Which country has the healthiest and most gainsy day to day cuisine?
Which country has the healthiest and most gainsy day to day cuisine?
Honestly Afghanistan
>naan bread
Those are your staple meals right there and all the other shit they make is extra delicious goodness like mantu or lawang. Its just a shame the foods really oily and unhealthy.
.t towel head
I think he's right tho.
On the other side, indian cuisine (if meat is allowed) and whatever country makes stews and uses beans.
.t dot head
naan bread is not good for gains man
most mediterranean cultures
>Karjalanpiirakka (rye, loaded with eggs and butter)
>Sea buckthorn
>Lots of Pork
>kylmäsavustettu lohi (Baltic Salmon)
>Winter chanterelles and other mushrooms
>Various oat porridges
>Terva (pine tar)
>Kaalikääryleet (cabbage rolls)
>Mämmi (all the fiber you will ever need)
day to day gainsiest?
probably fucking ameriburgers m8
The problem is many countries do not eat enough portions to get them sweet gains, or do you mean just a meal from that cuisine?
Because peruvians don't exactly eat chicken every day but they do have meals from that.
Not to mention poor people have a very differnt "average meal" than rich people
Russia is good for this
Tex Mex before fast food influence t b h
Its not the healthiest but overall the cuisine is bodybuilder friendly as fuck, i was actually watching a video about afghanistans underground bbing scene and its crazy they have golds gyms with 50 cal rounds pierced through the walls and theyre all packed as fuck with people like a nightmare but you have to give them credit for having that type of dedication in a fucking war zone especially when the taliban forbids shit like that
Theyre wrong tho.
Theres a reason why every samoan youve ever seen is massive, they probably eat the freshest fish
I'd say Mediterranean diet is definitely the healthiest (definitely recommended by many cardiologists/drs), and has potential to be the most "gainsy" because of meat/fish/nuts/etc
Ever since I spent time on /int/ I've really wanted to try Mämmi
It's good. A little bitter if my iso is the standard.
You got a link?
You don't
pork is basically haram if you want lean gains, anything with chicken or lean beef? Fish is good its Finland you should have some fish.
>olive oil for those omega 3 acids
>lots of healthy and delicious fruits
I don't even live in a mediterranean country but I just fucking love the food.
Butter > faggot oils
Fight me
Saw a BBC documentary about this one time.
Iceland is the healthiest country.
Marshall islands was the least healthy.
Is cuisine from countries that eat wheat Veeky Forums? I don't have celiac disease or a gluten intolerance, but I want to eat healthier (not just cal in vs out). Should I be eating bread, and what types should I buy/avoid? I've also heard that wheat increases estrogen production, is there any truth to this?
Arab here. You forgot
>shitloads of horrible vegetable oils in everything
>refined grains at every opportunity
>the sweetest deserts out of any cusine
>minimal vegetables
>ridiculous portion sizes
My vote goes to the Mediterranean
No Nordic food is bland as fuck because you dumb snow savages had to preserve everything in winter with zero flavor
Mediterranean is way better
probably the area around turin in Italy
they're known for hearty meat dishes
t. american
Yeah but Americanized Italian food is way better
Have you ever had Italian pizza? It fucking sucks dick
you have a fetish for cheap unhealthy foods, to the degree that the thing most synonymous with americans along with "stupidity" is "obesity".
there's a reason why many nations from the mediterranean came to be superpowers of antiquity - all their food was high test as fuck - spaniards, greeks (macedonians, athenians, spartans, epiurotes), romans, and to some extent northern africans and persians
the mediterranean diet is great for you and a lot of it can be found with cheap substitutes
Some milk and little bit of sugar with it, DELICIOUS
no it's flavourful instead of just stodgy and greasy
if you go to Italy the food is unbelievable
the carbonara is to die for
Motherfucker we have any food we want in the world, cooked better and cheaper than your local inbreds can make
>hurr durr Americans are le fat and dumb
Lol stay insecure my impoverished manlet friend. We American care about the opinions of foreigners as much as the Romans cared about the opinions of the dirty barbarians who cursed them outside of the gates. It not only feels to be good on top, it feels to be good on top and give so little shits about you that we often forget you exist.
Swedish husmanskost (house man food). The sausage is little light on proteins tho
>Swedish food
Was that certified halal and grown by transgendered farmers? I find it offensive if not
you ARE aware of what those barbarians did to rome once they got fat and decadent right?
japanese and samoan
every ripped jap you see is shredded and most of them have a long life span like FUUUUUAAAARK
Samoans on the other hand can get bigger than a powerlifter while being natty and an average samoan can prolly outlift 90% of you fags here
The Muslims will get you before you get us
Turkish people eat quite healthy cuisine, lamb and fish mostly. They dont use yeast in their bread either. They use olive oils and natural oils in their cooking.
i just hope you dont take the rest of the western world down with you.
you do realise we are the same culture right... except for our free healthcare and education and your war crimes and fast food ads , there is no difference between our two countries. america is a cultural colony of western europe and we are the inheritors of roman and greek civilisation .
