I was wondering who else is using laser.fund? A few of us have already made over 300 BTC from it.
I've been in it for a little while it pays 12% of day for 18 days I'm about to put in $200,000 more
Holy shut a hundred thousand, I only have ten thousand into it
stop shilling your scam here
wtf is this another fucking ponzi?
Are you guys the famous Three Pajeet Stooges?
It's pretty good, it's been paying like clockwork so that's good
I can tell you that laser.fund is doing a damn good job check it out bros
very good scam will put my money into it
4 fucking ponzis now that i know of lel this is pathetic
Im about to put in 5k look at how much money has been invested that's insane
No you fucking idiot it's been updated
I think I will test the waters with $400 it can't hurt I'm already up 3 Grand for the week
Yeah it's not bad I plan to invest more in the coming months. It's been going good for me for 17 days
I know right it's fucking bad-ass :-)
When do you get your principal back?
I use it already. We are the laser.fund Marines !!
You get 12% of day for 18 days so you'll be paid back in 7 days and then the rest is all profit. It's pretty sick
oh mann I love This
How many proxies do you have holy shit
I fucking know, right?
lmao this shit is such a scam
I see they have a dunb registration number for their LLC having one of those is extremely hard to get that's insane that they have that. This is looking good I think I'm going to put in some money
These are literally the same pics
Go home Laser Jews, no ones buying your pyramid scheme
No thanks, still looking for a 100% per day investment platform
What. Business. We. Do.
So legit sell Espers on Yobit buy Lasers on laserfund
i have been monitoring this program since the very beginning and they have always had that number. All those little scam site Ponzi bulshit sites aren't able to get a registration number because they're just fake as fuck this program is good man
Literally all the same person
its a ponzi within a pyramid within a pyramid within a ponzi
we hitting next level bullshit now
It sounds too good to be true so it must be true.
Also the shitty local attorney billboard on the website.
"Look at these white people in suits we hired to photograph"
LOL all the people saying it's a scam are either poor or already rich and don't need to use such a program to make their trading money. I've also been in this since it just started I keep my finger on the pulse of these things. If you're not diversifying and you're not rich yet then I don't know what you're waiting for.
KEKKK the the Jews deleting pic, he used the exact same pic with a different proxy how bad do you fuck up shilling I'm dyiinnggg
I just signed up are you sure this will keep working?
It already has 24 million invested into it they're registered in Delaware United States and they have a dunb registration this won't be dying anytime soon.
I put in $25,000 just now check it out you can see who deposits money when you login.
This keeps getting better and better. I love this, how to start a ponzi?
>accidentally same fags so deleted comment, but we can still see it
>don't know how to reply to posts "he" is talking to
>obvious shilling
>scam written all over it
Topkek you would need to be an idiot to fall for this.
I had a couple thousand into this, thats how I got the money to start trading.
I just deposited $500 of ETH. how long does it take to process?
I mean I only started with $2000 into it now I have $184,000 I don't know why some are complaining it's like they hate money?
Yes goyim, give the greedy jew your money, you will get very big gains
100% in 7 days
Very very possible with new technology
Not a pyramid scheme I repeat it is NOT a pyramid scheme
They invest in laser diodes yes very high tech much gains
See it all checks out now what are u waiting for?
When it's confirmed on the blockchain it will tell you it's deposited.
>Deleware United States
hello pajeet
it's a reverse funnel system guys
They have that covered. Look up their address bro theyre in delawe they arent pajeets you probably just don't have any money to put in so stay poor
why does this ponzi scheme have so much A S E T H E T I C
Don't waste your time let them stay broke. They probably dont have any money to invest anyway because they went broke trying on their scam.
The whole world is a ponzi.
Did you know that when you are depositing your money to your Bank, you are legally lending the Bank your money? The Bank can legally do anything they want with your money just as long as they agree to pay you 2% interest per year. All Banks are running ponzi schemes by taking new lenders money and repaying back old lenders. The biggest Bank in the british parliament's USA corporation is a private company called 'Federal Reserve'. That private bank Federal Reserve have been running the biggest ponzi scheme since the year 1913. They've been printing out new money to pay for their old debts. The Federal Reserve is still running that old ponzi scheme today! Why would you lend your money to any Bank and only earn 2% in interest per year? When legally, you are obligated to be paid interest per day for lending your money (deposit) to your Bank. If the central banks support me, I would've open my chain of Banks all over USA corporation and pay out up to 1% interest per day. That's right, each person who deposit their money into my Bank will be pay up to 1% interest per day. Then, I will take that money and lend out to other people or trade in the market.
