>Christians steal everything from the Pagans and Polytheists
>Das right! Muh Christianity!
>Muslims steal something from Indians or Pagans
How do we put an end to the Christcucks on this board lmao?
>Christians steal everything from the Pagans and Polytheists
>Das right! Muh Christianity!
>Muslims steal something from Indians or Pagans
How do we put an end to the Christcucks on this board lmao?
also how is the holy trinity not polytheism? can we walk about that?
The educated in antiquity had very different beliefs as to religion than the common people. They saw the lesser gods as mere metaphors for different aspects of the one Supreme Being. Maximus of Tyre says, for example: "the gods have one nature but many names." Their men of culture and science would be better described as Deists than pagans or polytheists.
It is though, what is there to talk about?
What do you mean you are an individual? You are a group of billions of neurons. You're a bunch of different people.
Fuck off, Achmed. Muhammad was a pedo and a nutjob
Arianism is for cucks and brainlets. Get off my board, heretics.
It is.
Nobody claims there was an intellectual christian golden age, people in fact go too far to the contrary and blame the church an era of grossly exaggerated intellectual lethargy in Europe between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance.
One key difference is though, the Christians (like it or not the likes of Newton were Christian) surpassed the zeniths of antiquity, Islamic scholars did not.
How can you call it a golden age if people are literally living in the ruins of a far more illustrious society. Under the followers of Muhammad the Rosetta stone was a paving slab and priceless papyri were burnt to warm the feet of illiterate inbred Arabs.
Newton, Locke, and Milton were all Arians. I could easily add a hundred more illustrious names to that list. The Comma Johanneum is now known to be a fraud, and, when you take that away, there is nothing left to substantiate the nonsense of the Trinity. Jesus even expressly says "the Father is greater than I.”
The concept of "stealing" knowledge is dumb anyway, knowledge is supposef to be passed on.
>Muhammad was a pedo and a nutjob
wtf i love muhammad now
You haven't read any Islamic Scholars from that era, liar lol.
Christ is a big part of history
Appreciate your past. Turbotwats
It's patently obvious polytheism and Christ worship is just typical European hero worship.
>Christianity gave us all these positive things!
>What? Those negative things were Humanity's or the Jew's fault.
>X is the truth because a bunch of monks banded together and bullied theologians believing differently
"Theological orthodoxy" is literally a might makes right type of logic. In this case "might makes truth".
You have to understand the idea of the trinity first.
It was once explained to me like this:
There are three components to a human being.
1. A body (Christ incarnate)
2. A breath of life (Holy Spirit)
3. An everlasting soul (God the Father)
The trinity works in the same way. Each component is an aspect to God, composing a singular being. They are separate, but they are all one. One cannot exist without the other. Like an egg has a shell, a yoke, and egg white. Separate components, but all together.
Christian Europe was in receipt of many new ideas from the middle east, all the way from before Jesus. Islam was just a local flavour, power and influence pick up or discard religions as it suits them.
These arguments are dumb, what Jesus said is reported to us in Greek, but when he spoke he used some old words like Ru'ach for soul as well as Nephesch, for spirit. Different levels of the same 5 tier concept, the Ru'ach being the Crown, the part of you that partakes of Divinity and corresponds to the Self.
Nephesch is just the animating, vegetable power that is in algae.
Stuff he said makes better sense when you unpack the Aramaic and Greek overlays.
Veeky Forums is more often than not a bunch of opinionated derps who've read some books purely to say they read them.
>Newton, Locke, and Milton were all Arians. I could easily add a hundred more illustrious names to that list.
>skeptical rooster.jpg