The debate is this: Argue which country did blacks suffer more in, the USA or South Africa.
Which country was harsher towards blacks? South Africa or the USA?
Other urls found in this thread:
South Africa, they attempted to move their black population into designated areas and grant those areas independance; unsurprisingly, they were the shittier areas of the country
There was also the fact it was a minor white population trying to keep control over a majority black population, with the opposite being true for the US
as bad as apartheid was, I don't think you can argue blacks suffered more in SA.
In the USA, MILLIONS of blacks died because of slavery.
Let's not forget about the tens of thousands of lynchings that occurred on innocent blacks during the Jim Crow era.
Most of the black ppl who died by the hands of the apartheid government were shot by police during protests and it was usually black police officers.
also, if there's any silver lining to apartheid, they did build the world's largest hospital for blacks with the highest quality healthcare. There was a reason why millions of blacks from other african countries immigrated to apartheid south africa
I didn't realise we're including slavery
I thought it'd be apartheid times as they were most comparable
>Argue which country did blacks suffer more in
The Congo
Read a fucking book
America, we all know it, but this thread will still get swarmed by a horde of damage controlling Yanks.
It's comparing apples to oranges desu, the who had it worse game is weird when the common thread was black subordination by a white class.
Leopold II's Wild Ride
Wasn't South Africa largely uninhabited when the Europeans showed up? If the Africans came to them to be treated like shit, weren't they asking for it?
People will always suffer more at home base. You cannot compare treatment of blacks in South Africa with treatment of blacks in America. South Africa is home turf. That means it’s full eradication. There treatment is in line with those of Native Americans.
>South Africa is home turf
Bantus and the Dutch started to move into those areas around the same time.
Bantus were already south of the Limpopo river ages before any European arrived. However, Europeans were in the general Cape Town area before Bantus.
Did SA had anything as bad as Tulsa race riot?
often times ppl say Jim Crow was only limited to certain states while apartheid applied to the entirety of south africa but that point is irrelevant given the fact that most black Americans lived in those Jim Crow states.
>despite about 4 million were bought here
literal WE wuz holocausted tier
you sound confused.
im sensing a tiny-dicked white nationalist from /pol/
Millions of niggers died due to slave boat conditions, the amerikangs lynched was under 3000 compared to their almost 1 million murder count of their own since the end of slavery.
Too bad not all of them died.
Loaded question
checked and according to the other guy:
>b*acks killings b*acks is okay
>largely uninhabited
A consistent myth told largely by people with no understanding of South African demographics or geography.
Yes, Western South Africa and the Cape region had a much smaller population compared to many other regions in Africa. Taking this as a sign of South Africa being "uninhabited", however, is historically illiterate.
Khoikhoi and what the Dutch would call Hottentots lived in the region for centuries before European arrival. Vasco de Gama recorded Khoikhoi pastoralists living and trading in the region, and even went as far as to start (and lose) a war in 1510 with the native Khoikhoi. Rainfall and vegetation makes larger-scale farming and sedentary societies somewhat difficult in the Cape, limiting the spread of Nguni-speaking peoples into the western part of the country.
As for Eastern South Africa, any claim that the "Bantu" suddenly appeared after the arrival of the Dutch has no basis in fact whatsoever. It's a fairytale peddled by the HNP so they could masturbate about being voortrekkers on the wild frontier just like Oupa. Even the nomenclature of "Bantu" is about as useful and accurate as using the phrases "Indo-Aryan" or "Germanic" on everyday government paperwork. Eastern South Africa had a long and extensive history of settlement by Xhosa, Swazis, Zulus, Hlubis, Ndebele, and others. The Battle of Blood River should be enough to demonstrate why "the Bantu" took issue with Dutch settlement in the Transvaal and Orange River Valley:
The Khoikhoi don't identify as black though. Bantu blacks and Khoikhoi are two racially distinct peoples.
Also, while it's true the Bantu tribes were in South Africa long before Europeans, it's also true that they were not the first ones. They took land from the Khoikhoi and drove them westward.
