Ask an old guy

Wife is out of town.

I am drunk.

It is time to shitpost.

Ask an old guy (42) questions about being Veeky Forums and old. Ask an old guy about anything.

Learn from my mistakes.

Learn from my successes.

Or just ignore me and let this thread die. Either way, I am drinking and shitposting.

Your wife is cucking you right now old timer. You should just stop lifting now, you've been surpassed by me and fellow young bros

How were your 20s?

Are you me?

Do you ever go on /k/?

whats the point of anything if were just going to die?

that could all be true, but it is no reason to stop lifting.

Did your dick shrink as you got older?

List your 5 worst decisions in life

> How were your 20s?

first half was abuot as good as they could be for a robot.

The second half was fantastic.

Is Semen a good source of protien?

>Are you me?

No. I am not.

> Do you ever go on /k/?

Does fingering your own asshole feel better with time like a fine wine?

What's with faggots and boats and that whole subculture?

How do you feel about the daily homoerotic threads on Veeky Forums?

I'm starting to lift at 40yo. Which steroids should I use? I'm not overweight or skinny.

No, but my balls hang really fucking low. Like 6 inches. Really annoying they flop around and smack my thighs really loud if I wear boxers and basketball shorts.

> List your 5 worst decisions in life

1) taking too long to realize that you do not grow unless you step outside your comfort zone. Cowardice made me believe that I was better off staying in my shell. I missed a lot of good times because I was a pussy.

2) doing the isolation bro-workout bullshit and never doing compound lifts until I was about 30. The gains that could have been...

3) I passed pre-selection for a special operations unit. over 40 guys tried out, and 3 of us passed. I never followed up on it. I wish I had enlisted and at least tried.

4) Not getting a dog sooner. There is a kind of perfect mature masculinity in driving a few hours to the mountains, and hiking alone with a bad ass dog.

5) posting on Veeky Forums.

Don't you love it when your nuts take a bath in the toilet

Fucking boxer shorts man

>Marriage not on the list

Top kek

Thanks for the advice though brother

I thought the more constrictive a clothing was, the worse off your sagging got?
Wasn't there scientific research done showing that bras and the like did terrible things for women?

This is an interesting thread

I married a good looking woman nearly ten years younger who will pull down a quarter mil this year.

I do not consider marriage a mistake in my instance, although I believe it usually is.

do you think your back or joints have been compromised from lifting?

Sir, what are you drinking?

I wore boxers from the time I was 12

Switched to boxer briefs about 10+ years ago, never looked back

But my nuts are low riders now, became worse after my vasectomy

Bras stop gravity,
Make your woman wear one 24/7 unless sagging tits is your thing

Nice find OP

>it is no reason to stop

Will you ever achieve your end goal? Your dream? Or did you give that up, if so, why?

>do you think your back or joints have been compromised from lifting?

i had a bad shoulder from doing iso lifts (unbalanced muscles), but compond lifts fixed it.

DLs got rid of a lot of back pain.

running ruined my ankle.

Lesson learned: cardio is bad for you, and lifting is good for you.

> Sir, what are you drinking?

some vodka I won at a charity auction, and some flavored bubble water (zero carb).

You gotta learn how to drink low carb

Thanks. Low carb drinking it is.

Have you ever had an affair or thought about one? If so, why? If not, why?

>Will you ever achieve your end goal? Your dream? Or did you give that up, if so, why?

this is actualy a great question.

always have goals.

Short term goals (500lb dl, become fluent in another langauge)

mid term goals (certain remote places I will travel to)

long term goals (become a millionaire).

I will achieve all of these. I am well on my way in each category. As a goal is completed, a new one takes its place. Always be working towards something. never sit back. You only get one chance at life. t would be the faggiest thing ever to not push hard and get what you want.

> Have you ever had an affair or thought about one? If so, why? If not, why?

no. I work a lot, and it would be too time consuming. Also, my wife and I get along very well, and I am very happy with what we do.

How the hell did you come across this place??

>How the hell did you come across this place??

i think i somehow ended up on Veeky Forums after being on soemthingawful

i felt at home with the robots, because it reminded me of how i used to be

and Veeky Forums seemed to kind of make sense. so i drop by every now and then.

Wow you're good

There may be an afterlife. The chance, no matter how small, makes it worth it. If there isn't an afterlife, you won't be able to regret anything anyway.

What's the best way to meet new people and make friends?

