don't be a bagholder of 1 low quality asset. see pic for example.
Daily reminder: Marriage is a bad deal for men
Marriage is literally bagholding a depreciating asset that you bought into at the ATH.
>relationships in a Veeky Forums nutshell
Fucking love it.
Are you suggesting... y-yeah I think he is.
what's the most expensive thing you can buy?
an ex-wife.
Exactly why drug cartels buy up 7-9 year old girls, play with them and sell them at ath to normies at 13.
enough shilling this crapcoin, douche.
Yeh, but you get occasional dividends
what if she makes lots of money?
linkfags deserve to get blown-to-shit for constantly making threads about it on a board already saturated with crypto and shitcoins.
having kids is now immoral because the world is overpopulated, so most likely your kids will become wagecucks if they are male, or some camwhore if she's female.
only ultra-rich landowners should have kids at this point so their kids don't enter the same cycle of work-eat-shit-sleep-try-to-get-laid
>Implying men are attracted to a female's earning potential if they're not a pimp
>Implying women outearn men in anything other than porn/modeling/bullshit careers
disturbing, even at her best.
Women are a rapidly depreciating asset
lol we don't attach to women. they are repulsed by that anyway. couldn't give a shit less if she made $0, all that matters is her fertility and beauty and having a decent personality.
no, girls are at peak fertility age 13-19 but obviously under 18 is illegal in many parts of the USA. in many places 16 is legal, including georgia and hawaii for the USAfags here who are curious.
getting with a girl and marrying her at her ATH is more of a reference to women's hyperinflated sense of self-worth and entitlement when they are in the age 29-35 range. this also applies to westernized asian cunts so >inb4 muh feminine asian waifu
so even if women are still fairly sexy in that age range of 29-35 that's their ATH in terms of their much more bitchy and high-cost mentality.
a girl age 16-18 would be happy just hanging out with you at the beach or going to the movies, acting silly and chilling. she would be impressed that you have a car and that you're older and she'd act feminine, and not try to compete with you like older cunts do.
i'm volcel and loving every second of it, even though it gets lonely sometimes. i feel like MGTOW gets a bad reputation but really i don't want to label myself that. i am merely just focusing on truths and the truth is that marriage is now a bad deal for men, due to the laws and how females behave now, especially if you do it in the USA, specifically california.
The only value women have is their womb, and the artificial womb is basically done and only need to be commercialised now.
Getting married right after graduation.
This is not the best path for my individual freedom but my family is poor and degenerated so I want to be pruned off that tree and spout the foundations of a newer, more solid one.
so even if women are still fairly sexy in that age range of 29-35
not even, women in this range are DONE. unless she has never drank or smoked, even then, she'll only give you 1 kid at high risk.
>i feel like MGTOW gets a bad reputation but really i don't want to label myself that
then don't. you can watch the videos and learn without labeling youself.
Yea its like clockwork these days if you live in America. Girls get married and get fat like 80% of the time. Then the husband gets fat, loses testosterone and becomes an unhappy sad man.
i don't label myself but whenever someone poasts one of these types of threads they are immediately mocked as "red pill" or "mgtow" when it's relevant to state facts regarding the high-cost of divorce, the stress of marriage, etc.
i think of myself as a flaneur. it sounds gay as fuck but that's what taleb calls himself and i agree it is a fun way to live. we're all just passengers on this ride called life. make the most of it and if you're not ready, don't slow yourself down with some naggycunt ball& chain.
my mom is a huge bitch to my dad, and my sister is also an annoying cunt to her husband. basically everyone in my family who is married is miserable yet they expect me to get married. it's fucking mental. misery loves company.
ya. they don't marry their first choice anymore. they marry their 65th choice... and only because they have to because they're old.
I've seen this with a couple of beta friends I have.
men are signing themselves up to be chained forever to an old whore who fucks like a prude and gains 100 lbs after marriage/kid and never loses it.
literally considering moving to Japan. their bodies look hot until 55 and never gain weight.
hah yeah I've seen that too. my sis constantly fucking nags my bro in law even when what happened wasn't a big deal.
yep it's the feminism. even if she isn't nagging my bro-in-law, she's arguing with him so that she can be right about something. it's fucking sad i feel sorry for the guy.
its the zog-diet. USA food is terrible. people don't get as fat in countries like japan because they eat more fruit/veg/lean meats and less bread/sugar/processed food. a true Trad girl would know how to eat clean but they are incredibly rare. like 1 out of 100 women will care to exercise and eat right so they don't get fat. most will blame the pregnancy. there's no reasoning with these twats anymore.
