What is wrong with the principle of 1 state 1 people 1 leader? Do we need more than 1 of these things?
Diversity is promoted because people are mad at racists, but there isn't actually a logical basis for it, when you think about it.
What is wrong with the principle of 1 state 1 people 1 leader? Do we need more than 1 of these things?
Diversity is promoted because people are mad at racists, but there isn't actually a logical basis for it, when you think about it.
The logical base comes from the desire to create the most welcoming environment for people of all races and backgrounds. Is that such a bad thing?
no we should all strive to be like sweden
What do you mean by that?
Who decides the successor to the leader? How do you maintain the system? The most virtuous Roman Emperor (Marcus Aurelius) elected his son as his successor, who turned out to be one of the most worthless and wicked of men. That is a sweeping indictment of both elective and hereditary succession.
Europe began to crumble after Universal Suffrage was introduced. The mistake that adherents to the "Dark Enlightenment" make is to confound modern "democracy" (which gives the vote to well-nigh everybody) with pre-20th-century "democracy" (which extended the vote only to a limited number of men who met a property qualification). They use the failure of modern universal-suffrage democracy to set up a false dichotomy between that and absolute tyranny, which is absurd; limited suffrage systems are best.
Just elect someone who's immortal.
>The logical base comes from the desire to create the most welcoming environment for people of all races and backgrounds. Is that such a bad thing?
Yes, because it breaks down social cohesion, "philia". Also, like in Sweden, it turned them from a paradise of with social welfare and strong businesses with a high degree of economic freedom to the rape capital of Europe where the police departments are forced to ignore the fact the majority of their crimes are being committed by brownies. It also means their welfare is being abused. A study was carried out some years ago(and I will look for it, but it's not the only one) where something like 60k immigrants went to Sweden, nearly all of them were put on welfare, and only about 700 got jobs.
All fun and games until you have the wrong person at the top.
Checks and balances in a republic is the ideal.
I don't understand. Wouldn't the morally right thing to do be to ask why someone's mere existence makes you feel unwelcome and go see a psychiatrist, as opposed to instantly assuming that person is to blame for your feelings and that they owe you something?
>Checks and balances in an ordenstaat is the ideal.
Fixed that for you.
Nobody wants your racism here. You only 'know' what you do because you frequent /pol/ and conservative news websites. Reputable news organisations don't make up such stories because their readers aren't a bunch of morons like you. As for your 'breaking down social cohesion' theory, look at the United States. It has huge populations of non-whites and is still the world's only superpower. Find that 'study' and prove that your argument isn't based on a brainless conspiracy you just came up with.
>what is a constitutional dictatorship
I know that you are a troll playing devil's advocate as a leftist because you use the word "non-white."
>by scapegoating whites and removing whites from as many good things as possible
Welcoming of all races.
>Fake news doesn't make up such stories because their readers aren't a bunch of morons like you
Fixed that for you.
>As for your 'breaking down social cohesion' theory, look at the United States. It has huge populations of non-whites and is still the world's only superpower.
Because it has 200+ million whites and a good number of Asians. If we replaced those Asians with blacks, I guarantee we would see an appreciable difference. Now let's look at the USSR's plan to "plant roots" and see how that affected balkanization.
>aggressiveness, cautiousness, impulsivity, self-concept, sociability
How was this measured?
>cultural achievements
Or this?
Diversity is promoted because diversity exists already and there is no practical way of back tracking into a 'one nation, one race' kind of idea. Take Britain, for example. With the failure of the empire thousands of immigrants came to the UK. Many started businesses, sent their children to British schools and assimilated well. The descendants of these immigrants aren't going anywhere, diversity is well entrenched in the social fabric of the nation. You can't remove all those people and pretend diversity can be reversed any more than you can pretend WW2 didn't happen. Sure, you can restrict immigration from now on but at the same time you have to accept, from at least a practical point of view, that the ethnic diversity in western countries cannot be completely removed.
>What is wrong with the principle of 1 state 1 people 1 leader?
Who would be your 'volk'?
It's a problem when 1 leader is absolute retard.
How can you be arguing with a guy that posts that kind of infopic and believes its actually a valid source
but when you have more than 1 at the same time there is disunity
>aggressiveness, cautiousness, impulsivity, self-concept, sociability
Easily measurable through self-evaluation or evaluation by your peers or a professional. Say what you want about psychology but if there's one thing they're good at it's coming up with instruments to measure and describe human traits and behaviour
judging by his pictures I would guess he is of negrito-turkic (turanian) ethnicity
>pretending the sauce isn't in the pic
That is one ugly man, holy shit.
Schlomo, be less obvious.
No its all about making as many distractions as possible so stupid white goyim dont notice jews are trying to kill them. Oh yes goy pay attention to these negros and muslims we imported hehehehe.
Is that why Israel genocides Palestinians because the ethnic make up of a country cant be changed? Just piss off already multicuckturalist.
What does that prove? That there’s more than one of you parasites infesting this board? Hmmm indeed....
>rape capital of Europe
Those statistics are consequence of a definition change put in place by feminists. In fact, comparing rape(or crime in general) data between different countries is useless the majority of times because you don't have a single coherent definition
Ein Volk, Ein Reich I can understand but ein fuhrer is too dangerous. One bad leader and it all goes to shit.
A meme.
The problem is when a country already is more than one people. You can't just genocide or kick out everyone not like you. I mean you CAN, but you really shouldn't because you'll end up getting pariah state status like Israel.
Yeah and they're so popular as a result of it.
>Who decides the successor to the leader? How do you maintain the system? The most virtuous Roman Emperor (Marcus Aurelius) elected his son as his successor, who turned out to be one of the most worthless and wicked of men. That is a sweeping indictment of both elective and hereditary succession.
This. All it takes is one really shitty leader for the entire system to go to hell
If you concentrate all power in one person that one person will only use it to benefit themselves unless forced to do otherwise by the people. One people falls apart once you realize that you could be considered a part of the herd and then exiled the next day to further the needs of the one leader (for instance, if he decided that his new summer villa should go be built over your hovel). When people get fed up with the above they split off and form their own country, which means that there is no longer one state.
Rome had several shitty leaders and it survived for quite a while.
Yeah and the whole civilization had a downturn whenever it happened.
>Sex Characteristics
>Larger, Intermediate, Smaller
The system didn't go to hell though, some idiot made shit decisions or was a lunatic in general but it's quite remarkable how WELL everything was considering who was in charge.
>Doesn't understand the basic difference between multiculturalism and cultural assimilation
You're a fucking retard
It's going to be interesting how politics change once race realism starts being more widely accepted.