>What's the best way to meet new people and make friends?

make yourself a better person. Don't spend your free time in front of a tv. read classic lit, learn a language, travel, find a hobby. as you grow, you will meet other motivated people. you will build friendships, and get invited to cool events.

Truly based.

Prove you're an old guy

Do you own a business or have you ever tried to start your own?

If so, any tips for a young engineer that has just graduated who cannot wait to exit the rat race and start a business?

>Prove you're an old guy

I don't owe you a got-damn thing.

so I'm not proving anything. Deal with it.

Plus, I can rent a car and run for president.

this right here

Legit based.

You could be an 18 year old neckbeard for all I know
No pics no proof you know how it is

Help me out op. You are perfect for my question. Im 28, finished school at 26, and am stuck in a shit job. I'm paying bills but couldn't be more unfullfilled. I'm not one of those kids who got some fancy internship and a fat degree in finance with all the perks. Anyway, my question is, how old were you when you started your career aND how did you get in to it? Did it fall on your lap? Or work really hard to get it? I need some kind words or some sort of encouragement. Shit looks bleek at the moment and I'm anxious

I am part owner of a business, but I did not start it.

I am very lucky.

A good friend of mine started his own business. It was very rough for a few years. He pulls down about 400k a year now.

This is 400k in his pocket, by the way. The business makes a lot more than that, but he has a lot of expenses.

He learned a lot of lessons the hard way.

He had to teach himself a lot of business theory. He never took any business classes. That might be a good idea.

How should I deal with someone giving me shit old timer?

Not op but explain. Different scenarios call for different answers

>Help me out op. You are perfect for my question. Im 28, finished school at 26, and am stuck in a shit job. I'm paying bills but couldn't be more unfullfilled. I'm not one of those kids who got some fancy internship and a fat degree in finance with all the perks. Anyway, my question is, how old were you when you started your career aND how did you get in to it? Did it fall on your lap? Or work really hard to get it? I need some kind words or some sort of encouragement. Shit looks bleek at the moment and I'm anxious

Funny you say you're 28.

I was 28 when I made my big move.

I was in my career field, but not in a good place. I did my research, and realized I could make a big move. There was an oppurtunity no one really knew about, and no one every took advantage of.

The guys I worked with were too lazy/set in their ways/etc to make this move. I knew it was risky, but I knew I could recover if it went wrong. I was single, no kids, so I went for it. It worked wonderfully. my first year, I doubled my income. It has been onward and upward since then.

so, to answer your question, it was not easy. i worked very hard. it did not fall in my lap (i worked my ass of to find the oppurtunity, and that was half the battle)

anyway, yes, you can do it. Use you frustration an anxietty as motivation. This world is yours. Take it.

You realise this website has been around for 13 years right?

Thanks old dude. Really. Most my friends are in careers they love and I'm kind of the last one left. Luckily I make enough now to live but I hate my job and have no room to grow. Still looking for career opportunity. I gotta remind myself I'm young sometimes and how much is ahead of me. Thanks again

>How should I deal with someone giving me shit old timer?

I was in my mid 20s. I was skelly mode (6 foot one, 150 lbs).

I had no self esteem.

People gave me shit all the time.

I started boxing (a big step for me, i was terrified to walk into the gym, but you do not grow unless you step outside your comfort zone).

After a while, i felt comfortable in the ring, even with bigger guys.

I was soooooo ready fro someone to give me shit. And guess what? it never happened.

It took me a while to figure out why. It was becvause I had self esteem for the first time in my life. I walked with confidence. And no one gave me shit becuase I guess there were easier targets.

Anyway, I got better at boxing and got way bigger/stronger (i'm now 205) and i have a very friendly demeanor, and no one gives me a hard time.

Also, if someone tries to get a rise out of you, they are not worth your time. ignore them and move on.

go get yours.

make your own opportunity and take it.

You voting for Trump?

Hey OP, I'm 19 and living on my own in an apartment. I moved away because I couldn't really deal with being at home. See, my mother is an alcoholic and a drug addict. She's a criminal too, I couldn't count all the times she's stolen money from me, my little brother, my father, her parents, etc. It's so heart breaking to hear my little brother upset telling me he can't find his tooth fairy money or birthday money that's he's been saving, but I know right where it went. There's so much hatred, anger, frustration, resentment and disappointment that I feel. So many emotions it's hard to process and it makes me angry just looking at her. She said she's trying to change. She's 42 now and I feel like it's almost impossible for someone to change if they've gone through their whole life behaving like that. It becomes them and they become it. Plus, she's apologized and said she'd try harder a million other times. She is doing kind of better, but it is still shady and maybe it's just another phase.