>gee I just don't know why I'm not losing weight, I go to the gym for a hour a day!
>she says while sipping on a ((grande)) coffee flavored warm milk with half a cup of sugar stirred in
>I can't even make this shit up
it's amazing how many of these married thots "find out" about a "thyroid disorder" right after they get pregs.
I've been to Japan and I think you make a great point about the horrible, sickness and fatness inducing diet we have in the US, and I would like to add to that- another reason is they they literally run from train to train ALL day. I was exhausted at the end of every day because of it. loved Japan. highly recommend it.
yea even the "healthy food" is filled with garbage ingredients, e.g. vegetarian frozen foods, etc.
it's getting bad in europe too, i recall seeing lots of fast food places everywhere. they also have starbucks and mcdonalds in france, wtf.
enjoy dying alone numale
today you get it at about -40% ATH
we all die alone, fuckface
yea, i've never been to japan, but reliance on public-transportation is definitely better than everyone driving and getting fat sitting in their cars. people are thinner in europe too due to more walking, more biking, more trains.
No, only you do with the numale cucked misconception the earth is overpopulated. Do us a favor and complete the task, follow through with your belief and reduce the numbers. Do it faggot.
You know women have jobs now, right? Some of them have a lot of money?
me killing myself isn't going to make a difference.
even if 5 billion people died tomorrow the world is still fucking over-crowded. only a dumb twat like you would be in denial of this raw fact.
its just natural selection guys, ignore him
>he thinks women dont spend all of their income
and stay there, elliot rodgers
The number of quasi-SJWs on this board is appalling. Women, for the most part, marry men to lock down the resources. That's all there is to it faggots.
who pays the shills? I guess shareblue.
Please be black and/or Muslim
not Veeky Forums related
just fuck off
> roastie
i bet you want more moderation on Veeky Forums as well you newfagget
Marriage isn't a bad deal if you marry a rich girl
Getting legally married is just about the dumbest thing a man can do, especially a successful man. Even with a prenup you can still get finessed for your money & assets. If you want to be with one woman for the rest of your life then just do it. You don't need any piece of paper paper/documentation to devote yourself to one person. And then when you "divorce" you can just kick her out. She has no entitlement to anything that you own.
this. the entire concept of marriage is so archaic today anyway; tradition based in religion which most people no longer even subscribe to. Plus it's a huge waste of money, one of my good friends had about a $40k wedding not too long ago with tons of guests. Then a few months later him and his new wife are stressing about money/house - I'm thinking shit nigger why didn't you just put that $40k down on a house and start your marriage off stress free?
whole things a sham, it's the same as how diamond wedding rings are marketed, as a "must-have" when it's just an artificial symbol propped up by social expectation. I hate it all.
I've only known one woman in my entire life who makes a lot of money and it's because she got millions of dollars when she divorced her husband and then bought out an established business.
The world is nowhere near overcrowded. Your ID says it all.
even in a lot of places if you live together for more than x amount of years you can be common law married and if shes smart she can take you up on that.
>tfw don't like in a state with common law marriage
how can anyone justify spending 40k on a wedding.
best women have overinflated egos and think their self-worth is tied to the amount spent for her wedding. they all want to be treated like princesses in public and like dirty sluts in the bedroom. betacucks can provide one but not the other, so sometimes, or in many cases if you want to believe the stats, the wives will go cuck the husbands to get rough sex from someone more masculine.
any wedding that costs more than $1000 is excessive. the West is wasteful and that's why Westerners have to go invade other countries and fight unjustified wars, to take more resources, and then to make themselves feel better and appear heroic they invite in a fuckton of refugees. this has been done in the USA ever since Korean war and Vietnam war. then it was Iraq, Ethiopia, etc. etc. It's all history dude. it's all connected. It's all facts. I am not making any of this up.
there's even some fucking TV show called bridezillas were cunts basically act cunty about their wedding, trying to make it perfect and expensive.
yeah, and there isn't a woman out there who deserve a diamond. guys today are marrying a 33 year old whore when she's done slutting it up.
