/fraud/ roid general
/fraud/ roid general
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where in god's name is everyone
No teu cu
What's a good beginner cycle? Interested but want to go on something low dose/low sides
Already have gyno so i figure fuck it
how young is too young for /fraud/
gonna put my 4 year old son on dat dere juice so he can be chad
Get that gyno taken care of first.
Dbol 50mg/day for 12 weeks
>Price of surgery
>Price of le babby cycle including AI and PCT
Look into raloxifene into reducing gyno. Good beginner cycle is just test e 500mg/week, but make sure to keep up on ai cause you already have gyno.
I got ralox on the way to see if it shrinks significantly before getting chopped up. If it shrinks the procedure will cost less since it means either getting the glandular tissue excised or using a little tiny lypo thing to suck it out. Want to start the cycle after its taken care of i guess.
Been grinding up some herb and garlic marinated chicken breast, going to have some delicious protons tonight.
Aspirated from my hip earlier today. What do? Been limping on it for about a week and a half
Or you could take some amoxicillin if you have a connect.
Is it red, achy, itchy, swollen? Are you feeling feverish?
Kek I a man so tempted to comment "I already have something better"
But also don't want everyone knowing I'm on roids
this is gonna be fun
Mirin the pharma grade
is that pus?
if u have antibiotics on hand i'd take them because that's pretty much all u'll get by going to a doctor.
if not, go to a doctor and get a prescription for antibiotics.
>25mg asin tabs
Rip dick
same here. mostly the pharma grade test.
Jerry always have been the most alpha, without a doubt.
Really remarkable you call me insecure tho, since you're on a ton of drugs because you can't cope with reality when you see your handsome face in the mirror. kek
Oh shit, this ground chicken is amazing by itself. Tenderizing (72 blade hand tool) and marinading with a vacuum sealer overnight just permeates every fiber with the marinade flavor. Man, I want to buy some chuck, marinade with some soy sauce and spices and grill up some burgers.
Pls no
Dedepends? Does it hurt/sore? red?
search on the internet for the signs
not gonna take the fin/accutane if i don't have to, I have a pill splitter for the asin
What does it feel like to be on steroids? Do you just feel stronger? Do weights feel lighter?
no redness. just soreness and pain.i'm limping pretty bad
How many CCs for delts max
Possibly benign inflammation. I would personally do a round of antibiotics either way, for peace of mind.
How common are issues with injection sites?
The user with a possible infection worries me. And people who claim they can see scar tissue if they get lean enough.
And then there are people who pin Tren A erryday. Are these people just reckless or is it really uncommon that you get issues from an IM injection?
My nigga
Hate these kids that complain about plain chicken and rice when it's simple enough to make the gains tasty.
My related question is do you eventually get conditioned to the pip or is it always going to be an uncomfortable 48 hours?
Upon injection last night I really thought it was going to be smooth sailing, alas shit fucking sore and it lines up with leg day.
Side note, maybe it was the 5150 but I think the tbol is kicking in!
There was a really nice quality to my power tonight.
I warmed up as per usual, and bench today was a relax three sets of 4x250 superset with 8x80 dumbbell rows and it just felt so smooth.
Usually my first set of bench feels shit but not this time, just quick perfect contractions, and the rows were a joke, already wondering what do in a couple of weeks since they only go up to 115.
Hey, I've never taken short esters before but I'm about to start in a couple weeks, I know with enanthate type esters its like 4 or 5 weeks til you start to see the changes you've been building, but with the shorter esters, how long til you start seeing your result? 2 weeks ish? If ace and prop only last 3 or 4 days then I'm guessing it wouldn't be that long. Just curious, anyway.
that's the upside and downside to gear. if u don't pay attention to your joints/tendons (body overall) you can end up exploding in strength while the rest of your body's support structure isn't ready for it.
i doubt it'll happen to you since you've been lifting for 3-4 years already, but something to keep in mind.
Got all my lifts preprogrammed for the upcoming month, for example heavy day bench next week is four sets of 4x255, week three is five sets of 4x260 and deload week is meant to be two sets of 4x265.
