This is my vegetarian




whaddup with that skin.

Y he look like torilla??????

Not enuff protons

And half you fuckers could only dream of having a body like this, zits or not I'm fucking proud, you wanna know why? because I treat myself with respect and I don't attack other people for how their body look's because god damn it I know that we are all human.

And most of the people out their they didn't stuff their body full of poisons. they didn't stuff their body full of products that will completely destroy the way they look. they just weren't born with the right genes.

sorry bout your arm insertions
and your skin
and your hair
and your chest

why does this faget look like onison?

They weren't lucky like me, who has a family of strapping and amazingly muscular men. I was lucky, I'm a computer nerd and somehow I have all this.


ur wife fucked ur gf

So to all the assholes who said "ew gross body"

Fuck you.


honestly, is there anything OP can do to get rid of that horrific malady on his skin?

Could a tan help?

your probably TWICE as fat. Twice as unfit. As I have ever been.


so when you hate on others take a look into the mirror first because it's not me you hate, it's you.

Is that small pox

Skellington stop spooking peopl plz

why this dudes skin look like you inverted the night sky

I've never laughed harder at onisicuck, thank you so much for this.

With that being said, when you sit down and have those little fat roles, girls. I know a lot of women have this insecurity but, YOUR NOT FAT.

that's normal m'kay.

Lol onision looks better than most of fit


you probably have a beautiful stomach. And if your boyfriend doesn't already tell you that, tell him to step up and start calling you beautiful because you should be in his eye
Be sure to look for me on tinder btw.

Sadly he never grew out of the emo scene lol so randumb omg squee emotional outburst for no reason mentality