If ya'll mofos fall for this you deserve to lose your money
Because everyone is rich who uses it. duh
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator generates returns for older investors through revenue paid by new investors, rather than from legitimate business activities or profit of financial trading. Operators of Ponzi schemes can be either individuals or corporations and grab the attention of new investors by offering guaranteed short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent.
Unlike any type of Ponzi-scheme or cash-gifting platform, here at Laser Online LLC. do our business with real companies and enterprises when by successfully implementing short term high-return strategy (look for Crypto-Capital at our FAQ) into the long-term laser-based products logistics business, L.O.P. became of the strongest leaders in the online investment market. Discover more about our long term strategy, at www.laser.fund
From the logical qeustion can be:
"Why didn’t your platform provide its users a different, more “stable” low-profit investment plan?"
The reason is simple. It’s not a secret that nowadays online Investment market became quite saturated with high yield return offers. These days you cannot surprise experienced investors with even 70% monthly return, when even simple Bitcoin, Ethereum cryptocurrency passive speculation can bring you such profits in no time.
We believe that this age has brought us so many effective instruments, and their tremendous potential should be united together with a stable and time-proven niche. You always should be skeptical of new offers yet with an open mind to analyze your surroundings and market changes. In fact, same rule can be applied to Laser.fund when under stagnation and unwillingness to accept positive changes we simply have a risk to be ignored as a high return investment platform. We offer the highest return within the shortest time possible as our major competitive mechanism. With zero cost to overall marketing plan’s stability, all achieved with a help of extra features and instruments integrated into the platform itself we can tell you with confidence that you’ll likely find no other lucrative option like this.
Are there any guarantees or assurances of my principal?
Technically saying every experienced investor should know that 100% assurance cannot be provided at any business aimed at the significant return to its customers. Purchasing “digital funds” at Laser.fund Platform with a goal to increase its value over time can and should be considered as a risky opportunity with a possibility to never receive your principal back.
However, Laser Online has developed a unique multi-level insuring system where 12% of all deposited funds are transferred to Laser.fund fully operated and controlled Bitcoin Security Fund. This amount is deducted automatically from our profits and does not affect profits of our investors.
In addition to that, over the past 10 years of our "offline" business we were able to generate extended capital resources & in a conjunction with early (2011-2014 year) cryptocurrency** low-gap purchases coupled by constant trading & exchange, we now can present so-called "crypto-capital" where its passive growth can sustain our user’s digital funds long-term returns and stability provided by 12/12 business plan. This is very important to note that our results of a holistic approach to an executive time planning at modern innovations implementation can and should be used as an instrument of your own wealth and those people who have not been granted with an access of big industries orientated niche business. By joining large scale reselling & logistics model with rapid cryptocurrency's development we've managed to establish a sustainable backup which can effectively cover potential vulnerability of a small yet very marginal cryptocurrency speculation by the size of its USD to BTC equivalent. Down bellow, you can explore a detailed scheme of Laser's Online 12/12 plan financial pillars.
Deposited today: +$12,005,454.10
Registered total : 29, 010
Payouts today : N/A (weekends)
L.O.P weekend turnover as on
30th Sept - 1st Oct 2017 ~ $695K
Laser.fund Platform’s Bitcoin Security Fund has being recently refilled with total balance of $500,000
BSF. or “Bitcoin Security Fund” can be considered as an extra security feature for all active L.O. platform partners.
It is constantly growing crypto currency safety fund.
BSF is bitcoin addresses are fully under companyʼs control and access. BSF. built solely on automatically deducted sum from our profits and does not affect daily R.O.I of our investors. Is some force major cases, BSF. the fund can be used as a partial initial investment refund provided only to active investors (at the moment of the “force major case”). Another word, even if under some circumstances user loses an access to his principal, an extra opportunity aimed at partial/full “digital funds” refund can be offered by Laser.fund
Fucking Kys pooinloo scamer
They do have 500,000 in the hot walllet at all times. Check their block explorer
nice, just bought 100k [spoiler]ponzi coins[/spoiler]
Damn why so salty? Im making money with them too.
ikr wtf? It's doing good for me too I don't have anything to complain about
guys I thought this was a scam myself then I did some more research. they have picrelated.jpg as one of their senior investors and advisors. i think im gonna pull my money out of link and put it into here
It doesn't matter if it's a Ponzi or not it makes good money. There are a lot of very poor people here that cannot afford to invest.
Imagine being so retarded you can't even bother to using different pictures or change the file names from something other than 1,2,3,4,5,6, etc.