We were your castaways
The dregs of your society who turned around and dominated the former masters
god damn that looks good
Burgers are excessive, there's no point in arguing with them, especially with attention-hungry faggots.
>American education
Japanese food is not healthy, they have a lot of structural problems because of their food...
Well, technically speaking pic related would matter a lot.
If you could add in meat quality to it, that would be the second step
Yes remain silent and submissive
Learn your place before your superiors fool
>Jewish stars on flag
Antisemitism is an indicator of low intelligence :^)
That's not an argument or a refutation
Just a repost of a tired phrase
Come up with an original thought for once in your life
hahaha, thats the lie you are told, you left for a place to practice your crazy puritanical religion. exterminated the locals , stole the land, fought amongst yourselves over the issue of slavery, invaded your neighbours (got your asses kicked by the canadians) and then war profiteered your way to the top of the shit heap by funding both sides of the ww1 argument.
in ww2 you hired european scientists to develop a weapon of such power that your government basically shit themselves and developed into a special interests oligarchy determined to gradually reduce civil liberties and living standard on the down-low
this brings us back to food.
to provide the illusion of the choice you are given hundreds of ice cream flavors in the hopes you dont realise you dont have any choice in political leadership , you get to choose between the center right and the far right. which basically means you are fucked because you cant change and so will stagnate and die.
you've been a bunch of violent opportunists since the start, now its all food food war war...see you had the talent to become a good fighter , but instead of that you became a leg breaker for a two bit loan shark, its a waste of life.
Wow is this what foreign idiots really think? No wonder were on top lmao.
>exterminated the locals
We were following in the footsteps of the Europeans unfortunately. They started the tradition with Columbus and after we kicked them off the continent they continued in Africa and Asia on a much larger scale.
>fought among yourselves
Most nations have had civil wars sometime in the last 200 years
>invaded your neighbors
Canada was a British puppet at the time. Nothing wrong with killing imperialist scum. Trust me, all the oppressed nations of the empire in those days breathed a sigh of relief with every red coat we sent to hell.
>lost to Canada
Yeah unfortunately European imperialism won another tragic war against a poor nation (USA was far poorer at the time).
>funded both sides of WW1
Literally nothing wrong with that.
Did Germany and Austria have the sprawling colonial empires that killed and oppressed untold millions the world over or was that Britian and France and Belgium. Russia too was straight feudal at the time with serfs who lived like slaves.
There were no "good guys" in WW1, it was a war of pig headed European imperialists doing what they do best. Slaughtering each other over tiny scraps of land. Why shouldn't we at least profit?
>hired European scientists
Yeah no shit. Smart people the world over come here because we offer them far more than the dumb nationalists back home can. This has always been the case.
>your government basically shit themselves and developed into a special interests oligarchy determined to gradually reduce civil liberties and living standard on the down-low
Uh no, that's not how events unfolded at all. This is conspiracy theory level at best and honestly sounds like something a 16 year old redditor would think is the "hidden truth". Anyone with a triple digit IQ could tell you that there were countless factors that went into the socio political development of the West after WW2
>and this brings us too food
No it doesn't. None of those ideas formed a coherent train of thought to the subject of food. I won't read what you have said about it until you can form a coherent thesis leading to your main topic of food instead of regurgitating the typical low IQ foreign tripe in a disjointed manner like a raving lunatic.
Anyone intelligent would be able to do this, but I'm guessing if they are smart they already left whatever shithole you hail from to live here instead
>center right vs far right
>bad choices
>wak up man! We like totally need a socialist party who'll lead us to state capitalism
Lol, there we go you're just a leftist cuck who's frustrated that the US doesn't want to be cucked with you
Here's your meme.
why are americans such cucks ?
Good goyim!
Overthrow the evil privileged capitalists!
What's your point?
You could swap the jew face by Hillary's.
t. Northern yuro*
>g-guys l-look it's me again your favorite tripcode poster
>guys i-i'm making jokes and being funny haha good old Veeky Forums hahaha guys right hahaha right
>y-you do remember me right i'm on here for hours every day and always use my tripcode
>g-guys please acknowledge my existence
>g-guys please acknowledge my existence
good job doing that, stupid.
Your opinions are shit. Mediterranean food is disgusting
the sausage macros sucks tb h famalam.... taste good tho