Anyways, what I'm asking is if you have any advice in dealing with this situation. The anger and confusion really make it difficult and I don't want to do something I'll regret. I've told myself if she disappeared tomorrow I wouldn't care, but deep down even with all the bs I know I would. But it's so hard to be forgiving because I just want to lose my shit. How do I sit down and process this and come up with a way of coping or dealing with the situation?


damn dude....

yeah, I moved out when I was 19. Mother was a bit crazy. but not nmearly as bad as yours. I am sorry.

I moved out, got settled, then started working and going to school. it was a long hard slog, but very worth it. Helping my little borther get through school was very rewarding.

You are going to work hard, be successful, and help your little brother. you already know what the keys to success are. do what needs to be done.

Sometimes you need to set goals and put everything you have into achiving them, and do the processing later. after you get secured and are in a place to catch your breath, you will be in a good spot to help your borther and help your mother. she is not an evil person, she just has an evil thing inside her. Once you put some distance between you and her, and have your own life, you will be the rock she needs to get better. You will also set a grand example for your brother.

Have you learned any business lessons? Which part were you involved in? Any good pointers for a guy who want's to start a business, but is too pussy right now (college) to do it?

quit being a pussy.

you need three things:

1) know how to run a biz (might require college)

2) a plan for a biz

3) the balls to go for it

Thanks. But if you are op could you answer the first 2 questions? I would like to know any relevant experiences you might've had instead of the "general don't be a pussy" answer.

How long have you been married? Is fucking your wife still fun?

Also, how do you keep your wife from ballooning up into a hambeast?

woah...exceptionally based...

Yes, sorry.

As I mentioned earlier, I became part owner after the business was up and running and successul. I honestly can not offer much here.

I saved a ton of money and bought as much of the business as I could, and it was a good move.

>How did you find out about our secret club old man
>no parents or Normie's allowed
>This is 4chin a place for serious discussion
>Muh secret club

>have you been married? Is fucking your wife still fun?

almost 5 years now. And yes. No kids, and we have fancy sex furtniture and stuff. we are both Veeky Forums

>Also, how do you keep your wife from ballooning up into a hambeast?

I married a woman who shares my deep disdain for fat people, and my deep love for excersize.

It was a secret club untill reddit/tumblr happened

and it should have remained so, the culture and activities that go on here should stay behind closed doors

Hey op, i'm a junior in highschool and I was wondering if getting a job is worth all of the extra stress? I'm taking 5 IB classes(higher level) and a language + a 2 year long commitment to lifting(or else I wont get an IB diploma). Is it worth?

I suppose you're not one for kids, then?

where do you want to be in two years?

Doing two things half-assedly is a waste of time.

Whole-ass one thing is better.

but if you can whole-ass two things, do so.

I am not.

I have lots of goals I want to hit.

I do not need some stupid baby getting in the way.

Good man

>but if you can whole-ass two things, do so.

This is Veeky Forums advice, buddy, I tell you what. Appreciate the contributions, OP.

biggest mistakes?
and what have you learned from them?

i am still drinnking, so i am not going to retype it, but i think i posted my 5 biggest regrets earlier.

does that help?

have you juiced if so what was your cycle?

what do you do for a living OP?

i once did steriod pills for one month. it was pointless. also, i was just doing iso excersizes.

i did gomad for one month and did super heavy compound lifts. i did a short cut afterwards. Got waaaay more out of that.

if i tell you, it will take you 3 mins of searcghing to find out who i am.

It is not a very common way to make a living.

tell us

generalize for us old man, it'll be fun.
t. EMT

number 4 hits home, having a dog is realy good for you and the kid.
what about your best decisions ?

well, i spent a number of years doing XXXXXXXXX, and I earned a degree in XXXXXX while working there, and this enabled me to apply for a job at XXXXXXXX, which led to a better job at XXXXXXX. then I worked my ass off and got my doctorate while working there, and that enabled me to get a position at XXXXXXX as a XXXXXXX.

and now I made really good money.

I invest about a quarter of my earnings.

What do you do/have you done when it feels like continuing what you're doing and working towards your goals gets harder?
Don't say take a break because family members tried that and it pushed me deeper into a rut.

best decisions:

1) telling my friend to force me to talk to random girls at the bar. the deal was i had to pay him a set amount if i did not do it. this got me over my pointless fear of talking to women.

2) pursuing higher education

3) accepting the fact that i am not the smartest guy in my class/in my workplace/at my gym, and promising myself to be the hardest working instead.

