Third can of the day

>Third can of the day


Nothing like it man! I'm currently at six cans a day. I try to pace myself - one can every 4 hours

What is this meme?

Never gonna make it

This is no meme :^)

Shhh, we figured out how to get natty gains

Goin out to cop now

dumb siposter

manly tears?

just took my first sip

enjoying those headaches?

>get my daily sip
>never get headaches

Used to have 4-5 redbulls a day. Fucked my sleep patterns. Also even my the concentration was shit. I would be doing something then out of sudden forget the last few minutes.
Been off energy drinks for a year now and feel like normal human being again

implying caffeine does that to you

>third can of the day

The fuck is wrong with you

The caffeine... Or the guanine, or taurine. Maybe something else

Man i love monsters but not for the 'energy" i just love the godamn flavor. Is there anyway to get just the flavor in like... a non drugged can?

my nigga

apparently theres a "unleaded" version but its US only

'Been 3 weaks absent. Is this le new epic maymay here?

i hate being in canada, Everyone here hates on the USA but copies everything else, BUT THEN WE NEVER COPY THE GOOD SHIT

it started yesterday and no its just some faggot posting the same pic over and over again

Not a meme. It's got b12

Look man Im gonna tell you this before you fucking kill yourself, when i was working for this last security company i would drink 8 of those a day, i didnt give a fuck. Thing is though if you look up the science it is gonna deplete your ability to make certain hormones, and your gonna shorten the fuck out of your telomeres, shorter telomeres equal shorter life span. NOTHING can replace a healthy diet with exercise, you will feel infinite better if you do this.

PS, almost had a heart attack

i have worked security for 5 years and owned a company for 1

Why in the lords name did you feel you needed 8 of those godamn things?
Security shifts are 12-16 hours at the most and they are almost 0 physical effort. You needed 8 cans of energy drinks to sit down in a chair for 16 hours with occasional walks?

Meme or shills? Idk anymore

They had me at mexican bars as a bouncer so mexicans were everywhere on cocaine and booze, and sometimes at a smoke shop with a bunch of retarded black people passing through all the time.

Plus they dont like us to sit.

Jokes aside. These are delicious.

>go to wash room every couple hours

>all the flavors they added
>black cherry
>orange sunrise

theres red and blue but they are meh

are you in poverty? i don't see why you would pick such a shitty place to do security, Did it pay a ton?

I dont work for that company anymore, but i still do alot of walking around. Some of the posts are still pretty dangerous. Either way im still paid only 10 an hour but this company actually pays on time and is organized.

well where do you live? if you want i can give you some insight on companies/types of places you should head over too . btw security is not something you want to stay in for too long, way to easy to get comfortable and end up being a 40 year old security supervisor

what's the purpose of this?, this shit isn't saturated with sugar?

No carb. Just caffeine and bull semen. It's 100% natural.
