Post interesting, based, funny, or poignant last words from Veeky Forumstory
>"Vae, puto deus fio"
>"Dear me, I think I'm becoming a god"
Post interesting, based, funny, or poignant last words from Veeky Forumstory
>"Vae, puto deus fio"
>"Dear me, I think I'm becoming a god"
Other urls found in this thread:
>"Fuck, I've been shot." MLK
>"Trump will carry on my legacy" Hitler 2017
>"This heroine is shit. I don't fell anything." Carrie Fisher
>"What are you going to do,stab me?" Julius Caesar
>"Nigga, are you going hiking ?" Trotsky
Merry Christmas OP
>"I wasted my time conquering shitholes when I could've stayed in Athens banging boipucci" Alexander the Great
Sorry Op. At least there were some keks.
>Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees.[82]
> —Stonewall Jackson, last words
>"Shieeeeeeet" Cleopatra
>"Where is my Christmas present?" Ceausescu
>"Not all muslims" Gandhi
>"Oopsy-daisy" Custer
>" Man, fuck those sparrows." Mao
what you are, I was; what I am, you will be.
>"Help, I've fallen and I can't get up" Stalin
>" Is that woman renovating the roof?" Phyrrus
>"What the fuck, man" Rasputin
>I must unite the Russian people under one graveyard
Gregory "Bossfront" Zhukov
>"I'm sure this Hitler fellow and his nationalist socialists will bring prosperity to Germany" Paul von Hindenburg
>"Grblllllblblblblllllllllllll." Li Bai
I'm pretty sure I read that Bismarck was so senile that during the NDSAP parade past his window he told one of his adjutants "I didn't know we took so many Russian prisoners"
"Oh wretched Virtue, thou art but a name, but I worshipped thee as real indeed. Now it seems I were but Fortune's slave."
>"shoot straight ya bastards don't make a mess of it" - Breaker Morant in front of the firing squad
>"Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something!"
-Pancho Villa.
>Isn't it true that we weren't cowards at Sedan?
Remember, we wuz kangz. We black people must unite against the white supremacy 'n shit.
> "Josephine..."
>Honor and reputation
>Honor and reputation
>Honor and reputation
>Honor and reputation
>"we're moving the embassy to Jerusalem"
>Give me back my legions
>"Nothing like a little drive to clear my head"
hijo de puto
I laughed
>Slay my womb!
Nero’s Mom, after failing multiple times to make her death look like an accident, just said fuck it and had her stabbed.
>What an artist dies with me!
Nero himself, who was known to make bureaucrats sit and listen to his new set while they were trying to discuss provincial tax policy. He was known for using praetorians to round up high society and force them to sit and listen to his shitty concerts for hours on end, to the point where some would feign deathly illness trying to get out of it.
Let me give you a (you)
>let me tell you what parts of the world are white
J. Christopher Stevens
what are ya go an do, stab me?
>In sorrow we must go, but not in despair. Behold! We are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory. Farewell!
what? who?
>"Dad, lemme in!"
-Jesus Christ
the man the myth the legend himself
>"Its nice to go for a long drive through the city every once and awhile, to clear my head."
>John Fitzgerald Kennedy
I like George Washington’s. They show how much of a badass he was IMO.
>”Tis well”
was just about to post this
>"Let us relieve the Romans from the anxiety they have so long experienced, since they think it tries their patience too much to wait for an old man's death".
'Fine, have iraq, i didnt even want it anyway' saddam hussein
>Time to fake my death. But first, a quick shit.
>I can't believe they replaced me with mike myers
>Hahaha, these Norman archers can't aim for shi-
Harold II Godwinson
>Captain, I highly doubt that this is what photo cameras look like
Nicholas II
>My mom sucks big fat dicks
Louis XVII
>What a shitty play, I wish I couldn't even think of being here
Abraham Lincoln
>sad music plays
>"Otto... There's good in him. I know... I know there's still..."
>Go ahead kid, give me your best shot. - Houdini
Tell AP Hill he must come up...
He was so senile that he thought Hitler was Wilhelm and kept calling him "Your Imperial Majesty."
"Livia hasn't eaten any of these figs..." - Augustus.
>"The old world will burn in the fires of industry. The forests will fall. A new order will rise. We will drive the machinery of war with the sword and the spear and the iron fist of the German. We have only to remove those who oppose us."
-Prince Wilhelm
Bismarck died before even WW1, what are you guys talking about
Probably reddit humor
shot by a Hindu extremist, not Muslim
>That Arminius is a really cool guy.
I was talking about Hindenburg. I think it's clear that the other guy was too.
>"Ivan, why are you standing on my oxygen cords?" Leonid Brezhnev
You are wrong.
He called him "Holy Father"
yeah just like the sikhs huh? bro tier my ass
"Next break I gotta take a piss" - Lincoln
>pic related
When Napoleon was defeated, dethroned, and exiled for the second time in the summer of 1815, Ney was arrested on 3 August 1815. After a court-martial decided in November that it did not have jurisdiction, he was tried on 4 December 1815 for treason by the Chamber of Peers. In order to save Ney's life, his lawyer Dupin declared that Ney was now Prussian and could not be judged by a French court for treason as Ney's hometown of Sarrelouis had been annexed by Prussia according to the Treaty of Paris of 1815. Ney ruined his lawyer's effort by interrupting him and stating: "Je suis Français et je resterai Français!" (I am French and I will remain French). On 6 December 1815, he was condemned, and on 7 December 1815 he was executed by firing squad in Paris near the Luxembourg Garden. He refused to wear a blindfold and was allowed the right to give the order to fire, reportedly saying:
>Soldiers, when I give the command to fire, fire straight at my heart. Wait for the order. It will be my last to you. I protest against my condemnation. I have fought a hundred battles for France, and not one against her ... Soldiers, fire!
He was a brave idiot but man it's hard not to respect his death. He legitimately would rather die than be considered anything but French.
then why did you say Bismarck?
>years later germaboos will claim anyone east of the Mosselle proudly identified as German until the bad French colonialist forced them to turn French
Daily reminder that the Natural Border of France is the Rhin.
>Kurt Russel will be the next star
>"Hey honey, watch how hard I can hold my breath"
*Head explodes
"Thank you for this great honor" -Lucius Aelius Seianus
After Tiberius had a messenger read a letter to the senate with orders to elevate Sejanus to tribune but before the end of the letter announced it was a prank and that he be immediately executed.
I noticed user.
thread absolutely destroyed by normies. my sympathies OP
>Snakes, why did it have to be snakes?
This actually happened? sauce?
>These seats are awful I can't see a damn thing, can this day get any worse?
>"More weight"
t. William Howard Taft