4) getting a dog

5) getting a passport and using it

>What do you do/have you done when it feels like continuing what you're doing and working towards your goals gets harder?

take a step back and reassess. realize that you are probably closer than you think. Smetimes you have a long road ahead. maybe you have a hard 2 year project to get through. just remind yourself that 2 years will come, and it might as well come with you having completed something worthwhile.

picture your life if you don't achieve your goal. now picture your life if you do. If the latter is more deisrable, keep at it.

what fucking degree did you get you mongoloid

I hope I'm as cool as you when I'm 42, OP.

i am really, really sorry for giving you heresy.

you're going to be a fucking legend by the time you're my age.

I don't know how I know that. I just know that.

Awesome thread OP. One of the best I've seen on Veeky Forums desu. Thanks.

It sounds like you've been pretty successful in many of the areas of your life that the younger people on this board aspire to, given that you make good money, are still fit, goal oriented, and have a wife who shares your interests. Surely along the way you've come across people who did not make it, who are still spinning their wheels.

How would you, as an oldfag, define not making it and what traits do people who don't make it have in common?

If you've got feelings for a girl, when do you walk away? This board always preaches going after your goals and not really giving up, but when it comes to girls, it seems the opposite advice is offered, don't invest much effort on one, numbers game etc.

but how do you do it?
I can't initiate conversations with girls.
What do you say?

I'm 36. I've starting lifting, haven't lifted since my 20s. I'm doing the big compound lifts now. Are gains still attainable?

>How would you, as an oldfag, define not making it and what traits do people who don't make it have in common?

Unsuccessful people typically have poor work ethic, and make excuses. they will often make excuses before they begin. I have a coworker who keeps me inspired and whenever i feel like complaining or making excuses I think of him. In his previous career (long ago) he was a militarty man. He was in 2 different special operations units in two different branches. So he made it through near impossible selection and training TWICE. he is successful, and never complains. That is the mentality you need.

Also, you have to judge a man by HIS definition of success. If a guy wants to be a rapper, then being a rapper is his version of success. and when he doesn't make it, I consider him a failure (until he finds a new goal and achieves it)

>If you've got feelings for a girl, when do you walk away? This board always preaches going after your goals and not really giving up, but when it comes to girls, it seems the opposite advice is offered, don't invest much effort on one, numbers game etc.

If achieving a goal depends on my actions alone, then I will achieve it.

If achieving a goal depends on someone else doing something I cannot affect, then it is a toss up. This could mean it depends on another business owner deciding to sell, or a woman deciding to give me a chance.

My rule was 2 attempts to communicate, and then I am done. So 2 unreplied texts, emails, or 2 unreturned phone calls, and I am dropping her. She is either not interested, or is one of those dipshit girls who want to play games. either way, I am not wasting my time.

when you are inexperienced with women, you give them an artificially high value. there are BILLIONS of women on this planet. do not waste the best years of your life pining after one of them.

Just say hello. how are you doing. say it as you walk past. no need to stay and chat.

from there, I moved to making quick small talk (about the bar, the shitty music, they guy who justt got thrown out, whatever).

from there, conversations.

I also forced myself to talk to 3 people a day. 3 strangers. The person in front of me at the coffee shop. The old lady in the grocery aisle. the person walkig out of the gas station as I walked in. Just a "hi" or "hjello" or "how are you". i slowly grew things from there.

Gains are always attainable.


OP sorry, but that doesn't explain anything about what kind of partnership, responsibility, duties, etc.

Thanks man. Coming from an old guy, that really makes me feel like I'm gonna make it.

Thank you for the thoughtful replies user. I'm not in the habit of pining over women. I've become conscious of the fact that beyond the immediate pleasures they can provide I don't really connect with them anymore, and I suspect this is a result of being burned pretty badly in the past and a tendency to drop people pretty quickly when they display shitty behavior. Obviously my question about girls, and when to next was motivated by one in particular. I've felt a real connection and put at ease in a way I hadn't felt in awhile. Due to career/life choices I am not situated to pursue a serious relationship w/ anyone at present, and because I like this girl as a person I haven't pursued the ONS route either. Because of social proximity she will remain in my life to an extent if I so wish for the foreseeable future, even when I am not physically present. I tell myself that in the future, when timing and circumstance are more suitable that I will pursue a serious relationship with her, assuming better opportunities don't present themselves. Is this a faulty line of thinking?

Sorry for blog

>fancy sex furtniture

What do you have? This interests me.