There seems to be a lot of misinformation. Lemme ask you know-it-alls something. If your gripe with women is them getting older and losing "value" what do you think happens to you? You guys think your all going to grow into distinguished gentlemen wearing fancy suits drinking fucking dos x's beer with a bunch of models? Get real guys nobody thinks the old dude hitting on young girls is cool even if he has money.
I meant "because women" not "best women"
how's the obesity going
Women are the perfect consumer, like niggers and others subhumans.
As soon as they get money, they spend it all.
Why do you think the jews give them all this welfare.
Well parts of the world are overcrowded. But other than China, India, or Africa there's still room for growth.
as long as you're not a totally pathetic slob and actually make an attempt at staying in shape (get HGH or steroids or whatever) you can pull way younger women for most of your life.
Pic related, if you look like that (which isn't even really ripped) by taking steroids in your 50s and 60s you can be fucking 20-25 year olds easy regardless of whether you have money or not (and if you're not a total reject by the time you're that age you'll have a fair bit anyway even just through conventional wagecuck/saving)
Women don't have the same luxury, as they get older they just look worse and worse. Sure they can stack up the plastic surgery but it becomes really obvious and after a certain point even that stops helping very much
Dont give up hope guys. I went mgtow for 5 years and honestly it was pretty COPE. Esp now the movement is total shit. Get into shape, work on yourself etc. At 30 I recently got a 19yo gf.
you gotta buy low
obesity speaks
27 here
got a 19 year old virgin
she is crazy for me
and i know how to keep her like that.
it's not only their looks, it's their fertility. they shouldn't even be popping out babies past 27 unless they want complications.
on the other hand, a man's sperm is being produced fresh until the day he dies. it's nice to be a man and age like wine, unlike women who age like milk.
You people seem to misunderstand, the only life that matters is your own life. Nothing matters if you are dead, you act on instinct but refuse to admit it.
But most of you retards will never be able to see past this simple truth because you are all simplistic breed morons.
Some try to bypass this fact by pulling in heaven or some other unproven bullshit. Cope at it's finest level.
You will die and cease to exist, enjoy your useless struggles and shitty ethics/morals
how's the family? is your wife's son doing okay?
>implying I don't have a weight gain fetish
>ID 2New
>the world is overpopulated,
just marry a virgin /thread
you sound like a pedo
hold your camels, mohamed
my grandmother got her last child with 29
you are a retard if you think fertility changes in any meaningful way under 30
so did you tell your friends that you wanna have sex with children?(age 13)
literally taxes on your life
She was ugly before, too. Only a NEET virgin can't spot this.
nothing gives human live more meaning than children
i will die with the ones i love at my side including my wife and you will die alone with regret that you were a beta cuck fedora wearing retard who blabbers something he heard somewhere he doesnt even understand
you know whats unproven? that there is nothing after death
common sense tells us death is the same state as before birth it is a non existant state therefor death will be interrupted by another birth as it is bound to happen
just one theory way more logical than your fedora parrot bullshit that you picked up in some edgy youtube video
you want life to be meaningless and final because you will never amount to shit anyway be honest
educate yourself
Why tell him all that when the world would be a better place without him reproducing?
Jesus Christ i was in the thread that this guy got an initial reaction from someone for saying this exact thing and he has re-posted it in every single one since then.
>Nice copy user
he wont reproduce anyway as he has the mindset of a genetic end
he will eventually give in to his depression or realize that you cant cope an unfullfilled life with drugs, stranger pussy or ideology
Then you having a kid isn't going to make a difference either. Learn to logic, dude.
>implying you buy it at an ATH and not when it has already been overused by the whole football team and in fast decline
Bro... I thought people would agree with you...
But I see people see raising new wage cucks is actually their dream. Bring in unfortunate beings to validate their pathetic existence... Poor children.
>implying Chad hasn't pnd'd that bitch
Marriage is buying the dead cat bounce
> they shouldn't even be popping out babies past 27 unless they want complications.
That is a half true for one. Really women can do it up to late thirties before there are any serious health complications.
> a man's sperm is being produced fresh until the day he dies
Again, this is a half truth as the amount dwindles with each year that goes by past his mid twenties.
t.Healthcare Professional with Midwife wife.
I have two friends that want kids to "keep the family name going", poor guys.
This guy gets it.
I guess if you like autistic children.
Of course it does, eggs rot fast.
>implying you would have the social acumen to buy at ATH
In true Veeky Forums fashion.