and not a good solution. spending money on projects is great. start a restsurant, build your own house on a nice peice of land. start a family
Noah Reyes
sort of bullshit, old money doesnt like vulgar displays of wealth, but you wont see them avoiding picking a fleet of RRs for their garage
Owen Morales
philosophers and humanists like so say dying is destiny, but i disagree. imagine if everyone would look a millenium into the future because they would live to see it
Jaxon Hall
Desire is the root of life, without desire you wouldn't do shit
Jonathan Ward
Buddhism is soulless garbage
Camden Baker
For me, living right, doing the right things for the right reasons, this is the only way to peace and joy.
And you can do that with or without money, that's the secret.