Will he finally turn in his natty card?
Jeffs first post since Olympia loss
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i just want to punch that fucking face
Goes to olympia, wears shorts covering his quads. Why tho
They all do that in Mens Physique
He actually seems almost... humble? Very weird coming from Joffrey.
Is this the true limit of what natty can attain? Noob here its hard for me to tell who's the top natty's and whos the mediocre roiders
>Is this the true limit of what natty can attain?
For the absolutely top tier genetic people in the world, yes
A loss will do that to you.
Ok thanks, you can definitely tell a difference in his arm and shoulder size relative to other people that are on roids.
What are the other big tells?
Here are the signs of being natty
>tfw zyzz would have won
but why tho
Can you decipher this a little for me?
Apart from the notorious striations and increased vascularity, the clearest giveaway for me to know if someone roids is that disgusting grainy skin.
Why did he turn into a nigger tho?
Eh not really
There are some roided motherfuckers out their who look bloated and watery
Obviously the grainy skin isn't achievable naturally but be aware that not everyone who's on stuff looks good. There are even naturals who look better than some roiders
>There are even naturals who look better than some roiders
Can you be any more obvious, Jeff?
He looks like he just copypasted his face over his body
Yeah, I remember when he was posting about how he was gonna win and everyone on stage was gonna be mirin, etc. He didn't even place the top 3 and now he's been knocked down a bit. He may not be competing for a while (if ever again).
Pic related.
I want to fucking touch that
>no homo
>that sneaky dorian
Eugen best girl
You think he's been Rhonda rouseyed?
he can't pose for shit. Also the biggest damn hilarity
It just feels like he's shattered. I can sense it. I mean if you're the self-proclaimed god of aesthetics and the biggest bodybuilding competition pretty much completely ignores you, that can lead to a terrible downfall.
Possible scenarios :
jeff never competes again
He jumps on serious roids
Shit just continues as before and he might win a few other contests
I'm pretty sure his ego is at an all time low now tho.
>jeff never competes again
I'm betting on this.
Jeff not competing again and turning into a youtube celery bradley martyn/steve cook style
this is a physique competition
when will the newfags go
>You think he's been Rhonda rouseyed?
Most likely. He's always been arrogant af, going on about how he's the most aesthetic sick cunt around (I don't know if he actually believes all that or if he just tells himself that for the ego/confidence boost). He posted on social media going on about how he was gonna take Olympia by storm, he made vlogs talking about how he was gonna take it all and prove the haters wrong. He told everyone that he was gonna win and he didn't even place 2nd or 3rd. Reading his post on IG leads me to believe that he is genuinely hurt. I kinda feel bad for him tbqh.
u made me cry dude
these shorts are so retarded.
>no legs
Bodybuilding is a joke.
>time to move on
Wtf is he dropping bodybuilding
I thought it was gonna be some "I must do better next time, muh dedication" speech (aka "I'll just up the dosage")
I'm a zyzzfag too breh, but let's be real tea here
He wouldn't even qualify
lol ur fat still when you're an "oldfag" go sign up on reddit I heard you get recognition for having an account for a long time.
gave me feels senpai
i teared a little
what did he mean by this?
i don't think you quite fully grasp the point of what you responded to by the sounds of your post. he is saying that the biggest tell that someone is not natural is if their skin has that grainy, dry look he's talking about. what you said about some roiders not having that skin is neither here nor there; those individuals that have that skin are definitely roiding, whereas those who do not have it may not be roiding, but equally they may indeed be roiding. what you posted is actually concurrent with the post you replied to, yet you are implying you disagree with it, which does not make sense
I cri evrytyme
Am I retarded? are legs not part of your physique?
Not even in the top 10. What a faggot!
That's really stupid
>Judges: Jeff plz go
Why did you this...
So why cover your legs?
>Noob here its hard for me to tell who's the top natty's and whos the mediocre roiders
Protip: if they are making money off of their body, they are probably on a hell of a lot of drugs
Goes for everyone
Seriously, people don't fuck around when it comes to money
IFBB is literally retarded and thinks it will result in more mainstream success and tv coverage
Same with all the ridiculous stupid shit they did to the women's categories
How can anyone take this seriously?
