Which country has more right to claim Rome legacy?
Which country has more right to claim Rome legacy?
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Russia. Romans are Arabs and Greeks are Turks.
Which ever state makes such a claim and enforces it militarily before all other contenders
>Romans are Arabs
What did he mean by this?
Greece probably.
neither of those countries are Turkey
You mean Roman empire? Literally no country has a claim on that.
Even if Ottoman or Russian empires had a claim to call themselves Roman, that claim evaporated with the monarchy.
Probably none of them.
But because I'm a nostalgic old fuck, Italy.
And Russians are Mongols.
This, Italy still hold Rome while Istanbul isn't even belong to Greece.
Italy does, but if Greece still controlled even small parts of Anatolia and Istanbul I would say Greece.
Greece, then Russia. No Italy.
The Vatican City
The country where Rome is currently located in.
Neither have any
Hol up, you be saying we wuz 3rd Golden Horde Rome.
The US of A of course
Unironically this
Arabs are a pretty beautiful people
Yeah, what about Turkey?
The entire western civilization has Rome Legacy.
/pol/ thinks its about race, but that's just plain bullshit.
There was no such thing as a Roman race, they were a mixture between osco-umbrians, greek colonies in the south (magna grecia) and etruscans.
Spain or France
The Empire of Rome, the city and the peoples at the helm of a Princeps is Italian. It's legitimacy was rooted in the consenting investment of power from the Romans unto the Caesar. Those people are still living and inhabiting the limes.
The Empire of Byzantium, belonging wholly to it's Dominus and not to a peoples, has no claim to it's legitimacy other than bloodline. Anyone can be such.
>On 8 October 1912, during the First Balkan War, Lemnos became part of Greece. The Greek navy under Rear Admiral Pavlos Kountouriotis took it over without any casualties from the occupying Turkish Ottoman garrison, who were returned to Anatolia. Peter Charanis, born on the island in 1908 and later a professor of Byzantine history at Rutgers University recounts when the island was occupied and Greek soldiers were sent to the villages and stationed themselves in the public squares. Some of the children ran to see what Greek soldiers looked like. ‘‘What are you looking at?’’ one of them asked. ‘‘At Hellenes,’’ the children replied. ‘‘Are you not Hellenes yourselves?’’ a soldier retorted. ‘‘No, we are Romans."[18]
Why don't they just fug and make a new one?
No country does.
Modern Italians are genetically the same as Romans and culturally almost the same. So, I'd have to go with Italy.
Fuck off, m*tts
Spain is the only worthy succesor, culturally followed by Italy and military followered by France
probably germanic too
He claims that most modern italians and inhabitans of rome are arab rapebabies
the USA is neither roman, nor an empire
Their pre-christian chagrin was inherited by them
the US is the biggest and most powerful empire in human history
The Russian Federation is the successor state of the Mongol Empire.
the bolsheviks in fact modeled their army on the mongol horde, they even adopted mongol inspired hats for the army after all
>no claim to Rome
Guess the Roman republic wasn’t Rome then.
>Empire fags
Republic was the best Rome and you know it.
Romans never saw themselves as an empire, either, they made no distinction between Republic and principate, they always just referred to themselves as SPQR
The Vatican, since it houses an actual remnant of the Roman central government which survived the collapse of the migration era, and to this day is a continent straddling superstate with over a billion adherents.
People in our age of nation-states often don’t appreciate just how intertwined religion was with the Roman state, how you paid your taxes as an offering to Jupiter, or got your trade license at the temple of Vulcan or whichever god was the patron deity of your craft. The Catholic Church is a continuation of that all encompassing tradition and has a far more legitimate claim than some medieval Greek rump state which doesn’t even exist any more
Did anyone say Spain
Rome really was something special
I mean, we're discussing who the inheritors are thousands of years later
Greeks, Germans, Turks, French etc all LARPing as Romans for half the middle ages as well
Everyone LARPs as Roman, but the Romans LARP as Trojans.
in paper: spain,russia,romania and france
in reality,no country in today's world really has any claim to that people
>controls every major world ocean
>Massive continental empire spanning from Atlantic to Pacific
>Overseas territories across the globe
>Military occupies 2 of the top 4 GDP nations
>Center of the world's financial system
>Culturally dominates the world
>Calls the highest legislative body the Senate
>Latin slogans
>Famous road network
>Idolizes military service
>Military service gets you citizenship
>Punic wars analogous to WWII and Cold War
>Power slowly transferring to single office due to fickle mobs
>Capital even looks like Rome
Of course they're not exactly the same but they are by far the closest thing we have to Rome today.
Because Rome is gone, simple as that.
If Roman Empire still exists like China, you won't have chance to do that.
Well unless you have civil wars which make them divided.
>China still exists
god tier bait
>China doesn't exist
goat tier bait
>mongolian hats
Sure thing Äänäl
oh wow you were actually serious hahahahaha
I hate people this stupid
every county is an empire by retard logic like this
La creatura...
fuck off nigel go build your empire in africa while big guys fight each other in europe will ya?
RUmania aka gypsy realm? no thanks
There is no objective "right" to declaring yourself whatever you want. Who says the Romans had the right to claim the Roman legacy after each generation
They're not though. Less than 4% of ethnic Italians have North African/Moorish heritage. Why does this meme persist
um no sweetie ROME was a multicultural EMPIRE that even had non italic emperors
This guy gets it
Technically this, any clay that was conquered by Rome and Latinized has the potential to claim the title of Rome's successor. Though I would ask North African contenders to relinquish Islam first.
You mean Finland
Hasn't inbreeding been like a prevalent issue in most middle eastern countries for like 1000 years now?
yeah something like 61% of Saudi Arabians are inbred, ie. cousin marriages
t. Turd
This guy is right
The best emperor was Spanish. Get rekt italian faggot
Wow...i didn't know that Augustus was Spaniard
None. Rome fell, thats it.
not all arabs/middle easterns are brown, infact most I met were white, most brown arabs are towards Saudi/Yemen,
source: lived in middle east (specifically Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Israel, Iran)
>Rome fell
How? Just visited it last year.
Russia is the successor of Byzantine
Which in turn is the successor of Roman
>Russia is the successor of Byzantine
I know this might be bait or irony but the "Byzantine" empire was a direct political continuation of the Roman Empire with an unbroken line of rulers. The "Byzantine" empire was also a huge chunk of the the Classical Roman Empire. The Greek language was a language of prestige in the Roman Empire.
Russia was its own thing way before the Byzantines fell. So no.
>but Orthodoxy and the Russian ruler married Byzantine royalty
Other countries were orthodox at that time and that dynasty hasn't been in power in Russia since 1917 anyway. Even the post-1613 Romanovs could be considered something to distant for that.
Russia is just Russia.
>bunch of steppe niggers ruled by a kraut dynasty which they ultimately killed off
Neither of these countries is Albania
I haven't seen banter this silly, fun, and mild in all my years of shitposting.
It is also an issue in Central Asia and Pakistan, especially in rural areas. Additionally, most of those marriages are between older male family members and their nieces/muh younger cousins.
This. I'm half Syrian half Lebanese and I don't have brown skin. I do have the same facial features as brown Arabs. My skin is a very pasty/pale olive tone
>later determined to be a hoax
what are you doing?