If you fall for this you deserve to lose money. Mods please take this down
That's true there are a lot of people that hang out on this board to talk and chat, but they don't have any investment funds or they've already lost their money trying to trade for themselves.
Well that's the fun of it, there are a lot of people here just scoping the place out they don't really have money or don't know how to use Bitcoin but they are learning.
everyone should look carefully at this thread as an example of how easy organized shilling can be on this board if this guy wasn't so fucking stupid it might actually trick a couple people
the filenames, buddy
>this thread
this is the future of Veeky Forums, endless threads of hyip ponzi shit peddled by pajeets
i can't wait until they start collapsing eachother, people wanting to liquidate their position in one to get in on the "ground floor" of the next one
Organized shilling?
This is literally a samefag thread...
>keyword imagine
if one moron could do this imagine what 100 morons could do
they cant liquidate their position withdrawals are daily and take 48 hours to process.
kek i noticed the last withdrawal for this laser shit was 25 hours ago
why would anyone want to withdraw though, right? :^)
It's good to take out the money daily so you always have one withdrawal per day. They are closed on weekends.
what? if you're really making 2.5% a day why would you ever cash out? your mother must have been really tall to drop you so far on your head
Because if you put in 20,000 you should take out every 24 hours to make back the whole $28, 000 then re invest that $8800 and keep reinvesting the 8800 so in case they do go down you wouldn't lose anything.
I just invested $500 that i got today from nothing, so if i lose it, I lose nothing
I just bought 2 Bitcoin packages, I think I'm going to invest it in Lasers to grow my money tree! Thanks, Ramandeep!
Just be careful to not go to the wrong website and lose all your LINKs
Holy shit, I just found like 12k free LINK in my wallet.
Bitcoin Secure Fund: $ 686 797.01 (?)
Address1: $ 361 049.05
Address2: $ 168 741.32
Address3: $ 144 456.77
Address4: $ 12 549.87
Who put in $2000?
Oct 15, 17 02:10
Deposit + $ 2 000.00
बेवकूफ retards मुझे और पैसा दे
100%! WIN!!
>file names
Okay honestly I'm really curious on how people can get away with doing this big ponzi schemes and walk away and keep the money? I want in on this business too
It wont last. Bitcosmos fucked me after about 4 days. If you cant withdraw your original deposit, then there is a 99% chance it is a scam. Get in the first 24-48 hours or dont do it.
You are going to get fucked. Take it from someone who has done these before. They will give you the daily % payout for a few days and then they will disappear with your deposit and you will have lost 3/4 of your investment.
They dont, they will offer a daily payout of around 10%. What they dont say is your deposit is not refunded. They claim it will generate for life but in reality its a scam to steal your BTC and pay you back 20% of what they stole over a few days to get you to put in more. STAY THE FUCK AWAY.
Yeah I know its a scam. My question is how do the owners get away with it and not arrested, esp since this is based in the US.
Nope youre all wrong. I have been paid a total of $184,000 with this. Its only when they exit scam that there is a problem and they probably want to get to $100 mill before that. And they are only at $24 million so there is plenty of time to make a killing. So shut the fuck up and make money or dont. But youre losing out. This type of program is not done by street shitting pajeets but by the mafia that is why it is asethically pleasing. They use a bangledesh outsourced coding and design firm. just monitor how much money is in the program and take out everything before 75 million youll be fine. programs like these make about 100 million before they even think about shutting down and with as much time and effort this one put in, i dont see it shutting down until at least 200 million but thats just my opinion. if they ever shut down at all.
check out the dunb number. no one can keep a dunb number. if you dont know what a dunb number is and you complain this is a scam you need to shut the fuck up because you will stay poor forever. this company has connections in high places. they have 109k likes on facebook and probably paid 100's of thousands of dollars in advertising per month. it probably costs them 15 million in advertising per month. they are not shutting down until they make at least 200 million net but thats just my opinion.
anyways, i know of 28 people that have signed up for this program tonight, $68,000 invested from Veeky Forums.
have fun staying broke you racist fucking neet wanna bes.
Their website also mines Monero using a custom Monero mining pool that they get paid 90% for not 50% like coinhive and they have $35,000 more registered users so they're probably making an additional $60,000 to $200,000 a month in Profit just from that so this is a blatant insane way to make money if you're not doing this you just don't like money and there's something wrong with you
>not by pajeets
>code outsourced to the country of people so pathetic that India and Pakistan both didn't want them
Nice scam thread
When do I sign up
no scam frend just gainz