These faggots paint themselves black and flex on a stage.
This is the gayest shit ever.
Its like a beauty pageant for extreme homosexuals.
Hugh Mungus feels :^(
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Where do you think you are?
you haven't given up on me, alfred?
>He jumps on serious roids
Lmao, he is far, far above the natty limit, no genetics, no high test can give you that, he must be like 190 or a little less at like 8% bf and his mass is pretty much only on his upper. You dyels should get a reality check
Always those fucking trunks. Maybe he would've won if his legs didn't look like the ones on a holocaust survivor
Well memed friend
Le genetic freak meme
Simply ebin
Looks like this Nigga photo shopped his face on another niggas body
>I'm a zyzzfag too breh, but let's be real tea here
>He wouldn't even qualify
true. zyzz invented a look that literally anybody can get with low dose T and a couple of months in the gym
not knocking the guy, he a legend. but in terms of whether he was top tier, probably not
>a few months
your new as fuck
He looks disproportional. His back is too wide compared to his arms and calves, they look so small compared to that huge wide back. The color applied on him looks like shit also.
Oh, is that it? I was wondering why he didn't place well. He looks really good to me, but I'm not a judge of course.
To a degree, the judging in the smaller categories is always arbitrary. Look at number 3, does that chest really belong into physique? Is that aesthetic to the judges?
lol zyzz ran 7 cycles over like 4 years
Kek supermang pls
Because your oneitis takes BBC
sneaky yates pic
>i kek'd
y-you too...
not with that attitude he wouldn't sad cunt
we all know you are mirin so you gotta act this way
but lets be real
zyzz was a god
someone post the one of batman lifting the log and alfred trolling the shit out of him
this is not where you parked your fedora
>gayest shit ever
Welcome to Veeky Forums, fuckwit.
pull the tripcode mistake meme on Isley
>being this new
>smelling this much like summer
>not killing yourself from shame
Remember - down the road, not across the street, friend!
Lmao, Jeff is assblasted as fuck.
He looks pretty good. I don't follow professional bodybuilding. What exactly are they looking for that he doesn't have to offer?
>join new gym
>jump on low dose T
>two months later
>as shredded as a 7 cycle 4 year training program
>take on the world
>become son of zeus
>father aesthetics
>pull mad pussy
>become famous
Oh wait, you're a fucking idiot.
>that fucking tumor on his arm
A cock
the "y-you too" at the end was beautiful
holy shit he is really hurt
you can tell he has been BTFO
if we were ever gonna raid this fucker now is the time
twitter DOT com SLASH jeff_seid
facebook DOT com SLASH officialjeffseid
get a life.
consider suicide
This is Veeky Forums, not /b/.
Also they'd probably tell you they aren't your personal army either.
Bronzing looks awful. Do they do that so only musculature, not complexion is accounted for or something?
Despite the loss Jeffy looks pretty good though.
I know Veeky Forums isn't big on him for his sins against the natty king and his overly "bro" personality, but I am interested to see where he goes from here. I like ole' Jeff he seems nice enough. He always kinda strikes me as a guy who doesn't fit in with the crowd he hangs out with. I've noticed in vids with him hes kind of an odd ball, like he's pretending to put on the bro thing to fit in. But most importantly he finally cut that stupid fucking hair, holy shit Jeff
If they didn't let the white boys bronze then only the niggers would win because darker complexion allows the lighting to make the muscles look more impressive.
If there is one thing that makes bodybuilding super homosexual it is the ridiculous bronze tanning they do. Even more so than the fact that they all do gay4pay.
lets do it i am new here but i hate that retard jeff lmfao what a piece of shit
deserves to die
God, I'm so glad that faggot is dead. There has never been a more overrated person in bodybuilding.
god I hate that BB comps always have the guys paint themselves black
>Oh, is that it? I was wondering why he didn't place well. He looks really good to me, but I'm not a judge of course.
Yeah I was surprised too. I think he looks good.
The number 3 in your video just looks gross to me.
More like Trens Physique