>tens of thousands
More like 8000. In a period of something like 60-80 years.
This year, there will probably be something like 36000 white women raped by black people. There will probably be 500-600 black people murdering black people in the city of Chicago alone.
It's even more fucked up because we've gotten so good at trauma care, since Vietnam, that 4/5ths of, what would be, murders are turned into mere "Aggravated Assaults".
The Khoikhoi and Xhosa had been mixing along the Eastern Cape for quite some time.
Hell even the Khoikhoi themselves are an amalgamation of South African, Central Africans and East Africans who pushed out other click speakers (the idea that khoisan are lingusitically, culturally or genetically is an outdated and frankly stupid notion)
Don't forget that 3/4ths of black families are headed by single mothers. 90% of criminals, in general, come from single mother households.
They'd rather play the game of doing jack shit and whining how white daddy don't rain manna from the sky as opposed to turning their communities into sane ones. In all fairness, welfare has turned into government sanctioned dysgenics. Had a baby with Tyrone who's now in prison? Don't worry, we'll pay for you to live and raise his baby while we use him as free prison labor.
To illustrate, lets bring up Chicago last year.
765 murders, 15,815 aggravated assaults
Without advancements in trauma care, since Vietnam, you'd have 3060 more murders and, consequently, 3060 less aggravated assaults.
And of course last year, in that city alone, 15000ish rapes. Surprise me with the ethnicity that makes up 70-80% of the perpetrators.
>the idea that khoisan are lingusitically, culturally or genetically is an outdated and frankly stupid notion
Hahaha. You don't even need to do a genetic test to know they're different from Bantu blacks. Anyone who's not blind can see they have much lighter skin, are of shorter stature, and have distinct facial structures with Asiatic-looking features.
I'm quite positive you're a Bantu or a black American who doesn't want to face the reality that the history between the Khoikhoi and Bantu isn't so peachy. I've met Khoi people myself and they don't identify as black.
So maybe if the government hadnt introduced heroin and crack into black communities in a deliberate counterintellegence effort to try and defuse black nationalism they wouldnt be so fucked
good posts.
Look at the genetic tests, the notion that Khoisan are one people is false.
There are many clans amongst the Xhosa who descend largely from Khoikhoi, there are no Khoikhoi who are "pure" because Khoikhoi were never a genetically homogenous people.
I'm habesha, I'm just not stupid such as yourself. Do more reading and less trolling.
Probably deserves its own thread but since there are South Africans on here: Is Israel an apartheid state?
>More like 8000. In a period of something like 60-80 years.
I thought it was much, much lower than that (after, of course, in my youth thinking that it was much, much higher).
You'd probably get mostly agenda-driven replies from a generation wishing to distance themselves from their grandfathers and the earlier political system.
I'd be curious to see the responses (maybe on /int/ if put correctly). But ultimately, just get ejumucated & decide for yourself and come to the correct conclusion ("no").
Reminder that blacks hanging other blacks were attributed to whites by default. All hangings were also assumed to be unjust. It's non-sense
San AFAIK are completely different from the Khois in culture diet and history
>The Khoikhoi and Xhosa had been mixing along the Eastern Cape for quite some time.
Mandela is the most blatant example
>Millions died to slavery
>Tens of thousands lynched
>Zero evidence
The western/central cape area was not uninhabited, but it was unsettled. Both the Khoi and San peoples who inhabited that area were nomadic, thus it's correct to say that the Boers were the first to settle the area.
San is not a genetically or culturally united entity.
That inaccurate. Populations regularly attended and lived in areas on an annual basis and thus those lands were settled just not 365 days a year.
But if someone has a summer house they visit 3 months a year it's still their summer house
What percentage of black South Africans today have Khoisan ancestry?
I find this thread interesting considering ppl are claiming the Khoisan are not genetically distinct from other populations when the whole reason they're of interest to evolutionary biologists is because they fucking carry the oldest y DNa and mitochondrial haplogroups in the entire world