It literally keeps going down and the fud is starting to get to me please someone help stop me from selling all my coins...
It literally keeps going down and the fud is starting to get to me please someone help stop me from selling all my...
Other urls found in this thread:
bitcoin heading to 7k tonight
dump it faggot rebuy at 7k
it was a pump and dump you will not sell and you will hold bags forever fuck these threads
>buying something that had already gone up x6 in a couple of weeks
its like you guys purposely try to lose money.
Scam chainlink shitcoin. Drop before you get poor.
This is just the beginning of the dip.
Get out and buy back in later.
its over linkies.
Get out now or become the new generation of deluded hodlers
Didn't we tell you like 3 weeks ago this wasn't going up? It already pumped. Every coin is going up but this piece of shit. The developers don't even communicate with their investors. Do you really think its going to go up because of "SIBOS"? Have you even heard of SIBOS before? NO? Yeah. no one gives a fuck about this piece of shit.
Will be less than 5c in 3 weeks, ask any linktards to give you 5 facts about link or sergey and they'll look at you with blank stares. All they can say is 'solves the oracle problem'. LMFAO the is no oracle problem morons.. if a company has an 'oracle problem' they task a developer to spend a week coding A FUCKING ORACLE. You're all fucking REKT. No idea what you even bought. What a trainwreck lol
The increasing frequency of FUD combined with less effort/desperate nature of it just steels my hands further.
I bought more.
It's over:( Our memes weren't strong enough.
It very well could go to 20 cents seriously the devs havent even made a statement and the volume is piss poor
corporal here
or sell if you are such a pussy and don't even think about buying back, you will spoil our moon mission in a few weeks selling at $1 like the beta virgins that you are
Get poor soon user.
lmao I made that post in the pic.
also gotten way more LINK since that, about to buy 3k more LINK during the weak hands shaking.
top kek Colonel reporting in for future Leutenant Colonel 25k here I come, Link is love Link is life
LINK rank?
What the fuck this shit was supposed to moon like NEO but instead we get boring stock market tier gains and now it's dumping. what a letdown.
Take out your initial investment. You much more likely to hold when the entire balance is already profit and it is risk free.
Fuck I'm literally going to sell it's all over I trusted Veeky Forums and went all in on this I'm not going to be able to afford to eat.
Down down down dwon
Down down down down
Down down down down
Down down down down
- Chainlink, aka Blink 182
>I am RPyor
>I am RPer
Stop LARPing bro
>volume is piss poor
It's literally 31st in volume and it is only listed on one exchange that barely anyone even uses. The volume is one of the few positives left on the coin even though it's not what it was.
Linfags getting BTFO. All that shilling for nothing. No lambo awaits at the end of the rainbow, just a good ass fucking for being stupid enough to buy into this coin.
I actually thought that was quality FUD probably the best I've seen yet and made me sell.
>LMFAO the is no oracle problem morons.. if a company has an 'oracle problem' they task a developer to spend a week coding A FUCKING ORACLE. You're all fucking REKT. No idea what you even bought. What a trainwreck lol
this is top FUD
Jesus Calms the Storm
23Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. 24Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. 25The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”
26He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.
27The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”
Never going to make it lad. If you would have gotten into crypto when btc was $100 you probably would've found a way to fuck that up too. Stay cucked
sell faggot its over check the 1D chart and volume tanking orderbook shows net-sellers you are fucked Linkcuck
damn what a harsh but fair thing to say, OP got owned.
i hear whales have been unloading their bags and the top link holders have dropped their holds by a significant amount is this true?
pic related
salute sargeant
This is the same type of fud when neo was dropping 2months ago
gonna rank up soon tho
You are in crypto and you can't handle a 10% variance?
Stay poor user.
Sell kid. You're pissing away money. Most alts will continue to tank as people sell off for the BTC fork. Look at the last fork. Most major alts dropped harder than this in the lead up.
People telling you not to sell are either bag holders in denial or trying to keep the price up before they sell off.
This is one of those rare coins where biz actually owns a large percentage.
No one blames you for falling for Link. But take as much money back while you can because your emotions are going to get in the way as it will keep tanking.
Eh I'm in top 30 and my position hasn't changed so I don't know what to say. It went down 10% on a weekend. Nothing exciting. No reason for it, but no reason for it to rise, or to stay the same. It's just more people wanting to sell.
This coming week is going to be great.
It's dropped almost 40% this weekend. It was at 10k Thursday night.
The last fork was shite, Bitcoin Cash should be a lesson to EVERYONE.
I'll post due to the lack of substance. I have typed it my ell orders for LINK probably about 6 times since it opened on Binance, but I just cant do it.
The new tagline being thrown around is that there is no Oracle Problem. One user mentioned that if a bank wants to set up a contract, they can just write their own program to act as an oracle.
That is true. What the entirety of blockchain technology is about is establishing a decentralized and trustless means of executing financial transactions. No Banks control the ledger, no governments control the oracle.
The problem with a bank writing an oracle is that they then control that program and can manipulate it, therefore you are not checking the boxes of 'trustless' and 'decentralized.' The goal of crypto is to basically have the programs so smart and so tamper proof- that they create a truth apart from our institutions.
That's what the chainlink token aims to do. With three years in development, and an exhibition at SIBOS, they are in prime territory to be the oracle solution. The oracle solution will be decentralized, it will be trustless, and it will offer clear financial advantage for financial businesses and other institutions to use it, thus making everyone happy.
The potential for this coin is off the god damned charts. I believe in this and I believe in XMR. I can make up any losses off this coin from lrc and ltc, so I'll hold.. I just can't bring myself to sell this fucker.
By all means, go for it, I don't care if all of you all sold it, I'll try to trade my way into as much of it as I can. There's no hand-holding here, but just be aware of what the oracle problem is.
from personal experience, I can 100% verify the truth in this statement
Brainlets. when btc goes up, link/btc pairing stays fairly stable. sure the market caps say down 20%, but really link has only dropped 5% in value today overall. If it rockets in the hours before SIBOS and btc is still going up, its a fucking goldmine. I'm comfy sitting on 5% loss in case that happens