Regardless of how I'm feeling I'll keep it under 300 throughout and just maybe max my reps on the last set.
But yeah I've heard horror stories of dyels powering up to quick and snapping clavicles, shoulders, elbows, tearing their chest et cetera.
I was almost going to up the dosage of the tbol today since I was impatient of first two days feeling zilch.
I am only using 40mg, but that's fine.
Thinking of using it first 20 days as a booster and then starting around last pin doing 20 days at 60mg a day.
Make sense?
mg asin tabs
>not using pharma ai
Did my 8th pin of test yesterday (250mg E3D) and it's finally kicking in. Had an insane amount of energy in the gym today and had a rock solid erection after my last set of squats. Solid.
>and had a rock solid erection after my last set of squats.
Catch anyone miring?
i'm a dicklet unfortunately so no
I am a TRT patient on my first cycle. Feels pretty good.
Well having a public boner, even a nice juicy one, is sort of inappropriate.
What dosage?
Cycle 250mg sustanon e4d. Trt 250mg test E a week. Yes it is prescribed and monitored.
Daily Skywalker supremacy post
I like this guy
He's 6'4, doesn't spout memes, and admits his steroid use
I'm a few weeks into 2nd cycle. Started out continuing a cut and just switched to bulking, heart beat per minute has gone up from 55 to 75 over a couple of days.
I'm on 500 test 500 eq so I was planning on giving blood in a couple of weeks to reduce rbc anyway. Will try to get a walk in appointment on Thursday instead. Should I also take aspirin or something? Gonna have to step my cardio up a bit .
What happened to the manlet who tried to get taller with GH? Haven't seen him in a while
Ok guys so I started a Tbol only cycle but day 3 and I start getting real bad test suppression, it started getting hard to keep an erection. I've stopped my cycle, I was only on 60mg a day anyway and I'm back up and running at the moment so it's all good.
I still have some tbol left so i'm thinking of running 250 test C so my test levels don't tank then doing a clomid pct for 3 weeks at 150mg a day.
Should I use clomid before my pct to avoid gyno, and will 250 give me strong side effects? Also is clomid ok for a Test/tbol cycle?
Is that actually a thing? Saw some people trying to get taller with peptides and AI.
Veeky Forums, will raising test within normal levels increase my gains?
let's say i go from 240 ng/dl to 800 ng/dl.
can you fucking kill yourself?
He got taller, finally got the height since he had face and frame, and became Chad. He moved on. So should you user. You've been here for way too long. ITS really about important. TIME won't always be on your side. TO really seize the day doesn't occur often. WAKE your senses. UP lift yourself.
Don't think so mate, you need to fucking cut back on the test tho bro.
I know the majority of people who fell for MemeK677 shilling were 18 year olds trying to get taller
But using ai as a natty would crash the shit out of your e2
Does this look like a decent shape up cycle?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> weeks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>test prop
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>hcg only as pct
Not a single sentence in your original post has anything to do with how steroids work in the body. He's asking you nicely to try again and come back... Later. Like a really long time from now. Or just, don't come back. If you died or something.
at 240ng/dl you have levels lower than an average 100 year old man so take a guess
No, they were actually pinning hexa and cjc with AI to avoid fusion. As a fellow 18yr old it is legit interesting
i just don't know. i've been searching around and i just keep seeing shit like "anything in the normal range is about the same for muscle growth".
so, you're saying i'd see a good increase in gains?
>inject 50mg of test today for my new 100mg/week cruise
>it takes like 2 fucking seconds
i guess injecting isn't too bad when you are not pinning like fucking 3ml of oil every time through a 23g
Coq10, niacin, asprin
And then donate too
The most dramatic increase from that sort of adjustment in saw was keeping muscle on a cut
I pin 2ml through a 25g needle, i feel like nice and slow is the way to go.
Just wait for the test to hit. Explode in size. Careful you don't hurt yourself, especially on bench. That fuckes me up.
Try injecting before bed and taking a hot shower after. Some gear hurts more than others. Just the way she goes
Or don't get a dickhead source and find someone with proper oils
Thanks Jerry. I'll start aspirin today and look up the other ones. Is that something I should run temporarily or for the remainder of the cycle?
I'm trying to keep use of ai, serms etc down (not using at all except for 3mg aromasin today).
What I'm essentially asking is if it's likely that i'll get strong sides with a low dosage of Test Cypionate (250mg a week) and should i take clomid while i'm taking test and tbol to avoid estrogen affects of the test.
There's too many variables to always blame the source. Ive been using this same test for a few months cruise. One day it hurts like a fucking rubber bullet. No reason why. Also virgin muscles will hurt for a while. I know because im back on eod and cycling delts for the first time hurts like a bitch
I run those all the time as part of my normal supplement routine
That's smart, but these have less sides than literal anti-cancer meds lol
>new brew gives quad pip
>pin chest, shake a but because I chose an awkward angle
>no pip
Maybe I went too deep and injected into my lung
>Maybe I went too deep and injected into my lung
Thats one way to get tren cough
what about just building muscle while on a clean bulk. will i stall less, be able to stay on a beginner routine for longer?
why are all these anons using tbol?
meme compound on the month
babbys first cycles and they're scared of dbol titties
It'll be better, but not crazy
Probably some post on reddit
Atleast they've shut up about mk667
hey guys, low test master race here, like, crazy low.. anyways, currently on trt from doc, about to get my dose bumped up to something reasonable, hopefully 150 ew. what can I run with it to maximize my potential that wont fuck me on bloodwork? mast maybe?
How frequent is your blood work? I used to drop down 2-3 weeks early so I'd have normal bloods then pin more right after
blood draw tomorrow morning, but probably every 3 months afterwards, not sure i want to ad too much more test, i was thinking 250ew as a safe cruise, would adding mast help make low key gains?
Cheap, no bloat, decent gains, harder to detect so its good for competitive sports.
not really
what exactly do you get tested for when you get your bloods done at your doc?
Maybe an oral
I doubt they're checking liver values
>harder to detect so its good for competitive sports
free+total test, psa serum, hct, comprehensive metabolic panel. Ive made great (relatively, as a natty) before I started trt, so would I be wrong to think that working with 250mg ew would just make them get slightly better/ faster? also, would you worry about sides on 250 ew?
comprehensive metabolic panel = liver function so no orals either
>so would I be wrong to think that working with 250mg ew would just make them get slightly better/ faster?
they would be better/faster
>also, would you worry about sides on 250 ew?
not really especially considering you'll be getting regular bloods anyway
> It'll be better, but not crazy
thanks. any idea what i should say to get my doc to prescribe me testosterone injections? of course i'll take the bloodwork in with me, but anything else?
i know i can just get the test in less legal ways, but i'd like to try the normal way first.
so basically my safest bet is to up myself to 250ew, prescribed test C for what its worth. what would you do in my position? maybe ad s4 or a different sarm? what would tren do to my liver out of curiosity?
>what would tren do to my liver out of curiosity?
so maybe should I play with some tren?
Just tell them low test symptoms.
They'll call you depressed and not prescribe test, so you should just self medicate
that's pus.
you have a bacterial infection, bacteria growing inside of you, and not a "benign inflammation".
the soreness and pain is due to the inflammation caused by the fact that bacteria is eating away at your tissue, and releasing inflammation-inducing metabolites.
you need IV broad-spectrum antibiotics as soon as possible, because it is only a matter of time until the bacteria travels from the local infection area to the bloodstream and the rest of the body.
the resulting immune system reaction (sepsis) is a life-threatening condition.
also, the pus is most likely residing in a cyst - and it will have to be opened and drained.
>you need IV broad-spectrum antibiotics as soon as possible, because it is only a matter of time until the bacteria travels from the local infection area to the bloodstream and the rest of the body.
>the resulting immune system reaction (sepsis) is a life-threatening condition.
I-I don't want to do steroids anymore
You test negative after 5 days at the latest, there was a reason it was used by the east Germans to cheat at the Olympics.
interview went well
it was just the way you phrased it. also 5 days might have been the detection time 40 years ago, not anymore. they have better tests now and rested athletes from the last olympics and tons of people got popped for tbol and other stuff
12 weeks... Enjoy your yellow tan